How's the gf hunt going, bros?
Found your 18 yet?
How's the gf hunt going, bros?
Found your 18 yet?
I'm going to ask her out on Thursday. I think I waited too long, but if I don't ask now, I'll never get the chance again. Hopefully she says yes.
Met her a long time ago, gonna asl her out in 1 month because im finally happy with my progress.
We've been going out for 7 months and she cheated on me with a FUCKING bus driver. Im so fucking disgusted and hurt at the same time. She said she loved me all the time and we had fights but not enough for her to cheat
She told me this 2 hours ago over a phone call because she's too much of a bitch to tell me in person.
I'm done Veeky Forums. She was the only thing that kept me alive and I have no more reason to be here.
Don't kill yourself
Bye faggot, close the door when you leave.
>He fell for the putting everything into the gf meme and now has nothing
Still alone trying to find a girl but it feels like i'll never find someone who actually loves me found someone i genuinely want to be with at the work place just gotta find the courage to try things out and not be afraid of being rejected
I'm the 18, my fiance is more of a Gohan tho
Do you guys have any suggestions for where to meet women?
Bars, strip clubs, brothels.
Here she is, say something nice.
Don't do it senpai, she ain't worth it. It's a bad situation to be in I know but you still have a lot of time left on this Earth.
Learn from the experience and allow it to make you more resilient and better at looking for signs of deviance from your partner.
We're all gonna make it bros
spend 3 months improving yourself and trying not to think about her (it's hard i know but it gets easier) and see how you feel then
good luck, and remember dont be a pussy
>Was dating a girl long distance for more than 5 years.
>She lives in a poor eastern European country and couldnt afford much.
>I sent her money for years to help her and her mother.
>We use to play online games together all the time and shared accounts.
>one week she only talked to me a for a few mins each day
>suspect something going on
>go detective mode and log on to her email using the same pass we use for gaming account
>shes been sending nudes to a guy back and fourth
>they made plans to meet up the week she was ignoring me.
>broken hearted at this point
>confront her and break up with her.
>she begs for one last pay day before we cut ties
> I send her 5 grand because im a cuck and feel bad for her still
Damnit bros. idk what to do anymore. this was about two months ago. Should i try and make things right? I just miss having someone i could talk too. maybe we can still be friends.
Milo pls
at least you know now rather than wasting more time with her. today is a new beginning for you brother. youre gonna make it
I really hope this is bait.
>he was the only thing that kept me alive
>7 months
Holy fuck user, get your shit together.
No, i haven’t found a girlfriend who is exponentially stronger than me and dominates me all the time, but a man can dream
already found one
Your waifu a shit.
>wanting a spitty drooling retard
>27 single for 6 months
This blows
Not good bros. I have absolutely zero female connections. I tried tinder and OKcupid once and actually had some success but never actually went on a date with anyone. I don't like to do online dating because I find it kind of pathetic. I have a job, am tall, white and even have my own fucking house but none of that matters because I'm awkward and boring as fuck ;_;
With scissors. (not pictured)
I know this curse Normies always do shit, makes me feel ill how much they do
kind of in limbo bros
>had 30 y/o fwb (im 21) for a while, was p chill
>qt starts working at my work, p much exactly my type - tall, Veeky Forums, smart, nerdy, Veeky Forums
>she seemed to like me (to the point where several coworkers of ours assumed we had something going on) and for like 3 weeks of work it seemed inevitable something would happen (part time so it wasn't like we saw each other every day)
>theni found out she had a boyf, think ok fine we can just be friends i wont think about her like that any more
>we go for drinks and she tells me she's not seen him in two weeks and really wants to break up with him, but he's got family troubles atm and she was kind of putting it off
>she also asks me if i think she's hot and when i say yeah she p much makes me say it like three times
buuuuuut that was three weeks ago, and i started a different job like 5 weeks ago so we're not around each other any more and i have no idea what her current bf situation is, and we've hung out a few times in the meantime but always with others around so couldn't really broach it.
it's so fucking irritating because i feel like a goddamn 14 y/o schoolboy all over again, basically crushing on someone for months with no idea if it'll actually happen. i even cut off the fwb thing cos i'd end up thinking about workqt while i was with her and started to feel weird about it, like honestly it feels kinda pathetic of me but damn it if my biology isn't fucking with me hard rn. sorry for the blog anons, needed a little vent
>we're going on a night out friday
wish me luck lads
>found qt asain on tinder
>from Vietnam
>decided to date after first date, cause why the hell not.
>realised she doesnt speak english that well, and will be awkward during family events
Shes likes videogames, manga and anime tho lol.
Did i do well lads?
>implying her not speaking english isn't a plus
Enjoy being bed ridden with crushing depression for the next 6 months. Similar thing happened to me and it put me off from women to the point I consider myself asexual now.
When the abs are visible, I am still too uncomfortable to show myself in the nude, but the cut is coming along well for the first time, not losing any strength
>met her in HS
>asked her out after the finals
>what followed were the two most beautiful years of my life
>then she admited that she's been cheating all along with various guys
>two of my friends she met trough me as well
And she even looked a bit like 18 with blue eyes, shoulderlong blonde hair and the right body.
