What are your chances on tinder if you have at least visible abs and chest (othermode) at minimal?

What are your chances on tinder if you have at least visible abs and chest (othermode) at minimal?

Does being fit has a real effect on tinder?


>Does being fit has a real effect on tinder?
No absolutely not. It's all about your personality




>lifting doesn't improve and define the face
>a good frame doesn't help to give a masculine build to the face

Does being attractive make you attractive?




Hes joking you autist
You cant display your personality on Tinder

The "OTHER" mode

Want to know the FIRST thing Tinder girls ask you before they meet up with you?

>How tall are you?
>How tall are you?
>How tall are you?

I'm not memeing. The manlet meme is exaggerated, but not entirely. If you're under 6' you severely limit your chances with Tinder girls.

80% looks (abs are better than fatty guy)
19% location (san francisio or new york = lots of good lookin grills. Backwoods of Kentucky = sorry m8)
1% bio (just don't be too autistic and you're good to go)

As for the location part. I moved my account to Vietnam and I got over 900 matches in 2 weeks.

I was pulling girls on tinder when I was a 260 lb fat piece of shit and didnt lift at all. I pull more now that I'm a 200 lb fat piece of shit who lifts all the time. They don't give a fuck. They just want a non autistic photo to swipe.

If you meant Ottermode, yeah you're practically a 10/10 for every girl if you have a cute face (no homo).
But if you have a strong face, then it is better to get a little bigger but you can still get some pussy if you become like those girls that always show their tiddies.

And that original pic from OP's though

hey guys does anyone /cheatmeal/ here?
i've been thinking on cutting back my cheat meals to once a season or once a month.
should i just eat that shit food once a week for the gains or is it more about getting out of the habit of eating garbage

> Hit othermode ages ago
> Girls on tinder still don't swipe right
> Did starting strange for a whole year
> Still can't pick up mortals.
> FeelsBadFleshbag.jpg
Pic related is me

I know that feel.
>lose 300 pounds
>get headcrest polished to show off good genes
>carry around chains to symbolize readiness to be pairbonded for all eternity
>0 matches on tindr

Fucking ch'ad'yxlz gets all the girls, eats their brains and dumps then right afterwards. Kill me

Ever thought that you're just below average looking?

If you post a mirror pic of your abs, you're definitely gonna get less right swipes. Just like when girls have a lot of mirror pics, people know that you're trying really hard and it's off-putting.

That being said, a good social pic that just happens to make you look ripped will definitely get you more matches.

Yeah it helps. When I log on and use it, I get about 50 matches daily.

>starting strange
hearty kek

Easy so long as you aren't a scrub taking shit pictures of you in your bathroom to hit the 3 pic min

You think if I got surgery to get a nose I'd get laid more?