/fph/ - extra hateful edition

Old one at 300

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Why is the last 2 hours before going to bed so hard? I want to eawee aeyar food eat eatee nerdd to eat rigt bow i al so hungrt need the fuölfimnent nwed to be whole



>kids arent supposed to like vegetables
Who made this meme? Do we live in a time it is weird for parents to make sure their children like veggies?

I think it was just a meme by the sugar industry based on young kids not wanting to do what their parents tell them so they won't eat the veggies and crave sugary foods instead.

If only everything had the decency of self destructing at 300+

All glory to the hypnorolls.

I can't stop watching

>why do you think that fat should be this girls prison, because diet and excersize trigger you?

At least the parent realized their mistake.

Parents can't force kids to like anything, but they can force them to eat it. Well pretty much anyway. That being said there is a massive variety of vegetables that suit various palates and dietary needs so it's simply a matter about finding what each child prefers.


Yeah, this is fake as fuck.

Sweet mother of jesus

>Old one at 300
And? Just like fatties it has no problem go way beyond that.
No point in making a new one until it's at page 10 and you want replies on your post.

It's probably autosaging

Fat people being disgusting aside, I can't imagine a site called "themodernman" being any less cringy. It seems fedora-tier

>Work in hospital
>Patient comes down for test in a hospital stretcher. About 6 foot tall so feet hang off the end a little
>400 lbs
>After I do the test and wait for transport to get patient out of room, I realize my shoes are squeaking against the floor
>His legs have weeped a pool of yellow...shit all over the floor
>run out of room gagging

Worst fucking shit I've seen in my 10 years in a hospital (granted I don't do ER or crit)

Just go to sleep

I hate them. I swear to fucking god I hate them.

I know this, because I hate myself. I look at myself every day, weigh myself every day, and no matter how quickly that scale goes down or the size of my traps go up, I hate fatness more than I have ever hated anything in my life.

I went from 400.8 to 345 in 4 months. Not a miracle, but a sizable change. Better diet, daily gym, extra cardio on the side. It's doable for anyone.

And yet these sweaty fat fucks they do everything they can do stop you. My roommate is at least 500 and he tells me "don't die" before I go to the gym every day. He constantly eats entire large pizzas for a single meal and chastises me when I fast for extended periods. I can see the seething anger in his eyes when he overhears me talking about PRs or carb counts.

But the joke is on him, because that rage will never even glimpse my own. I hate him. I really do.

This is exhibit A for proving being fat makes you retarded.

> finding what each child prefers
Nah, children should learn to do as their parents tell them. Im not even memeing "be all ninteen century on your kids" but they should know by the time they can express themselves that they eat what mommy and daddy tell them and thats the end of it. Discipline and respect for worthy authority are virtues that will help them later in life.



I hated her so much. She was seriously the most unlikable person on that show. At least Muh Laygs James and Steven Assanti were entertaining. This bitch was straight up infuriating.

What did this faggot expect. Asians are very fatphobic and aren't afraid to fatshame. That's the one thing we should learn from their cultures.

That poor fucking kid.

His parents both deserved to be fed into a wood chipper.

Based pastor

opie and anthony had a good segment on the penny episode

i remember the bit where the 8 of them are carrying her she goes
>could you guys put me over your heads so i can pretend like I'm cleopatra

truly the worst person to be on the show

Fucking based

good luck buddy. you should probably tell him to stop saying dumb shit like that



>go to sams to buy groceries in bulk for the month
>in the frozen food section grabbing chicken breasts
>busy most of the time and forget to eat lunch often so want chicken breasts I can throw in the microwave really quick
>see bag of mesquite chicken breasts
>ask gf to grab the bag real quick and tell me how many calories per serving
>she shouts only 200 something per 3oz
>landwhale stocking that side starts listening in
>move down a bit further see new tenderloins pre cooked
>oh this is new how many is in that bag sweetly as I’m grabbing out a bag of stir fry veg
>only 120 per serving she shouts back
>well that’s pretty decent I shout back at her as I toss the veggies in the cart
>blubbergirl is now visibly looking at my cart then at me then at my gf and then back at my cart
>she lets out a large sigh throws a box still full of food down on the ground and storms off in tears

Wtf is wrong with these people? Is the thought of keeping up with what you are eating too much?

Thanks man, it's appreciated. You're a good person.

Pic very related.

They aren’t afraid of fat people, they just hate them.

And homophobic people hate gay people, but it doesn't mean that they are afraid of them.

fake and gay

She probably thought you were covertly trying to shame her or some other bullshit these people concoct in their head because they are so self-conscious about their weight and shitty decisions they have made. The problem is that they do nothing with that shame, they just blog about how "mean" you were, looking for asspats and reassurance.



To be honest, they're both pretty abhorrent uses if that suffix. If they didn't want people to mistake if for an actual psychological phobia then they should have chosen a word that makes sense.

Kek, based baseball chick

You ticked average, and in today's America they are the average.



