
Post your favorite Jason Blaha-isms

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So this is what peak physical performance looks like...





Damn, what a monster.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

>So this is what peak physical performance looks like...
is that really one of his?

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male


Blaha pullups are all fantastic


I counted zero chin-ups in total.

With a plastic chain.

I'm getting a real tough guy vibe from the middle guy, the alpha male.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male


He did better than I expected if I'm being honest...


>I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I want a woman with that hip size. She would be able to pop out twins at the same time.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

Does anybody else ever get scared that they’ll end up looking like blaha? There’s always a prt of me that worries I lack self awareness to realize i look like him.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

all of those people following jason blaha around became as bad or worse than jason blaha, and they are completely unaware.

>end up looking like Blaha

((ding ding ding))
he's building an army of incel wide hipped fat titted bald cucks. So in the end he is surrounded by his own kind.

>any army of guys who usually come off as tough guys, the alpha males

How do we stop this?

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

>read about icf
>man this is the routine I've been looking for
>do it for a few months
>see picture of creator
>immediately stop

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

ICF5x5 is a good beginner routine. It's just that Blaha has shitty genetics.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as the tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

Blaha is a piece of trash just like Rippetoe. They both just took the easy path of developing programs (or plagiarizing in Blaha's case) for novices. Since a novice will grow and develop fast on pretty much any program they come across as knowing their shit, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

They're both idiots and scumbags.

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

*heavy nasal breathing*


>It's just that Blaha doesn't lift or eat properly for any worthwhile amount of time



cerebal palsy or throwing out gang signs on the left?

i come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

Blaha is literally disabled, he has zero balance

>Westside shirt
He wouldn't last a day

I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male

>When there are no men left, I will be king of what remains


collapses and dies during 3rd set of 8x3 box squats at 50%

dureing your twenty rep WIDOWMAKER squat program at some point jesus jesuswill ask if he can work in-mark rippetoe

i do 5x20 squats with 405 and then go on to do other exercises and cardio on leg day. -professional bodybuilder


>no career
>no education
>live in ran down tiny cuckshack (renting)
>tranny looking 2/10 gf
>constant excuses
>can barely bench bodyweight for 3 clean reps
>cannot even push press anywhere near close to his bodyweight
>mediocre squat
>only just advanced deadlift despite 5'5 manlet ROM
>20 years of lifting and not natural

if blaha can have a youtube channel and a platform that people listen to then I daresay any of us on Veeky Forums can, good riddance.


Damn, Jason Blaha's looks like THAT?!




ICF5x5 is just Stronglifts + accessories

that's literally it. it's shit for strength and sub par for hypertrophy. there's no reason to ever do ICF.

is that a middle aged woman undergoing chemo or a chubby bald dwarf?

That’s just the blanket, not a bulge... who took this picture...


*in Call of Duty


I actually look a bit like him. Fucks sake. Doomed by genetics again.

Say what you will, my body is stronger thanks to his workout.
