What’s the best creatine free per workout bros...

What’s the best creatine free per workout bros? I finally realized creatine cons outweigh the pros but I have no idea where to start on pre workouts since all the ones I know have creatine

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Strength is better than hair bro

>creatine cons
There are zero fucking cons to creatine.

t. Baldy

just take a caffaine tablet or something
or a shot of espresso


My biggest problem with creatine was water retention, the bloat and I’d get some weird water gyno that completely goes away when I’m off it


Big White Cock


Isn't the water retention all intra muscular though?


petition to change BBC to BNC so dyels can stop saying the B stands for Bavarian

C4 ripped

Ahh yes, Big Nordic Cock

Countering counter shitpost is fair, you have to develop a counter counter counter shitpost

>My biggest problem with creatine was water retention, the bloat and I’d get some weird water gyno that completely goes away when I’m off it
Yes, they're just fat idiots who blame it on creatine.

oh I see, I'll ponder deeply over that then user.

My nipple look noticeably different on and off creatine, nothing about the rest of my body. The bloat is just a feeling I get from it, not necessarily look different