It's phobic in the same way silicon coating is hydrophobic. It's not the fear meaning but rather the aversion meaning.

this. Some vegetables are naturally bitter, so they require a somewhat mature palate, but vegetables like carrots which are naturally slightly sweet are more agreeable to the palate of a child. Not to shit on carrots though, since I fucking love them

Right, but if you are using an adjective ending with "-phobic" to describe a person, that usually refers to a phobic disorder. Maybe the neomarxists should have thought of that before inventing new words ( or thought at all).

I loved carrots as a kid, can confirm

is this a nature documentary, cause all i see is a hippo

>then everyone clapped

>shouting in a store
Wtf is wrong with these people?

>tw: weight loss

I’m sorry mr autist does loud sounds trigger you?

This one always possess me off more than it should.
>*Her* seat
As if the individually paid for seats are meant to be communal property. The self entitlement is unreal.

Stupid phone

She looks like she's about to use fat magic on me.

>*her* seat
Well, if it's at a baseball game, she probably paid to sit there. So yes, it is her seat.

What if everyone shouted in the supermarket. It would be fuckin mental, so does everyone get to shout or is it just you?

>What if everyone shouted in the supermarket

Tv so...

Yeah, fuck this girl's new future opportunity to join a competitive sport and possibly win a sports scholarship


they did. That was literally their reasoning. If racism could be renamed it'd be niggerphobia

Ahhhhh peckahz

Also fuck her likelihood of growing up attractive and having a great college experience then living life on easy mode.



Idk sounds like you're the asshole user

Holy shit, stop making me laugh when everyone else is asleep.

She used to be a lot bigger. For those who don't know, that's Precious. I think she's lost even more weight since that shoot. She's still pretty fat, but she's at least doing something about it, so I can't really hate on her.

>other people getting attention
>better make things about myself
Why dies getting fat as fuck turn people into narcissists?

This is almost as bad as the shitty fanfic stories that fats on tumblr write about getting abused by skinny people

Veeky Forums is such a shithole

Same. I loved vegetables and fruit as a kid. I can't think of any vegetable I really hated growing up beside radishes. Now I love them.

Enjoying vegetables and fruits was about the only good eating habit I grew up with. Maybe I loved fruit a little too much though, but if you're going to get your sweet fix, you could do a lot worse that fruit.

everyone does shout in those big ass super stores.

Whats wrong with the bottom two?

dont Veeky Forums on ambien, lunesta, or seroquel

yea, this bitch was the worst, euthanize the delusional fatfucks that have no desire to be reasonable or healthy.

I'm with Skwisgaar. GMILFs are the shit.

As someone in rural bumfuck nowhere, this looks like paradise

>He thinks by shouting I mean SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!
To me shouting is talking slightly above normal which is to be expected in a big box store in the middle of a large city at 6pm during the holiday shopping season.

>all these justifications for being a rude person

You're mother is disappointed in you

Wow, how uncivil.

>has clearly never been out of his room during december in the usa

when I was a kid I fukkin loved carrots and cauliflower. Ate that shit raw for a snack
pretty much. There's nothing wrong with letting a kid develop his own preferences for food, but still make sure they have respect for the time their parents put into cooking to eat what's on their plate. No making a sandwich, or hotpocket, or tendies because it's not their favorite.
That said, it doesn't have to be completely authoritarian. When I was a kid, I refused to eat summer squash. Still do, actually. So, if mom cooked that, I got the smallest portion possible, and filled up on whatever else she had cooked. I still showed respect for her cooking, but I had some semblance of autonomy to what I ate

drink some casein protein, itll fill you up like crazy

You're correct on that user.

>living in the usa

Some girls who are into sports are hot as fuck, and they're fit. Win-win situation in my book.

Stay out of here. It's a living hell when the calendar ticks over to December. The stores fill to the brim with people and their kids legitimately screaming and running around like mad.

That's why I'm glad I'm an autist that goes grocery shopping at night.

A child weighs more than me at 9. Did she think she was fine that way?

young bodies naturally crave salt and sugar, probably because growing burns through that shit so quickly. and then factor in all the processed crap loaded with that shit that many kids eat that superstimulates their palette, then vegetables taste bad to them by comparison

Ever wonder why Americans are so loud? We have to be to hear each other in these hell holes. It's a paradox, we speak louder to communicate over the masses, the masses get louder to communicate with others and it grows and grows.

It's so nice to go shopping right before the store closes. It's practically dead, no annoying bratty kids screaming, people blabbing on their phone so loud that you can hear their conversations, no hamplanets blocking the aisles with their fat asses so you can get your shit pretty quickly, the workers are happy that it's the end of the day and they're about to go home. It's pretty nice and comfy experience.

I would be glad to do that, but the store i mentioned closes at 9pm on the dot sometimes 8pm. Late night shopping isn't really a thing you can do there.

desu I went to one of these American superstores once and left with my head spinning, too much freedom for me.

As in it's crowded until they close. Well the parking lot has been packed every time i have left at around 7:30.

She's probably just mad she can't blame genetics for however much she weights.