Highest Dealift:725lbs
Highest squat: 605lbs
Highest Bench: 455lbs
I make more money in a month than most of you probably make in a year.
Highest Dealift:725lbs
Highest squat: 605lbs
Highest Bench: 455lbs
I make more money in a month than most of you probably make in a year.
enjoy ;)
Some on posts this pic with bait once every month or two. Low effort kys
>being this much of a new fag
Literally kys Adam. You ugly Manlet piece of shit.
>those numbers
Yeah. If real, you probably are the strongest dude here. Nice job broski. Now share with us your stack.
Those skinny bitch wrists
>made for _____
>tiny wrists
>tiny hands
There are just some things steroids can't compensate for. I bet your cock isn't very big either.
These threads are hilarious.
OP posts his picture + stats, and he usually gets a sea of hatred directed at him. Talk about jealously much. This place is full of angry spitiful teenagers who can't stand seeing people who are vastly physically superior to them. Let me ask you all this, what exactly has OP said to piss you off? That he's king of fit? Who's to say he isn't the biggest and strongest guy here ? He has proof posted, why don't you guys post your bodies with stats and we can determine who the real king of fit is.
I've been browsing fit for a long time retard, longer than you. Is Adam your trap lover? Kys dyel faggot
>>tiny wrists
>>tiny hands
he's just big baka
can still kick your ass. and i have a trust fund.
5" shorter
50 lbs lighter
and I out deadlift, squat and bench him.
take a seat son
>physically superior
>roid monkey who can't run 5 miles without suffering congestive heart failure
Yea okay
> Makes more in a month as a bouncer
Lmao most adults make more than $8 an hour
5'9 175lb
If thats natty gyno, good job on the gains. If thats /fraud/ gyno, you turned in your natty card too early and you look like shit loser
thanks i think
6'4 here
Should I roid? I'm like 220lbs right but I wanna be 6'4 700lbs shredded beast mode like OP and Big Lenny.
do something other than curls and bench
Hey billy!
I'll be sure to take the opinion of an unlifting manlet to heart.
lol I didn't know playboy faggot still posted thought you got rund off when everyone laughed at your gay tattoo
Holy shit top kek user.
My sides best oblique workout in months
How much do you make in a month that you can claim to make more than most in a year?
abs 404
>beeeeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeep
Chestlet alarm going off again
When will they learn
You look pretty good man. If you want to get bigger you do you. If I was you I'd go on a cut but that's just me
at least the acne on your arms and back will eventually be acne scars to match the ones on your face
How does it feel to have a tachy resting heart rate?
6’0 149 lbs recovering lanklet, three months of lifting and bulking nonstop.
Highest deadlift: ???
Highest squat: 135 pounds :(
Highest bench: 185 pounds
admitting you have a problem is the first step towards a solution
at least you're not like 90% of the asians at my gym who walk in in their street clothes, sit on a machine, text and lift nothing and make no progress for ever
your squat needs to be greater than your body weight, make sure your form is good and that you're going atg, otherwise keep on keepin on
Same user here, pumped after a 45 minute workout earlier this morning. I then worked out again after school. I’ve been building muscle to make boxing divisions and I don’t see any end in sight.
lifting 404
normal adult male height 404
TWINK bend over
if you're naturally skinny you probably don't need to work out twice a day, unless you just don't have time to do it all in one day
try lifting heavy and eating more than you want
plenty of rest days is fine when you're still new
1 month progress 150ish to 160ish 5’9 with starting creatine
You don't bench 185lbs.
Thanks, I see these losers at my gym all the time. I almost never judge people at the gym because progress is progress but those people are wholly ignorant. Thanks for the squatting tips.
Most people in my family are quite broad but I might be hit with natural skinniness. I used to just eat random shit I found on the floor a couple times a day browsing Veeky Forums and playing Minecraft till I started going outside.
Highest rep, user.
You look good man. I commonly see that weird thing with the lower ribs in skinny fat people at the locker but it’s being buried. Good job keep it up
pls help.
am I t-rex mode?
