What are the most alpha exercises to do in the gym?
I'm talking about exercises that make everyone else stop what they're doing and stare at you with their mouths hanging open.
>Assisted pullups
>Push press
Anything else?
What are the most alpha exercises to do in the gym?
I'm talking about exercises that make everyone else stop what they're doing and stare at you with their mouths hanging open.
>Assisted pullups
>Push press
Anything else?
>>Assisted pullups
>I'm talking about exercises that make everyone else stop what they're doing and stare at you with their mouths hanging open.
Barbell flies
4 pl8+ squat
5 pl8+ DL
op is a fag
Muscle ups
just do a rack pull
reverse overhead jefferson hyper deficit jumping deadlifts with chains
Everyone looks at me when I do them. In that moment I am Genghis Chad, Chad of Chads.
back lever
The Rack Pull
>tfw rack pulling 6 plate at a normie gym and errybody lookin
> ohp, clean and jerk, any lift that requires pressing a bar overhead
> barbell rows
> deep squats >2pl8
Trashing manlets
raping other men and giving them your hot rich creamy load in their man hole
>What are the most alpha exercises to do in the gym?
This is the most cringeworthy thing I've read all day.
yeah you stupid ass fucking gooks snatching 120 lbs is a fucking impressive sight to see
Try it! Witness the weird silence that comes over the gym. Idk
Cable pecs flys
>take up a large portion of the gym to show off striations
Weighted pull ups
>normies always impressed
The press
>weight above head is always alpha
Any deadlift above lmao4pl8
I like to play a round of drop ball with the medicine balls.
>barbell rows
I saw a gym fella through the mirror point his phone at me doing them. Surprising how many gays use gyms, not all of them wear lycra pants
Most alpha thing I've seen lately at my gym
>buff dude walks into gym
>goes to squat rack
>Pulls his pants down
>Gets into squat position
>shoves in squat plug with ZERO lube
>Pulls pants up
I'm the only one at my normie posh gym who does the standing overhead press, and I do 1.5Pl8, normies and thots mire as i, being 6'3 and lift the barbell high into the sky. Mires from thots and curlbros alike.
I think you mean weighted user
They're probably watching to see which weight finally pops your shoulder out like a barbie doll.
Gonna have to keep them waiting for that broseph, not going to happen.