How do i know if a girl likes me?

Also mirin thread

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If you post on Veeky Forums it's safe to say she doesn't


If you can't tell then she probably doesn't.

such downerposting, hating yourself is great motivation but it doesn't work for everything

assume she likes you until she says otherwise

Easiest way to tell is if she laughs at whatever stupid shit you say

So soulful. She wants you inside her.

Kind of this but best way is to not care either way if she likes you or not. Ask her out and don’t be all butthurt if she says no and don’t overthink it if she says yes. She is just a girl. You should be the most important person in your life. Hinging your self worth on a thing that can’t decide what to eat or wear without consulting social media is idiotic.

I've gotten visibly butthurt (ie annoyed) when I felt like I was getting led on.

when your cock is buried in her throat, but still there is a chance she is just being nice

Fugg that's true doe

>"Oh user I love being near you"
>"You've gotten big, user!"
>*Flirts, but I'm still not sure*

Fuck it, I'm gonna ask her out

>"Oh, yeah, maybe. I might be busy"

"Are you seeing anyone?"

>"Yeah I'm talking to my ex again while fucking some guy that we both know"

What. The. Fuck.

I thought a girl liked me because she always smiles when we look at each other. When I asked her out she said no ,she still smiles at me which is confusing....maybe she's just making fun of me

>mfw she keeps smiling

what does this means?


first post, best post

>but best way is to not care either way if she likes you or not.
SO MUCH THIS. Women and life in general is all about being confident, if you aren't naturally confident fake it. Eventually people will buy your shit, and you'll believe it as well.

>Bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks.

If you like her and think she may like you, ask her out. Worst case scenario she says no, you smile and say okay have a good day. Dating/getting laid is seriously a numbers game. Keep stepping up to the plate eventually you'll get a hit.

>(ie annoyed)
we know what butthurt means newfag

lol my friend gets upset when girls talk to him like a normal person and dont fuck him.
this is probably you.

>talk to him like a normal person
>getting led on
pick one, chad

Sad to think but true :/

You just know. So she probably dont.

faggot, why are you asking that??
A man doesn't Need to know if a qt likes him.
If he likes her, then he should/will Approach her.
You dont Need to know more. If YOU like her, YOU go. If she doesn't want you, she will not give you her time. She is the want losing, you go to the next

Her eye contact wavers around you, she fidgets, plays with hair etc etc

If she's inexperienced with flirting, she compliments you in really obvious and dumb ways, and wavers between that and being completely passive

If she's experienced, she'll be more teasing, distant and discreet, and slowly lead you on

these aren't set in stone because girls tend to like whoever has the balls to be themselves around them

The underage fucking faggotry around here lately has gotten out of hand. You have class tomorrow, get to bed.

k e k

I browse Veeky Forums with my gf, stop projecting.

If you ask her out and she says yes.

i have bad new for you

As an ex fatty who's now fit, i wouldn't know whether a girl likes me or not unless she sucks my dick and let's me fuck her
And even then i'd still have some doubts

Is not a men I've checked her already.

This is a fucking advice thread. I hate you guys sometimes.

>it's safe to say she doesn't
I didn't mean that she is a he, but that she doesn't like you...

There's a rule I live by: if she looks at you and/or talks to you when she has no reason to, she wants that dick boy. No exceptions.

>Constantly touched in work
>Hands on my back all the time
>Only guy in the place

I have a gf though

>was at doctors
>young 7/10 female doctor, maybe 4 years older than me?
>say that i'm taking vitamin D supplements
>i'm pretty busy so i don't get out in the sun much
>she laughs and reaches across and brushes her hand along my arm
>workout out later that day, after chinups I ws talking to workout partner and notice him just glancing at my arms
this count?

>Also, how do I up my snapchat game?

>got drunk asked girl if she liked me
>pic related

So why does she sometimes open and leave my snapchats? She is working 20 hrs this week and has mocks as well so is she just stressed or am I being blown off?


Probably, but meanwhile does the job.

If she let's me fuck her and destroy her mounth and cum all over her face then taking my holy semen with her bare fingers off her face and then start licking them and smile at me and saying ''thank you, master, user"... but doesn't let me to do anal, i-it is still mirin', r-right, bros?
I am insecure : (

Attention. In other words, it's the eyes. Hell, when a man is interested in a women, he sizes her up: tits, ass, face. Imagine your own eyes gazing upon the female body. There's a spark in your eye when you do this.

When anyone has a vested interest in you, both men and women will do what it takes to receive your attention or try to empower your existing strength (to which is given to you by others).

Women who are interested in you will do whatever the fuck it takes to get your attention.

