How the fuck do you guys do PPL six times a week?

How the fuck do you guys do PPL six times a week?

Do you fuckers not have any other hobbies or do anything else?

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>Do you fuckers not have any other hobbies or do anything else?

I'm 99.9% sure your life isn't so busy that you can't spare 1 hour everyday to improve the other 23 hours of it.
>inb4 but muh tv and vidya are requirements


i literally can't
i wake up at 7, go to work at 8, leave at 18 and go to college at 19

>Doesn't want to wake up an hour or 2 earlier
>Doesn't want to lose an hour or 2 of sleep

push pull legs

Push Pull Legs

OP I do one leg sesh so five days. I only do about three exercises each time, so less than an hour unless I socialise.

3x5 5x10 PPL 6 days a week, 2.5 hours a day
/neetfit/ ww@

>1 hour for a proper workout
>a workout improves the rest of the day instead of making you more tired during time which you should spend working or studying in order to actually improve your life
this way of thinking is why you will not make it
lifting more than 4 times a week is an absolute waste of time for 99% of people. 2 times per week is enough for most

Its an 1 hour a day you weak fuck, I bet you spend more time on here than you do in the gym

No, I don't have any hobbies. Going to the gym for an hour a day pretty much takes up my whole day. It's like, get up, eat breakfast, work till 5pm, go to the gym for an hour, and then it's time for bed!

>1 hour of lifting makes you tired for the rest of the day
confirmed low test

t. 1 hour max diddly session this morning and was fine at work hauling 50lb boxes for 8 hours

are you not able to wake up early and hit the gym for 40 minutes?

Private pilots license

how does a workout only take you 40 mins?

36 sets, 40 minutes

Rest pause, myo reps, supersets, circuit training, educate yourself.

It always sounds like he's taking a piss in his videos.

I perform efficient exercises in an efficient order.

Scooby has a lot of really stupid advice in this video. You can tell he's old as fuck.

not everyone is time constrained in the same way

if you put two of those workouts on sat/sunday, that leaves you with 4 weekday workouts, and each individual workout on a PPL is much shorter than it would be on any other arrangement

i used to think scooby's advice was moronic, but i was looking at it from the standpoint of someone looking for optimal progress

scooby's (and every other oldfag who has been lifting for like 20 years) give advice from the standpoint of longevity above all else

As someone looking for "optimal progress" then constantly mixing it up and limiting range of motion is dumb advice. It's advice better suited to the layman who will get bored of the gym after going twice.

i like that he has small feet


also pplshoulderspplshoulders master race

I train 1 exercise a day

Funny you bring this up, I was making excel charts about this today. PPL is great if you're a college kid or NEET with fuckloads of free time, if you're a normal adult with responsibilities, friends, relationships, etc. then it's out of the question.

Pure autism

In case anyone is wondering

>Type, Schedule
Self explanatory

>Days off
# of non-lifting days before you hit that muscle group again

Hours of rest before you hit that muscle group again (similar to "days off" but +24 for the 12 hours after your workout and the 12 hours before it coming up next time), lower is generally better

>% of days in gym
Self explanatory

You can see that PPL requires the highest amount of days you go to the gym AND some of the longest windows between hitting the same muscle groups, so it's kind of the worst of both worlds.

Cumulate all hours you spent in the last week surfing youtube, playing video games, jerking off, and browsing Veeky Forums. Those hours could've been spent in the gym. It is possible to to exercise 6 times and week and still have plenty of time for other worthwhile pursuits.

>works 10 hours a day
Either bullshit or your life roll was too low

>college kid
If you studied something worth the time you would know better. Not some fucking trades. I have less time than my parents and every working adult I know. 10-12 hours a day every day of the week programming or learning and 3 times a week fullbody session

Noobs think more time in the gym = more gains when it makes no difference if workload is the same

You can work out 2 times a week and still make better progress than a 6 day a week PPL

people like to brag about being a slave comon you new here?


>not considered: hours spent in gym on each workout
There’s an optimal rep range that can be extrapolated to a weekly basis. It’s much easier to hit those ranges with more workouts per week. You spend less time in the gym, learn to optimize rest periods etc

I left out hours because any set/rep volume schemes could be applied to any kind of split. I'm open to the idea of being wrong if you can explain a way to incorporate it that makes sense though.

Zero. I only come on here while I'm shitting. My schedule is so busy I cut into my sleep just so I have time to go to the gym 3 times a week.

How my life has become moar like this, I don't even

stop complaining. get big if you want. stay small if you want.