Post your age - max Deadlift

Post your age - max Deadlift
- and how many women you’ve slept with

21yrs / 435lbs / 27

31, 515, 0

I get a gf at 6pl8 tho right?

Just be yourself bro....

16 (13 of them was when I was 16-20)

Stopped counting after 50

24 - 215lbs - 19

49, 250 kg, couple hundred

20 years old
140kg 1 rep max
0 women slept with


24 years old
145kg DL
17 ladies

Dad get off Veeky Forums

19-385-1 she's my gf, we took each others virginity.

Is it bad that i lost my virginity to my girlfriend when i was 18 and i am now 23 so i am still with her and she is the only one i have slept with?
Am i missing something out there, bros? I kind of always had the attention of women and this shit starts to bother me and also... the lust is stronger now.

19 / 185 / 0

>Is it bad that i lost my virginity to my girlfriend when i was 18 and i am now 23 so i am still with her and she is the only one i have slept with?
Not at all unless she was a slut that banged like 50 other dudes before you came along, then that would just maje you a cuck.

>somewhere between 5 and 20

Well nowhere a slut but i was her 2nd guy, she a had a boyfriend before me. I guess, i am still a cuck.


26 / I think around 220-250 lbs / I stopped counting, more than 30 but less than 50 I believe

>270 for reps
never gonna make it

hah gay

>Am i missing something out there
Fleeing fun with random thots. Don't fuck it up user. You have what so few of us have.


22 / 300lbs for reps / 0

28/215/60(relax, half were paid)

Muh back injury



I'd trade all the whores in the world to have that...

Once you lose it, it'll never come back user.

in retrospect I think I was
then I turned neet


Hmmmm I wonder why

18 years
0, but there's still time right?

>Am i missing something out there, bros?
No. I’ve regretted most one night stands, even with the cute ones. And I’d trade the rest for that purity in a heartbeat.

25 yo
About 10

31, 525, 12

> fellow oldfag
Try signing up for a few courses as a prereq to an MBA at a nearby school. Take them seriously, but also as a non creepy means of meeting girls in their early to mid 20s. Befriend those girls, then meet and date their friends.

I threw that away user, and regretted it for years since then even though I've been successful with randoms.


>also she is smart, a keeper, great sex, loves me with all of her heart
>yeah, sometimes a bit more dramatic, but i guess it's with every other woman
> her rich parents promised me a porsche panamera for our wedding sometime in the future

B-but.. to have slept with only one woman for whole your life? If i was starting a relationship with her right now at the age of 23 i wouldn't even hesitate it to make tons of children with her and get married. If i only had 5-6 partners before her now i would already be breeding her. But something stops me from going further.
We met too early and i have the feeling that i am missing something.

>We met too early and i have the feeling that i am missing something.

Of course you're missing something. Sex with various different women is great. But so is sex with someone you love. There are trade-offs and one lifestyle isn't necessarily better than the other.

If you seriously can't live with just having slept with one woman your whole life, then you need to think long and hard about your future with that girl. If you break up with her it will crush you though because you've spent so much time with her. I wouldn't recommend it, but then again I'm just some anonymous poster on a Chinese image board.


24, 225 lb, 2

375 dl
100 girls
(I'm also 6'4 and a chad )

so many chads, why did i open this thread

Cheat on her, only not have her leave you.

I never played sports while in high school as my private school didn’t have any sports teams.

I never learned how to deadlift and I’m scared I’m going to injure myself while trying.


i feel you bro. 19 / 215 / 0 here and I feel like I'm completely left in the dust

I'm not a chad by any means but if you haven't had sex with AT LEAST 5 diffrent girls in the day and age, you might as well give it up. These days it's so easy to get laid that it's not even funny. You have to be seriously deformed or seriously autistic to be a virgin.

31 / 270 Kg / 60 or so

lost my virginity at 22, since then I guess I'm compensating

Thanks for being more virgin than me

35, 380lb, 3 (all paid)


>living the dream every lonely cunt here fantasizes about
>being a whiny bitch and considering fucking up withthe perfect gf
You really don’t deserve her you beta bitch

>not just locking that shit down then acquiring a comare


According to this thread, the more women you’ve had sex with the lower your max deadlift will be

>or seriously autistic
that's me

>These days it's so easy to get laid that it's not even funny


8 hookers (despite I had chances with girls but I was too much of a templar knight to take them)

25, about 70kg, 10 girls but been with same girl for past 7 years.