>making excuses to be around you
>touching you
>grazing you (ie shoulders, hands, footsies)
>looking at you all the time
>blushing in your presence, especially if you gaze on her
>literally just STANDING around you
>listens to you intently
>doesn't look at her phone when she's around you
>objectifying herself
>sits/stands up straight
>leans toward you
>body is facing you
>smiling constantly when talking to you
>says stupid shit, expecting you to understand her suggestions and waiting for you to make a move on her
>laughing all the time to stupid shit you said
>giving you any time of day

There isn't a single ONE thing that will tell you, but there is a general pattern that you will recognize, as I have listed. Honestly, just keep exposing yourself to people in general with an express desire to ask if people have any general interest or disposition towards you, and you will begin to notice.

There is a subset of girls who love attention. They thrive on attention, and so when men keel over, or even do any little thing in their direction, it is as though they are consuming porn.



Introduce her to NewRetroWave

If she doesn't like it, move on

reuben from pic here - see i'm the only guy she's talking to - she doesn't ignore me all the time, we're talking one open and left every few days. She's said she'd be game for going out for a few drinks when her mocks finish. Everything says yes but the open and leaving confuses me...

>I WOULD NOT talk to you if I WASN'T even slightly interested
And you're talking to her? She said she is talking to you because she is interested, if she wasn't slightly interested she wouldn't talk to you..
Am I wrong or is she just bad with grammar?

Being this new....

Reddit is the opposite way, nigger

My sides she’s looks like a 50 year old post op tranny

don't play into mind games over snapchat or text, talk to her in person as much as possible

waaa downerposting, fuking soyboy alert

t. underage b&

>have oneitis for qt3.14 coworker
>always see her talking to Chad, laughing, etc.
>all my conversations with her have been pretty awkward
>i've started wearing suits to the office in the case we bump into each other
what do? how do i make girls laugh? what do i even say in conversations?

typical conversation at work
>me: how are you
>them: good, how are you?
>me: good, thanks

>tfw 32 year old khv
>no girl has ever done any of this to me
how do i change this?

Protestant Christian name, not a kyke. Deus Vult.

Does englishy subjects so it's pretty good. Just seemed like double negatives which when I sobered up I thought was a way to stay truthful but basically say I'm slightly interested but nothing more. I was hanging though so ovethinking.

Hahahahahahah, really dude? I thought she was pretty good, but depending on what picture you look at she can go from 6/10 -> 9/10.

Asked her out in person to a pub with lots of pool tables for a drink within 10 snapchats. She said "yeah sounds good!!" but that was this time last week so I got bailed on for revision so again, not sure if being blown off or genuinely busy because it was a strong first reaction. We had good craic about playing pool etc and what we'd play for. She has played pool before, albeit "only on holiday".

Bro, just get out and talk to more people in general. Like it's piss easy to keep a convo like that going -
>me: how are you
>them: good, how are you?
>me: good, thanks, getting up to anything this weekend?

>>looking at you all the time
>>blushing in your presence, especially if you gaze on her
>>literally just STANDING around you
>>listens to you intently
>>doesn't look at her phone when she's around you
>>sits/stands up straight
>>leans toward you
>>body is facing you
>>smiling constantly when talking to you
>>laughing all the time to stupid shit you said
she does these
will i make it bros

But yes we are talking to each other. Neither of us are big social media users, both under 400 friends on FB, under 60K sc score, that sort of thing so there could be hour long gaps between replies, but yes we are.

Yep. Ask her out.

No idea mate. Some girls mire and have bfs some just are wierd. Just go ask her how she's doing and ask for her number. If you are better at conversation start something about a workout you are both doing and ask later like before. You will get rejected a good bit but you just gotta keep asking different girls.

2d gfs don't count you guys do know this right?

>Yep. Ask her out.
haha its kind of a weird situation i got myself in, at first i didnt know but shes taken, but its been really weird lately specially when she sent me voice mails saying she couldnt sleep at 2am
maybe shes cray

women don't like men. They like men's cars, men's wallets and men's muscles. Anyone who thinks differently is deluded

Well she's a woman so there's no doubt she's crazy. It just depends on the level of crazy

sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

i was thinking maybe i was just seeing things but lately im doubting myself and maybe she is interested in me, so ill just stick around and see what happens yolo

If that makes you feel better

the fuck is with this snapchat score faggotry. Do you shitheads actually choose your mates from how many followers or points on social media you have? Are you this fucking degenerate?

Get a whore.

Kek. They are amazing aren't they.

I got a date with a qt3.14 in 2 hours. Somebody give me some tips to make it go well. We've only met once before.

Ask her gow long her dick would be if she were a guy.

Who hurt you user? It's ok you can talk to me.

No no no, this is the wrong way to look at it and i say wrong, 'cause it offers you nothing.
Cars, wallets and men's muscles, all are indicators of good genes. They just want Alpha genes to breed. And this only bc so ist life.
We are all genes that want to pass on. What really matters is unconscious. All the conscious shit is only for us to pass or genes.

Can you imagine a man with 10-20 Kids with different beautiful womans to be unhappy.
I can't, Imagine the satisfaction one will have seeing hes handsome snd strong sons and beautiful daughters.
Dont think that woman are bad and shit. They just are how life wants it.
You must di conscious your best to past your genes.


women absolutely love ATTRACTIVE MEN


She is 6'1" so pretty big I hope.

