Has being Veeky Forums gotten anyone of you laid?

Has being Veeky Forums gotten anyone of you laid?

t.user from r9k

Not really. Just don't be fat and tell the person you wanna fuck that she's sexy

As someone who used to browse both /r9k/ and Veeky Forums, r9k has a better chance because the majority of users have at least some sort of self-awareness while Veeky Forums is a bunch of underachieving outcasts larping as christian ubermensch.

getting Veeky Forums can improve your chances a lot but this board doesnt help a bit. read the sticky and never come back

user im 5'7

It's not a guarantee, but it can only help, and not hurt, your chances. ANY person will be more attractive to the opposite sex if they are a normal weight as opposed to noticeably overweight.

There’s a chubby octoroon that was mirin’ me real hard the last time I went to a party and she asked If I wanted to fug, but I know I’ll get shit from my friends for eternity if I go for it. So it can, but anybody worth being with will care about more than just your body.


>Just don't be fat and tell the person you wanna fuck that she's sexy
Pajeet pls....

Getting fit can make you more attractive but it will never cure the autism


But it hasnt been good. Starting to think Im sorta asexual. I dont really enjoy sex (with either men or women).

>Be kitchen worker
>Coworker asks me out on date
>We hit it off
>Start dating
>She later tells me that she had vivid sex dreams about me before asking me out
Was fun while it lasted. I'm not even that fit tho

i miss the thought of being aorund women but then hate it when i'm actually around them. or men even.

>tfw don't care about getting laid
>tfw just want to share emotional intimacy with a grill

>the worst feel.

You are a wise man.

No, but then again im autistic not like you

you're not going to get a GF being fit alone, depending on your age-group you need more going for yourself to have an active dating life

nobody 20+ is going to date a NEET
>inb4 me and all my friends have gfs and they're neets

fix your local problems first, stay healthy & active, clean your room, be able to afford to decorate it, get a strong ahead on your shoulder, and then worry about getting girls

>never come back
came after trump won 4 keks, tried fuckin leaving ever since, I'm not going 2 make it

Yes it has, girls approach you more, give you more chances when you fuck up or say dumb shit, they fuck you like Primal Animals, stroke and kiss you constantly, and they eye fuck you like a first generation Indian man.

>I took the Veeky Forums Pill, you should too. Girls are waiting for (You) over here.

>r9k has a better chance

It have me confidence which helped.

> I started lifting 7 months ago because of Veeky Forums.
> Started eating right and got myself a membership to a pretty good gym near where I live.
> Start making some gains even though I am nowhere near where I want to be.
> Starting to notice some girls mirin me
> Tomorrow I'm going to bellyslap a friend that I got to know at uni who has been mirin me since this summer
Thanks Veeky Forums I have a lot to thank you guys for

My matches tripled after posting this photo. All my other photos are fully clothed.
>Women lel

goddamn user, goddamn...

This is actually very underrated.


nah my face did I don't even lift I only come here to post virgin vs chad memes

the triple of 0 is 0 user

Can you PLEASE train legs, leglet.

im ugly user. ugly males dont get laid or make friends desu

Yes but only because when I was cutting, my face was less round and more defined.

A nice body is like dessert with a meal. It's nice when it's there but no where near mandatory.

I made some post on /r9k/ about this a few days back. Yes, it helps a lot. It gives you more confidence and objectively improves your chances.

Definitely. I was skinny looking like a chink. I put on muscle and gradually women who used to diss me write letters 'cause they miss me. Married a college athlete like 10 years younger than me. She saw old pictures of me and teased me on how skinny I looked. I don't think we would have ever even started if I wasn't fit.

>blocks your blackpill
>nothing personnel

Less than you'd think. I got laid more when I was 40lbs overweight and got far too drunk at parties during my freshman and junior years of college.

I did meet my wife after getting Veeky Forums, though, so I suppose that worked out well.

how do i get a gf or friends if im ugly desu?

forgot pic

>error: You must wait 21 seconds before posting an image reply
Fuck is this shit? I don't remember this.

I'm sure there's some outlier, but really I don't think it's possible for a person in good shape to be ugly.

its certainly helped. but you start off thinking it will get you laid, then you realize lifting alone wont do it, then ideally you learn to not be a sperg and you do a little better than you would have if you had just originally learned to not be a sperg

>be me
>born chubby but with good face
>start exercising at age 16
>thin down, get muscles
>constantly hook up with women in HS
>go to college, party too much, gain some chub
>retain confidence and constantly get laid
>become fraternity president
>graduate, gain chub
>lose GF
>lose mind and get jakked
>Have a one night stand in grad school about once every three weeks

Get in shape and be confident user. Learn to be charismatic and make jokes. Ive never had a problem with getting women, but admittedly, whenever I get bulky or chubby (unfortunately cant be a thiccc short guy) girls are less interested. Keep at it, dont believe the memes.

I should add that I have been denied by two girls for being short. One chick said too bad youre not tall after making out with me. Ce la vie. dated nothing but 9's since I was 16

I don't know that feel, bro

oldfag here

bets ways to get laid:

extend your social circle by joining a club or whatever

the bigger your social circle the better your chances of getting laid.

women love men who are socially connected


Moved to a new state in JUne for grad school. Forced myself to go to every single event available, every bar, mingle with every single person.

A drunk girl literally said to me at a happy hour a month ago 'What are you like famous or something you know everybody here'
Cause I walk in, say hello to everyone I sorta know, crack a joke, move on to my closer friends. People look. Its great

being extremely ugly and extremely attractive are the same. you become a novelty for women and in that particular case she is with him for attention based on the fact that he is an anomaly.

You're in grad school and every day you go to bars and clubs, in the hopes that some drunk girl will say "wow are you like famous"?

Priorities, man.

I was already doing kinda good, getting fit just made it a little easier.

Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is anybody home?

>tfw she won't text me
I guess she is just another thot.

>going to school
>actually studying
I bet you fuck with condoms on

So you're saying we should intentionally disfigure our faces?

Yeah. Probably 4/10 times (total) I get in because of my body.

My current gf actually wanted to fuck me before she knew I was ripped, she just thought I had nice arms. That’s how you know she is a keeper. She said she was never so horny when I first took off my shirt.

Grad school Its mostly networking, and its not my priority, its a nice perk. Im in school all day, use my one break to hit the gym, night offs for kickboxing, and then all the stressed-AF students go out for drinks about 4 nights a week. If I didnt know how to maintain perfect time management I wouldnt have made it here anyways.

Fuck meant this for But also toafter not using condoms in undergrad and in relationships, I literally cannot get hard with one on. Usually I just slip it in in the heat of the moment after eating a girl out, but if they ask it just kills my vibe and idk how to train myself back to condoms. Im good at convincing them I have no STDs and wont cum (I have HPV but I never cum inside so theres that) But god damn do I hate those things.

>get Veeky Forums
>post headless tinder profile pic
>hit it off with a qt
>happily married since last year
>preggos now (muh dik cuz mikly tits)
>she was a virgin too

yeah, it kinda did

I might be the one example in a milion, but get this, I opened up the convo with the are you an archeologist line. Now with a wife, soon a kid and a 6 figure salary I'm going back to lifting, because honestly I can say that coming to this board has both saved my life and set me up for life

Thanks faggots

You met a virgin on Tinder?