12 women
16 women (male)

16/150/ 0
Almost did it but got cocked-blocked by her friend.

18, 441/200kg, 4


23 / 265lbs / 1

No shame, I broke my leg recently.

>has an almost-virgin, rich, devoted gf
Don't fuck it up you dumb cunt. You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but that's an illusion. The grass is very lonely.

Ah, to be 16 and making this mistake again. Enjoy your ban, hope you know how to reset your IP.

24, 345 lbs (365 tomorrow), 4 slays


22/50kg pls no bully/ 0

21, 441lbs, 0

You have a fucking girlfriend. Why would you want other women? Assuming she's loyal, stay with her and don't be stupid

32, 200, 10

I'm not normal, I play one in public though.



There is always time, I didn't get laid until 21 and I'm 26 and now in double digits with gf.

Also I didn't even deadlift until 22 now at 350

What kind of cat is that?

21 | 535 lb | 0

A-at least I have my weights r-right?

I would give up every time I had to sex to deadlift that much.

Lifting heavy will always be better than women. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Don't get me wrong i am jsut trying to figure out what i really want from life. I really love her but not the ''butterflies in the stomach'' love, but our relationship with the time evolved to an adult version, of thrustworthy-soulmate-thinking-about-the-future-relationship. Or you know what i mean. Perhaps i miss those false teenage feelings with my first crush or so.

I really appreciete what i have, but i myself achieved it. I am not the smartest, but i am smart. Charming, i make her laugh, give her security, always protect her and always on her side when something is wrong.

Do not think that those strong relationships just of ''suddenly happen'', because you have to fight for it and make compromises.

And this with the girls outside.. i just try to figure out my way so that when i am 60 i don't say ''ah fuck, i regret it so much.''.

Thanks for your advices anyway, i wish the best for you all too, lads.


26yrs / 250lbs / 23

Been in about 5 relationships that consumed maybe...6.5-7 years of that time so pretty happy with those results

Im a manlet I could give two fucks about my DL weight


Honestly youll probably break up. Its super rare things like that last.

But just so you know, as a 26 year old user with 23 under his belt and many relationships, one night stands are fucking lame. Most of us who are sinlge and non-sociopathic mega chads would kill to have 'that one' back. I know I would.

Dependent variable is lays
Independent is DL
Behold, a correlation of 0.24 and a bunch of guesswork when people didn't say whether it was lbs or kg.

>3.5 pl8, haven't tried higher
just got out of a 5 year relationship tho

105kg / 231lb

I started lifting 2 months ago and let me tell ya if you can’t get laid DYEL the problem is not your body.

> inb4 money
I’m broke

> inb4 height
At 5’10 I’m decidedly average.

> inb4 social skills
Yeah but I’m as autistic as the rest of you: just don’t be a fucking weirdo and you’ll be fine.

i'm pretty sure a lot of people itt are lying, but yes, in this day and age, you should have at least 5 chicks by your early 20s just by being a regular, non autistic, non hideous male. If you are mildly attractive/athletic, you can get 10 easily



>2. But I've been in a relationship with the second girl for almost a year

i lost my one and only 2 months user, had sex with a random chick 2 days ago and I'm even sadder now, don't fuck it up i had crazy urges about other chicks while in a relationship just from curiosity and honestly the sex with the new girl was the best ive had physically but with no emotion involved theres no point at all and I'm left feeling empty

>gf and myself lost virginity together and stayed a couple
Enjoy your 5 randos.

>I’m as autistic as the rest of you
>just don’t be a fucking weirdo and you’ll be fine
this is half a tier above "just bee yourself bro :)"

25, 505, 9


22, 315x3, 2

140 lb
1 [spoiler]fiancee[/spoiler]

20 years old
123kg x 5
4 women if you count only penetration. 7 if you count oral only as well.

Would've saved myself for my current gf if I knew better when I was younger though

Congrats on the successful relationship.
Not so much on the DL.

Same here brah.

We just celebrated 6 years togheter. We're both eachothers first. Shes very devoted, loving, loyal, fun to be with and pretty. Shes a model on the side while studying to be graphic designer. Sex is great too. It all seems perfect from the outside but I cant help but feel the same as you. I get alot of attention from girls and Im a fun, confident, good looking, 6'1 guy, alltough with a slightly below average penis.

Very reassured by all the postive replies you got to your post and Im feeling more confident that I made the right choice.

>DL 450 btw


socially awkward averaging about 1 or 2 every year