
I have been fasting for the past 4 days and the last two i've felt very sick; massive headache all day and occasionally blurred vision with the feeling on feinting.

I ended the fast around 2 hours ago and feel much better; going to give it another go. Does anyone have any tips for me to not feel so sick when im fasting (i made sure i was putting salt in water)

Just be yourself bro

you forgot the potassium bro

why would you fast like this.
you won't achieve like the dude in your pic.

jesus christ you're stupid

Goal body

is this body even real lol

>made sure to eat salt
you know your body has hundreds of vital nutrients right? I hope you weren't putting salt in all your water, you could have been dehydrated

I was, but i only started when i already felt bad.

Well i need to lose fat before anything

Should i invest in some multivites ?

Fasting is such a fucking meme. Just don’t eat so much you fat fuck

dont just jump into a long fast
try doing IF first

It's actually not; i came down from 102-72kg in 4.5 months with it. My goal weight is 66 before i start bulking

I've done loads of 1-2 day fasts; my longest is 4 due to this happening almost every time

I am to be at my goal weight () before the end of this year

this, when you go to the baking isle at your local grocer, look for something called NOSALT, it will be next to the salt. It's just Potassium Chloride, your body uses potassium and sodium in equal parts. I'm 48 hours into my fast right now m8. Good luck

>I don't like it when people use the most direct approach to weight loss
>You should just try to keep your insulin levels elevated and deal with the stress all day bro
>Trust me, it's better than something I've never tried before

Thanks man; ill pick some up when i go out later and restart my fast

On a side note is losing 6kgs in 2 weeks reasonable /doable

Fast for a shorter amount of time dipshit

Sounds like you forgot your salt

I guess i could; im trying to push the numbers up for faster weight loss


The first time I IF i went from 245 to 210 in about 3 months. My caloric intake was around 1500 to1700 calories a day and rarely drank alchohol. During the fasting period I would still have black coffee or 0 calorie energy drinks - I just read this actually screws up the fast and causes an insulin release. Does anyone know if this is true?

Idk about black coffee I drank that on fast as well, I remember reading that 0 cal drinks like soda, monster etc have sweeteners that confuse the body and can lead to an insulin spike.

No it was a study that was proven incorrect

OP here; i've read it it does; however during most of my fasts i consume diet sodas and have still lost significant weight (no noticeable difference than water only)

However i dont imagine it would be good for you so if youre fasting for health i wouldnt; if you just want to look good go for it