> go to the gym
> Chad and his friends roast you
why even bother
> go to the gym
> Chad and his friends roast you
why even bother
Pic not related I guess
That fat manlet holding an iPhone doesn't even qualify as a Brad.
That "chad" shouldnt be talking shit with his high body fat
We all start from somewhere
>brings ipad
>no calves
>shitty tribal tattoo
i think not
So fat "power lifter" taking a picture (with an ipad lol) counts as chad now?
I bet he's one of those faggots who just stare at other people while doing nothing. How much of a fucking insecure loser do you have to be to take pictures of a skinny guy in a gym?
The weak should fear the strong stay out of the bone yard if you’re a little bitch
Actually in the gym i go to chads are very good and nice people. Unless you consider the thin faggot that's always on his phone taking pics of others or the thots that 90% of their workout is laughing like a maniacs or annoying everyone chad/Stacy
this is my biggest fear going to a gym.
I'm so afraid people will be laughing at me and no one will help me to figure out what to do
>those pudgy pasty white calves
>the virgin wrist bands
>using an ipad at the gym
>generic white trash tattoo
the DYEL probably went home to his upper middle class home while this pudgy dude went home to his trailer and half starved dogs
Do an obvious and easy exercise while seeing how other big dudes do exercises then after they finish go and do it.
Make sure to use the lowest weight for a one set then add weight accordingly until you find the perfect weight
Watch videos of some exercises you wanna do then go to the gym and try them, thats all you can do, people dont know if you dont know what to do, most people there dont know too, regardless if they look like they know. And some people may laugh yeah, they might not laugh if you are struggling to lift the weight or look slightly out of place, could be they are insecure fake cunts and want to try and make them selves feel better. Come on man, what are you gonna achieve with thinking of fake scenarios that havnt happened and probably wont ever?
>big dudes
they dont have a fucking clue what they are doing rofl. Pick the most shredded one there thats smaller than most people and lifting more than everyone, he knows what hes doing
Noone will laugh at you. Most people like it when DYELs come to the gym as they see it as another person trying to improve themselves. Only insecure betas like the "Chad" in the OP feel the need to belittle newbies.
>says the faggot who takes a ipad to the gym
HAHAHAHA so true
That's what i meant with big dudes.
>256 and wanting a serious life change
>go into gym for the first time in ten years
>extremely good looking Chad eyes me while on the leg press
>feeling very self conscious
>decide to go on the treadmills on the far corner
>put on music on iPhone, start getting used to it all
>fifteen or so minutes later, same Chad taps me on the shoulder
>nods and asks me if this is my first time here (in the gym, or getting fit, not sure)
>offers to teach me how to work out, rack the barbells correctly
>has helped me in the last few months every time
are the memes a lie? all the Chad's in my gym are surprisingly chill peeps
That's a fucking ipad, what the fuck who brings a tablet to the gym?
Chads being assholes is a Hollywood meme, they are socially successful for a reason.
>be doing high reps on the bench
>start taking weights off
>you done with this bro
>yea just finished
>leave those weights on
>guy slaps a plate on each side
>i go to my next exercise
>he does three sets 2/2/1
>he makes noises similar to two Hugh jackmans fucking the whole time
Wow it must be hard being such an alpha
>no calves
chads dont work on calves user
>I won’t improve myself because others will judge me
Fucking pussies
People are going to laugh at you, is that what you want to hear?! Fine let yourself think others hold you back. You can live in your little bubble of anxiety where the whole world seemingly stares at you in judgement.
Step outside your cozy bubble where everything makes sense to where nothing makes sense, until eventually your bubble grows and the senseless becomes routine.
average fat retarded queenslander
>mfw want to go to gym but scared of shit like this happening.
To socially awkward to even know what to do desu.
People will make fun of you for adjusting to getting fit and being new to the gym.
People will make fun of you more for being a fat, lazy piece of shit with no self-respect.
The right choice should be clear.
I've never ever been laughed at and i was a fat piece of shit, only on highschool and most of them are on prison.
If someone tells you to push it it's because they think you can do better.
> Tribal tattoo
> Basketball shirt
> iPad
> Spooky ghost pudgy skin
Yeah, really afraid of getting harassed by this dude
>Margate QLD
Oh fuck I hope I don't run into this Chad. I think I know that gym
>use this as motivation
>110% dedication after seeing people make fun of you
>months later of having a fire in my core driving me to work hard, i have bigger muscles
>walk straight past this fatty version of 'chad' and show him what chad really is
(as in this is what you should do)
Chads love everyone so much that it makes inferior men jealous with envy
beta skinnyfat validating his worthlesness by making fun of a guy who's taken himself in hand and got started
I'm 6'4, 210 with a face like a death notice. I hate scaring people, and go out of my way to speak softly and be nice, but I take genuine pleasure in crushing this type of joe 6 pack, give them the full treatment out of nowhere and watch them break apart. the bigger the audience the better, with some luck they're so beta they won't even come back.
t. Victorian queer
hard cope boyo im not australian thank god
>says the faggot who takes an ipad to the gym
You right
nigger poofter
Oh look it's why I don't go to the gym and just lift my brothers unused weights in my conservatory at 3AM when everyone's asleep
I can't even OHP 40KG yet or Curl 35 or bench 60 - how much do I have to be able to lift to not be mocked
In my 3 years going to the gym I have never seen anyone openly mocked like in OPs image, the worst I have seen is obnoxious oldfags trying to give people shit advice
>says the faggot who takes an iPad to the gym
There's the Chad
Chad doesn't give a shit about chicken boys
You won't run into him then. He got b&
Anyone scared about going to the gym just keep this in mind, it helped me when I started out
Every single person in there is there because they are trying to improve or are unhappy with some part of their body. You might think that big shredded guy will look down on you for just starting and failing a pullup. That big dude doing weights you can only dream of likely is still unhappy or insecure about something, trying to gain a little more size, cut a little more bodyfat, push a new pr, whatever. He's not happy either.
Only massive faggots or the truly insecure would look down on someone trying to better themselves when they're there for the same reason. And hell most people are so worried about their own flaws and trying to improve they won't think twice about you.
He's saying that he's such a manlet that the iPhone looks like an iPad you fucking autistic nigger
if you go to the gym and pay more attention to others lifts than your own you are a faggot.
Chad does not bully gym newbies, it is so far below him he can't even consider the notion.
Just use it as fuel and motivation to push you further.
People like this fat guy have no heart and won't ever make it.
That is why they take it out on others.
What is the worst a fat Chad is going to do to you before someone else steps in? They'll get embarrassed and likely banned if they touched you.
>caring about DYELs
>bringing an IPAD to the gym
>team no calves
because they have huge calves naturally
>Chad and his friends roast you
Chad and his friends taking turns in the gym shower.
chads dont pick on people. chads have self confidence and would probably help him
Wow, take a closer look at the photo you literal sperg. He is holding a fucking tablet. How fucking retarded and pathetic are you? Next time you go to insult someone on the internet, just remember how much of a faggoty shitlicker you are and ask yourself if it's really worth it.
Holy shit yes we know, it's very clear. He's saying it [as a joke you fucking mong] that since he's a manlet, that he's holding an (((iPhone))). Jfc neck yourself.
Ask for help. People always laugh at cocky guys, but never at the humble ones. And pretty much everyone likes to help, it feels nice.
Have you been ignoring everyone ITT?