Be honest, what other boards do you browse?
What are Veeky Forums approved boards?
Other urls found in this thread:
nice try Shlomo
>Veeky Forums
/r9k/ they have the best memes
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>/pol/ occasionally but no post
>/bant/ occasionally with posting
Veeky Forums
I'd browse /out/ but the board is way too slow.
Used to be bigtime into Veeky Forums and then I became heterosexual.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I'll look through other boards occasionally, but I always come back to /a/ and Veeky Forums. I also find myself going to /pol/ without thinking about it pretty often, but I hate what it has become since the election and try to not spend any time there.
Good to see we've got some Veeky Forumsizens brother
/k/ and /r9k/
Unfortunately they've both fallen for the trapposting meme
for dat dere porn
Before, during and post matches to shitpost. During the WC is awesome, highly recommended, international bantz is hilarious. 1 bong= 1 hour, 1 bing=1 minute, so "how many bongs until match starts? 1 bong and 23 bings user!", CHI to every mexican using a US proxy, 7-1 to every brazilian, now you know the basics.
when theres a movie or a series I'm following
when something happens for the happening thread where I end up correcting retarded poltards that can't differentiate propaganda and reality. It's useful for links to news streams when something worth of international news happens, like a mass shooting, north korean missile launch, etc.
if I wanna see poltards getting btfo when they can't convince actual readers of their conspiracy bullshits, although there are some that are actually real and some historical facts that are horreondous, like the battle of suiyang, were chinese ate 30000 people due to starvation during a siege. Yes, they fucking ate thirty thousand instead of surrendering
Am I the only one left who hasn't become a /pol/cuck?
/sp/ is my main board i only browse Veeky Forums to laugh at dyels in cbt threads
These are patrician.
>AKA: pedophile and big guy containment zone
Listen nigga, wanting to stick your dick in a Mosin or a deer(or stick your Mosin inside a deer) is one thing, but the shit that gets posted in /tv/ is partyvan material. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the whole board was a honey pot.
Damn I haven't noticed the pedos. Usually I head over there for recs when I want to watch a movie that's similar to a movie I've already seen.
Why are there pedos on /tv/?
/trv/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
Working on getting out of skellymode. How to eat more without feeling too full?
Veeky Forums
Main board
Former main board
Because I play a lot of trpg, love d&d, and into mtg
Slow but inspires future hikes
Love cute style, am wannabe loli, cosplay inspo, like the bitchy lolcow culture
Because am cook
Because muh travel dreams
Occasional boards:
For the stories
For cute reaction pics
For recommendations
For thinspo
For lewd things and nostalgia
Also /fringe/ back when it existed. Too bad not anymore. Was on the journey to Emerald Pill
used to browse /mu/ and /pol/ more
/pol/, Veeky Forums, occasionally Veeky Forums and sometimes /tv/ to troll.
It was deliberate to change the course, culture and mentality of the boards by a group of determined lefties. One of them backstabbed or wanted attention and posted screencaps.
You cease to be a cuck when you post on /pol/.
> /pol/ is for literal autists
> Veeky Forums is for shills or victims of shills
If you frequent either of these I have no respect for you.
>t. broke ass soyboy
I'd sooner earn the respect of a dog
60% of total Veeky Forums board traffic is on /pol/
thats not /b/
Can you remember the last time you were on /b/?
Me neither, its absolutely dead. /pol/ has eclipsed the rest of this website.
People always complain about /pol/ spilling over into all the other boards, but the truth is that these are effectively now hobby boards for /pol/ users.
This is what /pol/ fags actually believe
/tv/ and /k/ for the bants
Look for yourself
Establishment never intended for Trump to win. It was a strategy to ensure victory by pushing for the least likable candidate against Hillary (this was admitted in leaked D emails), but it backfired.
>if you think rationally I have no respect for you
Spoken like a true soycuck
browse often
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
browse sometimes
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
browse rarely
>Veeky Forums
and i might drop in on other boards every blue moon or so
>Whole establishment shits all over him crying and screaming all the way through the primaries and the election
>They continue crying as their corruption is revealed
>He's the establishment
Veeky Forums is home and best board, love you bros, when content is slow here though I’ll check out
>Veeky Forums
As secondaries, and will visit stuff like /a/ and Veeky Forums for reccs and the like
sometimes /b/ and Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums sometimes
Veeky Forums sometimes
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
used to browse Veeky Forums before it became /crypto/
Why do so many responses say /r9k/ ? Are you being ironic? That place is so depressing and demotivating.
this. i go there thinking i can talk shit to people but just end up being sad myself. that place is not Heatley.
/b/ /x/ /r9k/
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
Same about /out/ and Veeky Forums, except i stopped going on Veeky Forums when i realized how terrible most of them look scrolling through waywt
Nigga have you seen the film/tv industry lately?
They just wanna be like their favorite stars
Veeky Forums Coz I know what I'm talking about
/s4s/ because forcing memes is fun
/s/ because fuck nofap
Veeky Forums because everyone should Veeky Forums
/g/ because I like to show off muh battlestation
that's about it, also stealing epic gets on other random boards because thats what /s4s/ does
>all these fags saying /r9k/ and /pol/
so basically everybody on this board is just rping as well-adjusted people
Holy shit are you me?
I don't have time for any other boards.