Who else fucking despises normie gym culture?

who else fucking despises normie gym culture?

>buying 50 dollar gym tees
>socialising at the gym
>L E G G I N G S

did i forgot to mention any asinine annoying normie gym things? man i wish gyms were like the schwarzenegger days


I'm still dumb founded that gym culture actually became a normie thing. When I was in highschool before Instagram whores I barely ever saw anyone in the gym my age.

try to ignore them and continue lifting

yeah, the gym I go to is full of vanity, especially by women. Like, do you need to have on nothing but a sports bra and extremely short shorts to work out? What about the ones that come in t shirts that are tied in the front so their belly shows? like christ, youre here to qork out, and gtfo, but some girls treat it like theyre on a runshow or someshit smfh

>fucking around on machines

Positive is that power rack is almost always free and heavy DBs are in good condition.

I just workout and nineteen reps I sit breath until I'm ready to go again. This one fucking Asian guy that goes pissed me off he always does one set then is on his phone on facebook for like 6-10 minutes. Shit is annoying for some reason

you faggots are pathetic

>not walking into the gym the moment it opens to avoid this
You did it to yourself

>he doesn't like staring at half-naked Veeky Forums co-eds while he works out

>giving a shit what other people think about you, much less giving a shit about anyone else other than you and or your gym partner

You wanna know how I know you won't make it?

>soy shaker bottles
>tight joggers to accentuate your boipucci
>working out with your girlfriend

What's wrong with leggings?

treadmills are disgusting.

me on the left

I'm still dumb founded that gym culture actually became a normie thing. When I was in highschool before Instagram whores I barely ever saw anyone in the gym my age.

>Having a gym partner
Does he put your dick in his mouth while you lift or something?

Honestly I just hate the whole faggotness atmosphere and I don't care what Veeky Forums thinks

"Gymbros" are just faggots in denial. It makes me sick seeing retards taking turn doing squats while "motivating" each other and using each and every opportunity they have to touch each other's muscles. And it's almost always fat powerlifters doing that.
Exercising is a solitary activity.

>working out with your girlfriend
did this one time. Autism peaked when I had to set up all equipment for her and then retrain her to do pleb lifts for (((gain goblins))). continued to lift for only 15 minutes b4 "im ready to go now, user"
>"hehe g-good workout, babe"
>take her home
>go back to gym and romanian squat out of disdain for plebs

Damn. I’m sorry for your gains loss. Sounds like it was a one time only deal thank god.

The guys who regularly do this are usually fat guys with girlfriends slightly out of their league that they want to “show off”

you're going to die alone

>did i forgot to mention any asinine annoying normie gym things?
yeah, complaining on Veeky Forums about what other gym users do

>people constantly staring at everyone around them
>not re-racking plates
>fuckin dumb bells everywhere whenever those 4 mexican bitches arrive
>that one black dude who has to mumble to himself whenever he walks by
>that old hag who posts up literally behind me and keeps staring at my ass when i do bent over rows
>that one old white guy with all his belongings everywhere in the locker room. also who walks around naked after he showers
>those chicks who spray perfume before working out
>that thicc chick who posts up in front of me doing sissy bullshit so i am forced to stare at her, whom needs another year of training before i'll even talk to her
>that newbie who starts to work harder but sloppier as i enter the area
>those dudes who show up in jeans
>70% of chicks sticking their ass out too much when squatting on the smith machine. i.e. excessive anterior pelvic tilt. oh but it's all good cause they are females right?
>those people who walk right next to you / your weights and you just hope they don't bump into you by accident.
>those dudes who bring a chick and don't show them how to do shit properly
>those cardio bunnies who hop excessively on the cardio machines, implying bad form when doing the most basic of movements.

>buying 50 dollar gym tees
never seen anybody buy a gym tee
>socialising at the gym
If you only socialise with small cunts you are a small cunt
>L E G G I N G S
confessing you're a flaming faggot I see

Paying attention to all this bullshit makes me wonder how you dyels even get work done in the gym

Focus on yourself and quit being a cunt

>he still goes to a commercial gym
>he hasn't forsaken normie goals and starting on the autistic path of olympic weightlifting where a 1kg PR every six months is considered great progress

Your fault for still being a fucking normie, OP

implying you aren't aware of shit in your peripheral.

>being a male posting a female reaction picture

>paying enough attention for it to bother you at all
>going during busy enough times where this would bother you at all

You’ll notice later on in your lifting career that won’t give two fucks about this because it doesn’t mean jack shit

Lift your weight and mind your business

Mfw schwarzenegger wanted gym culture to be mainstream.


>not being not able to pay not enough attention
lol, learn to win, newbie. i've been lifting for 41 years. get on my level youngen. i been on here for 12 years. i got kids your age.


one man can't control a whole culture. or can he?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I thought it is actually good more people realise the fact, that they need to do something to maintain health, fight obesity, whatever. Sure, it is frustrating when they act like retards (I also hate count von count who puts all different plates on one bar of weight-tree), but everyone was new at some point. Talk to them, tell them to not obstruct the view in a mirror or to put dumbbells in a right spot.

Nice quints, but normies and their gyms do suck

I seriously need to find a way to lift in my room

The fact that you need to still talk shit about others in order to make yourself feel better about your own endeavors shows that you’re either new or a petty cunt. Post your body or quit whining.

Damn, you covered a lot of the subtle ones. I just laff at most except

>those 4 Mexican chicks

They are on some group training program and they are fucking nasty hyenas that take up a ton of space. Always pray for the wall when they’re around.


the fact that you need to still talk shit about others who talk shit to make themselves feel better about their own endeavors in order to make yourself feel better about your own endeavors just goes to show that you're truly a new pristine hairless cunt. post your body pic or stfu, pube.

