Inner leg fat

How do you replace this shitty fat by muscle?

I've been doing squats and my butt and legs have reshaped, but this part remains full of fat.

400mcg vitamin c a day for 2 weeks


Works every time

...Which won't do shit for you, unless you have scurvy.

read the sticky or google "fat spot reduction" you insuffrable millennial soyboy faggot

Bruh cut moar

The groin machine, keep doing that until you can crush a watermelon, then just crush watermelons.

Eat less, faggot.

I eat very clean. Only oats and brown rice, buckwheat, chicken breasts, salad, banana, apples, clementine, etc - all for a total of cals in/out.

I can't cut because I need to build muscle.

Bro it's simple
>eat = fat and muscle
>don't eat = less fat and less musle
Pick one

You're the retard. He didn't ask to burn the fat he asked to replace with muscle basically how do I add more muscle to inner thighs.its the same asking how to make my pecs bigger

What the fuck is this supposed to do

>I can't cut because I need to build muscle.
Cutting isn't going to magically stop you from building the muscles.

Also, my butt is huge and sits on stick legs. I wear 33-34. Is this genetic? I'm other wise fit, but the fat distribution is shitty.

I was wearing size 32 when I was skinny af.

Why is my ass so big?

Literally made for bbc

Cut the carbs,do exercises that build muscles in that area it might be just flabby skin

How do I fix my huge ass?

If I lose weight than I look sissy. My upper body is adequate now, but my as sis huge AND sits on stick legs.

Please don't post this, someone might be new enough to believe it

post boipucci

Why do you assume that i'm gay?

I just wanna fit inside jeans size 32 while not looking sissy

Nice meme, ya fuckin' molie.

That's not simple, that's stupid.

>eat + sit around = get fat, lose muscle
>don't eat + sit around = lose fat and muscle
>don't eat + work out = lose a bit of fat before body panics and forces you to crash in a horrible way
>eat LESS + work out = lose fat and maintain muscle, also known as cutting

you don't, lifting only makes your ass thicc and cutting will only make it look tighter, it was the same for me. I just embrace it since girls say my ass is one of the appealing things for them.


With your ass you just make more gym friends
>no homo


SS is the way to go


Bad posture.
You look like those niggers in Africa who put rings around their necks.

>waist size

ITT: Asslets who don’t know how good they have it

Him sticking his ass out and up in the air is not helping him one bit.

made for bbc

I'm not, that's the relaxed natural form.

smaller than mine lol
>tfw will get banned for pics

You are fat.
Skinnyfat. No muscle and fat. Your body just deposits fat on your ass becuz low test soyboy + sedentary lifestyle. Sitting on your ass all day stimulates fat cell proliferation too on your ass. You can't spot reduce but you can spot GAIN.

Only choice is to lose overall bodyfat.

Well you look like you have bitch tits, but it's hard to tell because of how appallingly that sweater fits.

just fuck off

What? You asked.

>how appallingly that sweater fits

funny that a fat fuck like you negged my sweater fit when everyone on the Veeky Forums upvoted it

lmao, have you looked at how those kids dress? You fuckin' just played yourself if you think their validation is a good thing.

show me your idea of good fit then

My sweater is high test bro it just looks weird, because I'm 5'3

U need to strengthen abductors. That's the inner thigh muscle. Helps u squat more too. Jeff cavaliere has a good vid on it.