I hope she'll rot in hell.
Depends on your age.
If you're in your 20s you still have a multitude of options.
If you're past it, better start to get comfortable to be FA.
This is my first date ever btw, i have no idea what im suppose to expect. But shes also been through a rough childhood which has resulted in her having low confidence and being pretty reserved so im doubting she will cheat.
> 7 Months
This is what terrifies me, I've been with my gf for 3 years almost and if she cheats on my I'm worried how I'd react. I have other good things in life to focus on but part of me thinks I'd go full AWOL and maybe even kill someone.
Fuggin beta pussy faggot sort yourself asap
Try 5 years
I once funked a Vietnamese chick from Tinder. Crazy in bed but also outside of bed... thought she might chop my dick off at some point
Took gf of 4 years' virginity. Now long distance for past 2 years. Distance is crushing my soul. No chance of moving near each other soon. Thinking about breaking it off for the last 6 months, but know it would crush her
Kinda getting this feelin, she seems really clingy.
>long distance
That was your mistake.
You see that you're a cuck at least so work on yourself to prevent that from ever happening again.
And for gods sake don't give random people your fucking money.
Good luck user
do it man
I found the perfect woman, the only problem is that she is Latin and it scares me thinking my children will be only 50% European.
There's a flip headoverheels for me. What do bros?
The only thing crushing her right now is Jamal's dick as he pounds her from the back.
Depends if the jungle chink is FOB or domesticated. FOB = wife material. Domesticated = gossiping cheater that is materialistic.
A flip? Maybe a Viet but not a filipina girl. They're raunchy as fuck, even when they're fob.
just talking from my experience.
>playing cs:go one day and i top frag
>after the game this german girl adds me and tells me my voice is hot, im from england
>give her my snapchat and we text daily
>she invites me over to germany to stay with her... at her parents house
>she has only been with one other guy
>fuck her hard and she cums when i pick her up while fucking her
I think i love her but i dont want long distance, idk what to do
get her out of there and move somewhere that isn't going to be a 3rd world country in your lifetime.
Depends how often you can see her user. Also depends on how trusting you are.
I just want a Lt. Hawkeye GF bros
>tfw I had 4 dates with different people this semester
> tfw I never had social skills because of being a geek in high school
> all of them said I'm socially awkward
>have a nice body, height, and face but it won't fix social stigmas
I've never had a gf, only hook ups and one nighters. Only saw her once this November, going back in january, if her parents let me stay again, not sure if they will because on the last day she wore a low crop top and her mother saw the bruises. she's young, she only turned 18 in September. But shes so out of my league and her body is insane.
>another one takes the red pill
Read the fucking sidebar pls
I've been talking to this super cute girl with piercings and an incredible body, I think shes a Jew though. Idk hard decisions.
I thought I did. She’s cute as fuck, doesn’t seem to go out much and loves kids, but then as time went on I learned she was more of a thot than I realized. The other girl that i labeled as a thot and wrote off has been revealed to be less of one than the more innocent seeming one. I’ve learned to stop judging a book by its cover. Now I have to figure out how to win over the one I wrote off who seems to give no fucks about me anymore. Romance sucks bros.
It is necessary for your heart to be broken in order to be remolded into something stronger
Think of the first time you lifted heavy in the gym. The DOMs probably stopped you from walking, you probably couldn't bend your arms or reach over. That's like your first break up, take some time to stretch and explore why you hurt and what you did wrong, learn more about the nature of women and move on to bigger and better things.
The number one thing you should take away from this is that women are incapable of loving a man in the way men love their women.
Men love their women unconditionally.
Women love their children unconditionally.
Children love their animals unconditionally.
Learn this. Learn to not be a beta bitch and give a woman everything, not financially, not emotionally, not your time, not your energy, not your friendship, and not, unfortunately, not your full trust.
Pavlovian reward her for being a good girl while still doing 80% of the same things you did before and focussing on your own life. Frank Yang said it well when he expressed that a relationship is about growing together (except women can't grow much emotionally past the age of 16). If you don't end the relationship tougher, stronger, wealthier or richer of experience and knowledge, it was a parasitic and unhealthy relationship.
Learn, man up and get ready to feel emotionally and spiritually drained or empty for at least twice the amount of time you were with her.
Sounds like it's a thing dude, quit freaking out and tell her how you feel
So basically just leave Europe.
Shit OP I hope things work out for me. I'll give you a quick rundown.
Been working out for about 6/7 months
>Talk to sluts on Tinder after breaking up with my exgf
>Get laid a bunch, which is nice but shits just wack.
>10/10 Orthodox Girl comes into my job a month or two ago
>Conservatively dressed, nice manners, and has an incredibly beautiful face
>She talks to me almost every time she comes in, I try just to be professional and friendly.
>Today she comes in 5 mins before we close and its raining. Says she couldn't get a cab until now. I say "its ok" and stay after and help her bit. She's very thankful, and smiles.
>Finally get her name, and some child flirtatiousness in
>She leaves and I should've offered her a ride. Maybe next time.
