Is Sales the most Veeky Forums profession and the most alpha route to success?
Is Sales the most Veeky Forums profession and the most alpha route to success?
why not?
p-please buy my garbage so my boss can make more money
They need to teach her mewing
It’s geeat if you have no skills or education. I’m a salesman and get 400$ commissions plus salary. Only toook 2 years of junior college
its the most cucked, shilling money from people you gotta be one of ((them))
My dad went to the best business school in the country and went into medical supply sales.
The current administration would consider my father "rich".
>tfw beta manlet son
If you can handle rejection the act of convincing someone to follow your point of view feels very empowering. Let's say you're selling computers, the first time you land a $10k order you're like, 'holy shit that wasn't that hard' so your self confidence and earning ability can take leaps.
how does that make it the most cucked? Fucking over people is what makes this world go round
because it has to do with fitness or Veeky Forums
it would either be personal trainer or gay4pay pornstar, maybe gymshark sponsor
Being a Tradesmen, firerighter, policeman ,fisherman, logger and being in the military are the only alpha jobs. NOTHING ELSE
> what?
>blown up
dude sales is a womans job and a weasles job. Trades are alpha as fuck. Cop reporting
Are you actually clinically retarded?
we did it 9gag!
30k-40k is a lot to you?
>he actually thinks that’s as little as they make
An apprentice will make 40k before they become a journeyman. I know electricians who make 6 figure salaries. Try educating yourself retard. Trades are incredibly lucrative if you actually can socialize and network.
>work at a travel agency call center
>my commissions are x3 of my salary
I can easily make over 4k a month in summers, shit's good lads.
This is the shittiest board on Veeky Forums... and I love it.
Sales. Everything in life comes down to Sales. Want to score that Engineering job? Better do well in your interview. Sales. Want to become president? Sales.
Want to make bank? Sales
Want to score with that hot blonde who lives down the hall? Sales
>tfw I know this all too well because I suck at selling myself
i mean i just had to explain why nazis were bad on Veeky Forums so there are worse boards