Just got the elliptical going to bust it in tonight also if you’re wondering I’m watching dbs
Home gym thread
i've found the elliptical real good for weight loss for me, with less stress on my knees. I know alot of fags on here don't rate it tho but depends on your body type and metabolism for how it will affect you
why all that cardio shit ? just do big bodyweight squat sets (50-100) or jump rope.
>Japanese cartoons
>that homegym set up
Are you kidding me bro?
I got a bag full of photographies from the 90's and I lift it
Why is that closet door so high up?
And why wouldn't you just get a power rack and some kettlebells for cardio?
Hey man, we all gotta do what's best for us individually. Glad you can do bw squats and jump rope, but I like different stuff
How does your floor handle the deadlifts?
I can't imagine that padding would help too much.
It's laminate flooring on concrete, so it handles it fine.
Where is the fucking powerrack?
[spoiler]I dig the animu setup btw[/spoiler]
>no squat rack
should have bought horse stall mats for flooring, cheaper per square foot and the exact same stuff. good set up though, I need a good set of dumb bells like you have
I've gotten a weight tree and some other things since taking this picture but this is about it
>>elliptical and treadmill
>>not even 1pl8 on bench
have you heard of running outside for cardio?
I love the sad frog meme.
what the fuck is up with that door?
home gyms are cool, but careful with having it on carpet. Sweat drips onto it and over time the whole room reeks of shit.
Ideally you want a surface you can easily wipe.
We've had the treadmill for a while just got the elliptical I guess it's mostly for me when I was younger I was fat mom got the treadmill never used it till we moved
Dude I gotta watch something while I lift so I always watch dbz how's that bad
No idea we rent so we didn't design the house lol but treadmill is old but my mom wanted the elliptical but I'm gonna try and use it to get this last bit of fat off me. Also Im planning on getting more equipment college is expensive
It's on the back of the bench I think I never squat cause I don't know if I can and I'm 6'5 so I don't wanna fall over and shit
I didn't start working out yet I was just about to start stretching and yeah but it's cold in Maryland and fuck that
Lol no idea everyone seems to think it's weird but it's in all the town houses around my development