Progress Pics

This is my progress from 1 month of drinking tap water instead of bottled water and eating more than one meal a day.

Am I going to make it?

You were cuter before.

go back

You got any more pics of your before? Asking for a friend

Overall, nice improvement.

GRRRR... That's so RUDE! I did all these pushups and drank all this milk for you to tell me to go BACK?!?! No! I won't! I'm going to be a chad one day! Believe it!

you were better as a qt twink


4 years later. Ive made shit progress since I only learned how to actually train like 2 years ago and have a shitty diet. Still proud considering how far I've come.

ur mom gay

Ladies and gentlemen: the power of consistency

stretch marks gone ?? im nearly 2y in and theyre still kinda feint

honestly should have taken him 16 months at the most.

congrats, you are now attractive

idk why but this post cracks me up

From LONDON to LONDON desu senpai baka
>tfw no smol twink gf to be rough with

Completely right. Im pissed at how much time I wasted. Im lucky I'm still young(20) and have time to make it.

Thank you! Nice digits

You’re so going to make it brah.

Despite changing your appearance, you still have a submissive beta personality. Can't change everything I suppose.

Good job man

Atleast you now know what to do, keep killin it the gym and you will look great

Plenty of time bro, I've be lifting on and off for 5 years, completely fucked myself over in the first 3 years by dirty bulking while doing a shitty bro split and taking month long breaks but the last 2 years my training and diet is good. Finally lean with abs and decent mass, now going to lean bulk on a good routine

One day I will make it

What mode am I? Currently starting a lgd and rad 140 sarm stack.

Good work dude really proud me' boy

nice guys
giving me some motivation here

soyboy mode


OK i will start blasting test and onion juice

dude yours dicks out

be my bf

OwO u like

got telegram?

Fuck off homo

You could of been my trans gf. Go back and Take hormones

Seriously OP your body was really cute. Anymore pics of before.
like I said you could be my trans gf

Why is this comment so cute? You're meant to be submissive fem boy toy. Be mines please

Any loose skin issues? If so, how'd you overcome it?