Legs 2x size of arms? Yea
>t-rex mode?
yes if that means dyel and skinnyfat
Thanks man. I think it’s just a genetic thing as well as I need to to just gain more weight
>t-rex mode
That would require having big legs.
lookin good billy
Mirin as always bro
Awesome arms but fix your gyno and grow your chest
I’m sorry your torso is the way it is. But your shoulders are good af
Yes but with small legs
There's nothing wrong with my torso, you dyel manlet.
Not saying there’s anything wrong with it fag. I’m just saying that in terms of bodybuilding and aesthetics a slimming waist is considered prime and you’re built like a barrel
My own. Monday is arms+back
Tuesday chest+tris
Delts on both of those days
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday’s and Fridays are the same as Monday and Tuesday
Saturday is legs
are you that dumb you can’t just say you have 3 days and repeat 2 times a week instead of wording it that stupidly.
Also, delts and tris 2 days in a row and 4 times a week? enjoy no gains
300 bw can barely squat over 600 lmfao kys needle marky mark.
>no v taper from small lats+waist thick as a sack of shit
>smaller legs than my imaginary girlfriend
you look like shit kys
your prettt much the new rich piano except you dont make youtube videos and arent charasmatic. enjoy dying at 40 for muh gains
Nice acne, you'll always be a beta male
Looks like he's on a bulk and carrying some extra fat. He'll look fine when he cuts. Chill out.
Your arms make you look good despite how shitty everything also looks and how weak you are. Are biceps really all that matter?
Can I get an honest bf estimation? I'm thinking 12 but unsure
6'2, 190lbs
I would put you sub 10 but not sub 5. maybe 7 or 8%?
how am I looking fellas 2 months lifting SS
6'0 185 11% bf according to machine at gym
no flex no pump in this pic
Man these cuts are dreadful
>11% bf according to machine at gym
Thank you. I needed a good laugh. You're actually 20+.
Yeah, 12 is about right.
>roided out the ass
>brags about a sub 1k d/l
I see where your kid gets her retard genes now billy
Respectfully speaking, ever consider shaving your head?
Fuck it why not. Come at me guys.
Yeah I have. Gf wants me to grow it out first. But I'm probably gonna do it in January. Why do you suggest it?
>6'4 here
>Should I roid
hahaha it's mandatory for an even decent physique. unlucky lanklets will never learn. if only you could knock a few inches off your stretch armstrong torso
Why is your post set to Anonymous and why are you not claiming natty like usual?
beautiful bby
King of fit needs /ESTHETICs son you fucked up
There's no world where he would be 20% bodyfat or more. That's like 15% with a lot of fat distribution to his abdominal area
one month lifting
>wasted youth
>kill me
Lotta big guys 4 u in here.
>have this physique
>only take pics to use as before pics
>spend years lifting to never look like that
>walk into CBT
>some fucker is posting that physique in a professional photo with lighting and editing
It's like you people have no self respect.
>Highest bench: 185 pounds
>lying on a Bhutanese Haberdashery Forum
You must be fun to hang out with lol
I'm no fun whatsoever.
>implying his shoulders arent hella juicy
>tfw failed 170 diddly while my gym bro got it
at least i have 2pl8 bench and 1pl8 oph
You got some veiny ass feet bubba.
my feet get really red when i do cardio, i think i might have poor circulation
OP you forgot to post your exaggerated dick size.
weird, I have the best asians at my gym (410 area)
Bunch of Koreans who train oly lifts and shit. Lots of surprisingly strong guys all with fantastic calf genetics
If you're so amazing why are you still posting on this shit hole of a website?
Shoulders look sick - what is/was your routine for them? Mirin' hard.
190lb shoulderlet
>"You're built like a barrel"
>looks like this
Have fun being a Donkey Kong game prop.
The irony is my torso is normal, it's my legs that are freakishly long. Stay jealous, dyel manlet.
Awww look st the calflet
18 5'7 131 3 months
lifts for reps:
ohp 90
bench 135
squat 165
row 135
no bully
You have a cumstsain on your underwear
As a gay dude I'd suck your dick. No homo
Genetics 1xf
I ohp 2 plate
That's a smudge on the mirror you dummy. My cum stains are all on my socks