Then explain beta nu males getting pussy.

Just being polite. Virtually every person you make eye contact with will smile. Sorry.

By that logic, every time a girl says hi or waves at you, she wants your seed.

life is crazy isn't... in german they say
"Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel", this means so good as "exceptions prove the rule".
Geuss ist true. Dont forget tha we want to survive, so in the worst case we fuck what we get, so females too.

Worst mistake you can make is assuming common courtesy is an invitation for romantic involvement.

There is a woman at work that has done a fair number of these things. I think she is just being nice or possibly teasing because she has said directly (unbidden) shit about not smashing homies and ending friendships when guys got too interested.

did she do those things with those guys too?

Lösch mal dein Trip du huso

when does it stop being common courtesy

I don't know, I wasn't around when they were hanging out and I don't see how she interacts with other men. She has shared some of her sexual history and she has been around a few blocks, so I assume she just likes to fuck around, literally and figuratively.

Help a girl likes me since ive been told but has never approched me at all are given me any thing to move to what do

ask her something

Can you see that you are a pussy, why should she give you something to go for?
The female nature want a man that takes Charge and take/do what he wants. He doesn't Need an "ok" to go for it.
Be the man every Girls wants

nigga youre retarded

When the other person shows a clear sign of wanting to spend time with you.
Doing the things you do, going out of their way to be in the same area as you, etc.

Bro girls are weird as fuck, one of the girls in my class who I'm pretty good friends with is giving me such mixed signals it's not even funny
>few weeks ago, we were talking about relationships and shit and she says in sort of a half joking manner "user we should be friends with benefits"
>kinda caught me off guard and reply "yeah hahah that wouldn't be a bad idea"
>then proceed to talk about how that could potentially ruin a friendship UNLESS some ground rules are met i.e. As soon as one of us would start to have deeper feelings for the other we stop
>2 weeks ago the theme pops up again, she says how just before she broke up with her ex she bought a box of condoms and now doesn't know what to do with them
>i say "well we could use them" didn't say it to seriously so i wouldn't come off to thirsty
>she says "yea that's a possibility haha" i ssensed a bit of hesitation as she said that so i changed the subject
>last week it pops up again and i shit you nnot she says "i mean hypothetically we could be fwb, i mean your cute and sweet so and we do connect pretty well, but I don't see us as a couple, so we'd be great fwb if we set some ground rules "
>i reply that I feel the same way, that she's hot but I don't see relationship between us
>at this point I was certain that she wants to smash, so I just needed to make a move
e was joking this whole time and god forbid her telling the entire class that im some horny creep

Cont, ignore the last bit in the previous post that isn't greentext, didn't copy properly
>then last night she texts me at midnight asking if I was going to some party, i was tired and needed to sleep for them gainz, so i said no and told her to have fun, and to not make out with too many dudes to poke her ribs
>she texts back "that'll be difficult without you here hahahah"
>me "well you're gonna have to wait for that ;)"
>she " somethings are worth the wait... But i don't think that's one of them"
>at this point i was like wtf, i can only assume that she blew me off with that cause today at uni she was noticeably ignoring me
Gonna try and make my move this weekend when we meet up, I'm just not sure what she wants, the fwb topic came up too many times for her to have just been joking, but that last text and the fact that she also said that she had been with her ex for 6 months before she put out is discouraging
but she also says how she expects guys to make the first move, and if she would start fooling around with a potential fwb that she would be hesitant at first but wouldn't really struggle for long as she wants to have sex, but doesn't want a relationship cause it would take time away from uni
I'm really perplexed here, she's given me plenty of hints and i really wanna smash that ass (she lifts and has one of the greatest glutes I've ever seen) but i don't wanna get rejected and come off as an idiot on the off chance that she was joking this whole time and god forbid her telling the entire class that im some horny creep

she blew you off cuz you basically told her to fuck off lol


i relate

You could have told her to come over

How did I do that?

I live in a 1 room, 2 bed dorm with a roommate so it's not like we could've done anything at all and I would come off as far too thirsty, plus she was at a party 10 miles away

Holy shit dude stop trying to be chad mcthunderchill and worrying about coming off too thirsty. Thirsty is just way for women to shame and white knights to dog pile on you when you fail.

"Thirsty" would be badgering her repeatedly to come over after she says no. You could have just told her to come over once and let that be that.

Fair enough, you have a point, I'll try and take the initiative a bit more, but it still doesn't change the fact that my roomate sleeps 2 feet away from me so we couldn't have done jack even if she would've come over

can't you just give your roomie $10 and tell him to get food and fuck off for an hour

Nah hahah, but its it not a bonus if a girl is on the same wavelength as you regarding social media? Means it's not going to instagram and snapchat updates to everyone of each little thing that happens.