Be me

>be me
>DYEL elf build
>curse from gains
>visit gym wizard
>agrees help for year of service
>work daily in onion mine
>fend off gain goblins, and swole troll by night
>year pass , grow strong
>wizard release me
>"who kill swole troll"

self bump

Is this from arx fatalis?

dungeon keeper 2 friend

first pic is everquest tho

Troll sk had some mad xp penalty


i am intrigued by those images. fill me in OP

Me no like Akbah

images are stolen swole trolls from various old video games, as OP I can literally only steal content

manlets btfo

Bonus imp

What old school vidya can I waste my life away with so I can never make gains

heroes of might and magic 3


thank you for this image, I saved it to my computer

Vanilla wow private servers

no what i said

Stay away from it. On Light's Hope the chan alliance guild is full of trannies and the chan horde guild is full of self-hating christ-cuck swedes.

gothic 1+2

what he or i said

Vanilla wow sucks, everyone rides on nostalgics and will realize how much it sucks very soon.

what this guy said
tbc is bearable if you have a shit ton of free time but otherwise i'd play wotlk or cataclysm instead.