>actually being able to see what other people are doing at the gym
>everything beyond your weights isn't just an angry red blur set to heavy metal
You? Make it? No.


they use ALL of the fuckin 15s, 20s, and 25s. they lay them out on the floor while they switch from those back to machines. and they do the shit at the same time. so everyone sees the most commonly used dumb bells just laying there.


He was destined to wear the crown of Fitalonia upon a troubled brow.

Totally shittershattered

Enjoy lifting bitch weight my dudes

I really hope that bar isn't set at squat height but i fail to see what else it could possibly be for. How fucking short are you? Are you a midget?

>not wearing leggings

I'm 6'0 and I squat with a .75in heel so shit son I don't know

question do you ever run outside?

this but unironically

I don't even run on the treadmill. I do incline walking basically only. I'm 220 currently and running feels like absolute ass.

Articulated better:
Women want aerobics and a very light workout, preferably as a social hour with someone calling cadence.
By contrast, men do not go to gyms to have a group bonding experience, but to lift serious weight in reflective solitude. They seek strength, not tone, and do not want to listen to chirpy orders. In short, the sexes do not belong in the same establishments.

A lot of you always bag on women about the shit they wear to the gym but hey if makes them feel good or they think they look good then let them go for it. When I played football we had a saying “look good play good” if you felt like you looked amazing that confidence would carry on to the game. I personally don’t care what I wear to the gym as long as I look decent but I know there’s times where I threw something on to go to the gym and it looked stupid I would be self conscious and my lifts would suffer slightly . So wear whatever floats your boat


The shit. Have you never been to an actual gym? All the regulars that lift heavy or are big as fuck know each other and talk to each other. Get out of here with that solitary reflection shit. Most people don't lift for that, the ones that do usually only do it before a stupid heavy set and even they're nice to talk to outside of when they're mentally prepping for a heavy lift.

Who’s hand is that? It’s just coming out of nowhere.

>those people who walk right next to you / your weights and you just hope they don't bump into you by accident.

Holy fuck this pisses me off so fucking much

It's called a runway, user

>Powerlifting lifestyle brands for women

>compared to height of the hand dryers

Reminds me of the time I was at my bros home gym and one of his friends was having a party, people kept bumping into me while I was doing my squats.

So many fours. If I was a golfer I'd yell foooooooooore

>that newbie who starts to work harder but sloppier as i enter the area
Sh-shut up dude it's just cuz it's my last set

>socialising at the gym

Just because you're too autistic to speak doesn't mean people have to keep quiet like it's fucking church. It's a hobby that keeps you healthy and if you can add in a social aspect with friends/family then it's even better, you fucking autist.

I honestly wish that gyms were places where people went to not just lift, look like they lift, and perve on each other.

I kind of wish that it was a place of physical culture in general.
Lifting, aerobics, yoga, basic nutrition, swimming pools, outdoor calisthenics park, field to play casual sports in like touch football frisbee baseball etc, hiking classes, etc etc.
Just a place to go hang out and be physical and not just a place where the weights and aerobics machines are.

>people who use whom incorrectly

Why the plastic wall?

Dude looks like he could OHP under those things and have room to spare.


>who else despises normie gym culture
No. At they go to the fucking gym, better than being like the rest of this lazy fat fucking society.


then what the fuck am i supposed to look at?

Other men.
What are you, straight?

Can you even dry your hands or so you have to ask an adult to help you?

jesus this guy looks so punchable. the shitty tattoos and lumberjack beard is so fucking gay

The newbie one is just nerves when I fail to tune my surroundings out. Same when im running and someone near me has a goofy run I fall out of the zone and my pace gets fucked up

>not having a membership to a 24 hour gym

Why are people so fucking stupid?


>part of normie culture
okay christfag

You sound like an angry, /r9k/ virgin OP.

Sounds like you're the retarded one desu

Who the fuck does 19 reps as their goal?

tattoos are normie as fuck, they're how faggots try to show how rebellious they are by getting the same fucking tattoo as every other retard

Like a Roman Forum of olden days.

enjoy your eventual prison sentence

I always use my time at gym for introspection and thinking of solutions to problems. When I am resting between sets, I am not on my phone wasting time, I just take my minute and then get back to it.

These fuckwits who spend like 10 goddamn mins having a D and M with their 'friends' who happen to be covered in sweat and wearing compression pants is gay as shit. I know they are just 5 mins away from covering each other in oil and fucking.

I just want to work out, not listen to the imbeciles call each other 'bro' and spout other gym related stupidity.


This, but unironically

>people wearing hoodies
>people wearing hats
>people using over-ear headphones
>anyone in a matching outfit

Just show up in something practical, it makes me sad to think that you picked something out at the store with the gym in mind.

>sinks at belly button height

>Dumb normie bitch took the weight off of my bench press bar to put it on her leg press
>Almost drop bar on myself bc didnt notice uneven weight

It effects you eventually

>it makes me sad to think that you picked something out at the store with the gym in mind


I go to the gym at 4:30am on weekdays and there is none of this. On the weekends it's usually not so bad either.

>"ohh, matching sweats for the gym! people will surely see me as a regular gym rat now"

T. Hamilton Nolan
Fuck off. news sites aren't you're personal therapeutic blog and neither is Veeky Forums.

damn son. Almost missed your quints due to your good post. Be more careful next time and try to keep the quality lower please.

>waist at sink
>Head far below dryers

That might very well be the gayest man posted on fit, contending against that time two fitizens set up a nohomo fuck date at their college in-thread.

> complaining about people not just working out and minding their own business
> complaining about a stranger's choice of clothes

who cares, just train and go home

Id you want to train with roofers then just find a hardcore gym. If not then stfu boy