What is your stance on shaving pubes? Is it chad level to you, or do you prefer it untouched or trimmed...

What is your stance on shaving pubes? Is it chad level to you, or do you prefer it untouched or trimmed? How do you personally get to removing pubes? Just shaved mine using a combination of cream+razor, scissors, and electric razor.

First with the grain, then against. Use adequate shaving cream. Apply non-alcoholic moisturizing balm after.

Unkempt is retarded, shaved is try-hard, trimmed is where it's at. Just use your beard trimmer (on pubes, ass, chest, pits). Clean, but not feminine.

I trim whenever they start to annoy me

trimmed obviously you tard

>he thinks no hair on his crotch is feminine
>he unironically uses the term try hard
Beta faggot detected.

trim area

pluck shaft

I shave my pubes, balls, taint and ass with my safety razor for a totally smooth experience. My gf rims me. Life is good.

Soyboys will be soyboys. Real men keep it like the jungle.

How the hell do you shave your ass? HOw in the fuck? Why not just use Nair or Wax it?

I have a high ape index and am flexible so I can easily reach all spots on my body.

My hair is naturally thick so sometimes veet and nair do nothing and I need to apply multiple rounds.

Shaving takes less time, smells better, and doesn't burn my skin.

>Projecting this hard

What's so different about trimming your body hair and getting a haircut?
You don't get your nails grow wild.
You don't get you body odor get the best of you.
>You trim your hair.
>You trim it everywhere.

Soyboys don't need to shave. They barely grow any body hair.

Nib*a every part of my body except my palms and feet is hairy, I ain't about to trim for 8 hours

i trim all with a electric clipper, then shave benis base (looks) and balls (less excuses for licking).

would gladly shave the rest if that guarantees a rimjob tho.

I shave with the grain mostly, but against the grain near the base of the shaft. Then, I squat down in the shower and shave below/behind my balls, around my asshole, and the inside of my ass cheeks. It feels nice.

Though word of warning: if you do this once, you have to do it at least every two days, or else it will itch between your ass cheeks as the hairs grow back out.

>trimming pits
gay detected

Hello Ethan.

I trim it down then shave my pubes. I have problem managing my ass hair though. Send help..

I cannot shave my pubes with out it looking bad because my inner thighs are hairy af and im not finna shave all that shit. So i just trim using my beard trimmer with a guard

If you shave against the grain prepare for irritation.

>Wanting stubble and ingrown hairs
Trim so it isn't gigantic but don't shave. Apparently you've never fucked a girl with stubble and experienced the cactus spines.

fully shaved pubes stomach chest back shoulders and upper arms

and feet

Concerning ballsack specifically, I’ve asked multiple girls and they all say shave the sack, and most say trim the pubes above and around the shaft.

>Implying women know what they want

Trim the area around my dick.

Shave the actual phallus and balls itself.

I have so much body hair it will actually significantly coat my dick and balls if I don't shave it.

Life slapped me hard with the DHT stick (balding by 26)

Never shaved pubes before. I have hair growing on my shaft. It's like I'm pooping through a net. You ever try to clean peanut butter out of a shag carpet, boy?

Honestly lad it's not hard to shave your balls if you're not a fucking ape

as for the rest of the pubage, just invest in an electric trimmer w/ guards and trim it down to a nice length, then shape it up with a razor