>I-i-ts a-a-ll natural bro! Disney is a family-oriented company and would never allow me to take roids! Y-you need to eat big to get big bro!
I-i-ts a-a-ll natural bro! Disney is a family-oriented company and would never allow me to take roids! Y-you need to...
He is natty you dumb faggot
Nice joke
>that bicep
How fucking delusional are you?
Now THIS is bait. Look at delts. Dude is tall too. He is fucking HUGE and has made a majority of the gains in the last year or two.
I have 6 months of training and my bicep looks like that. 100% natty.
No one has ever said that, all of hollywood knows that male action stars do steroids and hot chicks get surgery... ??
why does that guy matter to you? if he publically attacks you, just laugh at him because hes a fucking fraud, but , buddy, the thor guy doesnt care about you or your tantrums or you 4 chan threads that will slid in 5 minutes because of what complete shit they are
He is in the middle of a rep with his arms close to the body from the side. Don't discount top notch personal training and nutrition that Hollywood can afford. And also good old Hollywood photo editing.
pic with date and time.
No it doesnt, your bf percent is probably double of his
Why would someone get Hollywood nutrition and Hollywood training but not Hollywood chems. Don't be retarded, if someone makes money based on looking swole, they're on.
The pic is taken during the exercise with superpump in good lightning.
I look like that in the gym and I'm lifting since 4 years.
This is possible natty.
Maybe try something else than squatting everyday and train arms at least 3 times per week faggot. Veeky Forums has huge legs but always small arms
>This is possible natty.
Stop trolling.
shut the fuck up faggot, you think fit is pwg? 90% of us do ppl twice a week
also post body
jesus the delusion is so damn high these days
fuck nazis and fuck wh*te people
More like
>those delts
It is though. Hemsworth is big, but he isn't that huge. He is very defined though, low bf% when he preps for Thor. Top not nutrition gets rid of bloat and gives him a cut look.
And seriously don't underestimate how much bigger a muscle can look in the middle of a rep.
>He doesn't know how proffesional photoshoots work
You can never know shit from these photos really.I have an almost DYEL tier friend with less than 15 inch arms that is only shredded and hires a photographer for a professional photoshoot every once in a while when he reaches his peak after a long cut. All these angles , ligtning, pump and proffesional equipment make him look like a pro BBer, meanwhile he is twice smaller than me and you can't even tell he lifts in clothes. Its kinda funny when who know him from social medial see him IRL
Post pics. I hope you're 6,3+ and 210+ pounds.
Totally reasonable as a natty. I gained 30lb of muscle mass in six months by compound lifting.
How genetically flawed are you that you cant look like that while natty?
Apparently as genetically flawed as 100% of humanity. Now lets see your pics or gtfo
Nah senpai. That's what dedication does to a man. Stick to your program, eat 3000 calories, lift daily.
lol at Jason Blaha watching faggots that are paranoid that literally any male that looks like they lift is on roids.
These "anyone can be that big natty" twats are exactly the same as the people who comment on execution vids with "don't worry, he survived" comments. It's like they are so against an idea that their brain blocks all proof of what is really going on an their instinct is to reinforce their ideas by posting online about it.
No one has commented on the real issue...
>3000 calories
get back to the pit, manlet
What does natty mean ?
nobody is natural except total cucks
>"I look like that"
>doesn't post pics
Seeing as so many people apparently look as good as thor here natty, please post pictures.
taking less than 600mg of test injections a week
I'm natty, only been training for 5 years and look almost as good.
hell with a beard i seriously look better than him when i have a serious pump
Yeah virtually the same bro.
What is the point of that picture?
He only looks more ripped on the right because he dropped some fat and also better lightning
>david laid is a roid abuser, obviously
>Chris Hemsworth is clearly natty
-Veeky Forums
kinda rude without context bro, do you even know that guy? i can only hope he was some dumbass
>hje thinks it isn't natty
that guy is the body 1/2/3/4 gets you
Daily reminder that when you post your pics on Veeky Forums
they immediately get right clicked and saved into some fucked up folder on some autist's computer so years later he can disparagingly use your image for no reason other than his own miserable resentment..
i look like that... is this a bad body?
and also roids
that's a good representation of 1/2/3/4 as a natty desu
he's been a professional fitness youtuber for years, training for 10 years. and then in one year he puts on a pile of mass and gets leaner and a lot stronger
you know what reddit thinks? that this is just a regular bulk. reddit is retarded.
>people not recognising rasputin
good representation of what no dedication and a shit diet get you, holy fuck doesn't matter if you're natty
wow , why i'm even lifting if that's a natty body, i could look more toned with a sport.
LOL you people have memed yourselves. You really believe that the only way to get past otter mode is taking roids. There is a reason things like diet are stressed so heavily. This guy, and most actors who have a character that is supposed to be muscular, eat clean as all hell while preparing for these roles. Combine that with excellent training, and they get good size and definition.
yea fuck nazis and fuck wh*ite people
Someone prove to me this pic isnt shopped
I ran it through my analyzer and it said it isn't shopped
give me proof he has been lifting for 10 years. I will refuse to believe that is 10 years of lifting. I looked better than that after 2 years.
>them delts
I just called and asked him. He said it's not fake
Ah ok, what a roiding piece of shit
I actually enjoyed Ragnarok
ur delusinal m8
I promise you it doesnt. Lose some weight
no. could do with some more muscle, but for most women, they'll be pretty happy and you're not putting yourself at risk of any fat related illnesses.
The director of Thor Ragnarok has said on video that they had to CGI edit chris hemsworths muscles in some scenes because they were too big.
Yes, too big.
Not too small.
Too big.
They were taking up too much space in shots.
>he isn't on roids
No, just DYEL.
Not saying hes not roiding but you cant use that pic as proof, with good lighting + pump you can look like that natty.
>the yellow man