Idk if she's married or not, she doesn't have a ring but her religion is weird. ((())). I'll see her next week probably, and I will continue. Wish me luck Anons. I love you all, the feels, cbt, fraud and onions .. everything.. We're all gonna make it.
well said
Love life is nonexistant as always.
How do I meet people? I want a nice gentle femdom girl who would watch anime with me and reads a lot, and also does a sport.
I tried joining anime club but most of the people there are guys and they were way too nerdy for me anyways, I didnt know what they were talking about most of the time. I probably know more anime than them, but all they were talking about was vidya which I don't really play.
I really don't know what to do, I think I am attractive and strong but I literally dont know how to meet and connect with other people and this is making me miserable.
This guy gets it
>She was the only thing that kept me alive and I have no more reason to be here.
I fucking hate when guys say this I never got it.. I understand the heartbreak but do you seriously have nothing more to live for? Or perhaps it is your clouded/emotional judgement... Anyhow your ancestors would be spitting at you if they heard you say that KEK
GL bro. Don't attach yourself to any outcomes and you'll be fine ;)
She's seems more like a fwb boi. Just fuck her brains out but don't get those feelings attached
follow your heart user
The girls that activley portray themselves as thots usually arent and are doing it to fit in. The girls who act all inocent are some of the biggest sluts you will ever meet. There are exceptions to this rule but not many.
The girls that actively portray themselves as sluts usually are sluts, user. The ones that act innocent are also sluts. They're all sluts. Feminism has ruined women. Just give up and die alone.
Thanks bro, I am really trying not too. Just want to make her like my work gf. lmfao. The only thing we can do is wait, if I see her again I already know what I am saying.
Had a great night with a girl on Saturday. We're both bad at texting. But I've sent her like 2 messages on Sunday and left it be since then. I'm really feeling pancakes right now but I don't want to look desperate with 2 messages in a row. Although it was two days ago. Should I message her?
she dump me like a month so, feels bad men
Nope. But I've dropped about 70lbs, so I might put myself back out there. But I'm worried it's too soon and I still look fat.
On the other hand I recently saw a girl I used to have a crush on and felt nothing for her this time. She rejected me before, so I was glad to fully be over it all.
This thread doesn't belong on Veeky Forums and I shouldn't even be posting in it.
A qt from one of my classes was supposed to text me but hasn't and probably won't. She seemed pretty sweet but I guess she's like all of the rest.
Tomorrow morning
both your waifu a shit
Just started shopping around for rings. Thinking 2-3 months before I ask.
>got cucked by a fat 46 year old bus driver
She may be busy. You should reach out once and see if she’s responsive, don’t try to chit chat, just try to set something up and gauge how she reacts, if she seems willing you know, if she gives you excuses with no later date set, move on. Always shoot your shot user, the what if will bother you more than the rejection.
>tfw monkmode and no longer have desire for females
Please don’t say your leaving just go.
going on a first date later today
what the fuck do i talk about with a girl i barely know and have pretty much nothing in common?
I probably won't see her for a few days so I'll just wait. I'm not sure why I'm so upset by her not texting me but I am.
Just ask her about herself and mirror whatever she says. Get good at listening to what people say and have something ready to follow up with depending on what they say, people love talking about themselves. Unless she’s one of those personality less bitches that gives you one word responses, then you’re fucked if you can’t lead a convo. If she’s a mute bitch try to get a drink or two in her so she loosens up and talks more.
Talk about work, weather, what you're going to do. If you're getting dinner talk about the food, restaurant anything and everything you can. But just don't talk about yourself.
>Let her just talk about her job. If shes talking you can't say anything wrong
Good luck user, be honest and kind and you've gotten on a date. That means something eh?
It’s your ego my dude. I literally just cut a chick off for this (we were way more established and she started ignoring me, so different situation entirely), nobody wants to be ignored, but it may not be malicious at all, a lot of people are stressed with school right now, wait until you know it’s intentional to react. Trust me breh, I do this exact thing a lot, it’s not always the girl being too cowardly to just outright reject you, some people are just distant at first. Try to hold off before you jump to conclusions and drive yourself nuts over it, good luck, my guy.
Take the disparaged man pill but don't kill yourself you loony
broke up with her recently. my life is peaceful now. focusing on school and gym. doing some more cooking. I feel nice and organized. I'll start looking once the semester ends
> falling for the materialism meme
improve yourself. you must have spirit
desu I don't even feel like it's possible for me to get a gf
Thanks. It's weird because she seemed like she was really into me yesterday.
Good for you user
>ask everyone I know in a stable relationship how they met their significant other
>"idk user, it just sort of happened"
How the hell am I supposed to know if a relationship is good or if I'm just desperate? So many people tell me that I'll just know when things are all good, but fuck man, I've seen a lot of relationships go sideways.
How do you guys shake this dread of walking into love blind?
So the college I go to has nice girls and all that but how do you actually strike up a conversation with one? It's hard in lectures cause I can't talk while the professor is talking. Just go to events on campus and stuff?
>you still have a multitude of options.
Like what?