Should I Bulk or Eat at Maintenance?

I'm a new lifter, and decided on the Phrak's Greyskull LP program to start out. BUT, I have concerns about my diet. Should I be bulking, or eat at maintenance until my noob gains stall? My concern for bulking is that I will have a lot of fat covering any gains I get for the first few months.
I am 5'10" and 140 pounds, and although I haven't tested it, I suspect my bodyfat % is quite high considering that I am very weak.

I understand that regardless which I choose, I have to eat about 140g of protein a day.



Bulk. Just make sure you are working out consistently.

Bulking will help you progress your lifts and build muscle that you don't have yet

Can't tell if you're a nigger or a poo.


But short answer: bulk


Nigga read the fucking sticky and bulk


Thanks for letting us know how stupid you are.

scrawny pooinloo

Pull up your trousers you degenerate nigger.

Bulk hard, lift hard.

Also get off Veeky Forums, you're obviously not 18. And that's not just because of the rules. This place is toxic as fuck, and you are significantly more naiive than you will be at 25, and this place will fuck up your mind in ways you can't yet imagine.

I turned 18 over a month ago


15 year old's are not allowed on here

First of all, I'm actually an African-Canadian, thank you very muc

Also, do I look like that much of sickly child that I look underage? Because I am totally 100% am 18 years old

You have nothing on you, go to the gym for a month a see if you can stick to a lifting regime before you start worrying about counting calories. Just eat when you're hungry and have a protein source with every meal.

This is what they're talking about when Veeky Forums is toxic user. Eating at maintenance or cutting would be a massive waste of time. Bulk and you'll prog everywhere. Once your gains start to flatline, then you can think about maintaining while still eating 1g protein/lr of bodyweight. Don't be scared to gain weight. That shit helps massively for ohp and squat which is 40% of your program

Veeky Forums is not for your kind, nothing personal. wrong color and age.

Bulk and do cardio for cardiac gains. Also leave this place. It will fuck your mind up. I'm 33 and trying to undo the damaged caused by this place. Save yourself.

Dumb niggers asking dumb nigger questions shouldn't be treated as something good and wanted on this board.
If you could just please help us make this board not be faceberg 2.0 that would be great.

if you're 18 years old you should be eating a lot and lifting a lot. your numbers will shoot up and you'll have to eat more as you put muscle on
there will never be a better time in your life (aside from maybe two years ago) to put on muscle quickly
I put on 35 lb in a semester at age 18 and I was about your size starting out

Bulk bro. Lift hard, sleep hard, eat a fuck ton but make sure your eating quality food or you'll get fat. Blend some pb shakes with oats too and a cup of milk of your choice thats high in protein and fat

>21 with this body
my life is hell
how do i change it

Being this racist. Dude has a question. Gonna give it to him. I'm sure you wouldn't say that type of shit to people's face irl. So instead saying can we make this not facebook 2.0, fucking give out advice in the same breath you speak that horseshit that's coming out of your mouth. It's almost like this board is for advice on weightlifting or something.


Just eat at slightly above maitenance and eat more protein. Don't bother with the bulking/cutting bullshit until later. If you bulk now, you will end up looking like a fat ass that can't lift for shit

You need to go back to facebook. His question isn't as bad as the retards who ask questions then post a god awful routine. Pic related is you, Veeky Forums isn't pol or /b/. If you are older then 18 you need some fresh air

go to the gym and hit some poo extensions and poo presses bro. you'll get there soon!!

when will these fucking pajeets learn, I swear.

The whole idea of fitness is to bolster the evolutionary advantages given to you as an individual to succeed in giving your sperm as a contribution to a gene pool.

No women wants to even be remotely associated with a poo dick; so don't even bother lifting

Plus curry doesn't even have any protein. Go back to worshipping elephant shit mayb that'll help you.

at thats size bro you should be eating til youre sick then eating some more. pound of meat a day plus sides and shakes