Who here brown eye subhuman eye color?

Who here brown eye subhuman eye color?

No amount of lifting will change my eye color.

if thats you are the chad of pajeets, literally top 1%

that jawline knows no ethnic lines

You could wear contacts

What's the best eye colour?

I don't like putting stuff in my eye



t. hazel

t. hazel

There are eye drops now that supposedly change eye color over months. There's also the surgery but it costs 5k.

Sorry friend.
>I'm green

Da ba dee da ba die

I wish I had hazel eyes, women find dark men more attractive

>tfw white but have dark brown eyes, long eyelashes/brows, and sort of dark shadow around eyes that makes me look middle eastern
Kill me
You can't even see my pupils, I look like a cartoon character with just black dots inside white

>look ma, I posted it again
>Blue Eye Master Race
So this is the power of... autism...

Not even counting eastern/middel-eastern. What are the chances of them getting a different color other than BBC black. Anyone can win if you use cheats

Why do I always see your fuckin' face in non-fit related thread? This is a /soc/ thread if i ever saw one. Are you really the person in the pic? You're fine, and this is non-fit related. Just go about your life as a god damn normie already

>tfw almost black eyes
>get told i have soulless eyes

h-heh, p-pretty fucking EPIC b-bro

I’m not a normie.

go the fuck to you attention whore

Dark hair, light eyes master race here

I don't understand the hate on brown eyes, honestly I prefer them. So deep and dark. Beautiful, really.

I'm convinced that black eyed people have no soul since most bugmen have such eyes

>brown eyes lightbrown hair
Tfw no aryan

kanker op en zoek werk

depends on the gurl tbqh famalam, some girls go crazy over bright blonde hair on a guy

What an asshole.

>ITT eyelets

I mostly get compliments about my eyes which are blue grey. I don't really see the appeal.

But then again I live in England, you either have bright blue or green or brown eyes 90% of the time so perhaps it is because it is not really the norm?

Brown eyes are considered more dominating

Huh hes more upper average among pajeets here in the west

I will add I have long as fuck eyelashes too. I measured one when asked and it came up at 1.5cm. So it could be a factor

Ya but they are a minority.
Like if i had to put numbers on it
Black dark brown be 50%
Light brown 25%
Blonde 15%

Rarly do i hear of ginger lovers unless they really like u or ur ryan reynolds ryan gosling...gotta be really handsome to pull it off.
Maybe a few self hatin latinas n asian with hardcore fetish

>you wouldnt like me when im angry

>he knows about the unnatty eyegainz serum

I have brown eyes, but I want green eyes

Indian master race checking in

I have black eyes

I was looking for another complex about something I can't possibly change.

pink skin and yellow eyebrows

fucking lmao

Same, girls are apparently attracted to dark colors now though
Pakistan zindabad ( not really it’s an absolute shithole)

I'd dye my eyebrows to match my brown hair, but I can't be fucked

O kidda paaji. Why so blue? Light color eyes of any shade look way more aesthetic on people with darker skin. So i get your feels brojinder. Keep your chin up veerji.

>amber eyes
>bronzed like a living Colossus of Rhodes

Having rarer eye colors (violet, amber, green) > common colors (blue, hazel, brown).


Why so mad?

pls post vegana

>mom has green eyes
>brother has blue eyes
Meh, at least I'm not pajeet brown, but hazel

It's subjective.

Just because you love cock doesn't mean that cock is good and pussy is bad.


Yo mum been playing away son

Nah, my dad has brown eyes

My eyes are brown in the middle but green on the edges, whats this colour called?

I have a Bantu friend who is as dark as the night who has blue eyes

>tfw have blue eyes that people will compliment when they notice them
>tfw ugly face tho

Could be worse OP, plus, I've always found brown eyed girls pretty sexy, gf has pretty green eyes tho so I still win.

The original teatonic Aryan Germans had brown eyes and brown hair. Blue eyes arenothing but a genetic mutation and very feminine looking. Even albino blacks and Asian have blue eyes. Nothing special at all.

For a white male, blue eyes are prettier and some girls like them more, but dark features in general are way more dominant and alpha looking.

>be black
>have green eyes
kek, laughing at you eyelets for life.

>be glorious aryan iceeyes
>start dating beautiful baltgrill
>noticed she has brown eyes
>her great grandma or something was in Auschwitz
What is she?
what do

blue eyes are for twinks and pussies, tbqh.

wow, nice eyes man.

>ugly face
>has a gf

Someone is lying

is this the fame currychad


What did he mean by this?

About over 90% of the world is non white and they all have dark hair brown eyes. Its usually white ppl with colored eyes. ITs rare for even non whites to have them unless theyre mixed. Brown eyes are everywhere so they arent praised. Wish i had blue eyes

I'm considered funny by others.


Are you Sikh (paaji)?

80% of scandinavians have blue eyes

Shut up you beta pussy defeatist, stop with the negativity or kill yourself before you make Veeky Forums into /r9k/

The problem is they look cute on a girl, but ugly on a dude

Don't worry, OP, you're still a Chajeet.

Not really mate if you leave your basement now and then you will see ugly guys with gfs you jaded negative cunt fuck off back to /r9k/

It's literally the opposite.

>I like murky swamp eyes


Blue/Green is for faggots.

yeah I'd say about 20% of us have brown eyes, but it's usually not the dark colour of OP.

I have brown eyes
if you are good looking they are ok

>t.coping shitskin

you look like that guy on the cover of the first wow expansion

>be me
>skinnyfat dyel from birth till now
>blue eyes
>mfw they're the only thing women have randomly complimented me for
Honestly it keeps me going when I get discouraged in my Veeky Forums goals

>one chance at life
>born with dark brown eyes
>not hazel or light brown, dark brown that pretty much look black if light isn't shining on them

Im blue with brown/blonde hair


all the fucking cope ITT. its rare so the people who dont have it are gonna be jelly asf and try to claim that women prefer ugly brown eyes over exotic blue eyes.

i constantly get told my eyes are amazing by women and im always getting laid too.

Who is /gray eye color/ master race here?
>Tfw my eyes are as soulless as me :(

Stop giving me feels to lift. I'm barely lifting myself

Don't let my post get you down brah we're gonna make it

You mean shitskin dark brown?

I have True Aryan Brown Eyes. They're rich and bright like pure amber.

/blue-gray/ here. Nice color imo but not a very noticeable one

Actually true black eyes are more rare than blue eyes

better than hazel eyes aka swamp eyes
its literally the worst unless you are a really cute grill

not true
i can give you a black eye if you would leave your house


i have dark brown eyes, they are not rare but i like how they look on me. people who wear colored contacts are insecure fags

Brown eye subhuman reporting in.
My dad, my uncles, grandfather, and granduncles all have light blue eyes BUT NO I had to receive my mom's shitty brown eye genes.
Everyone tells me I look exactly like my dad except for eye color.
It's not fair,

Brown, no getting around it. Mine are a lighter brown and literally turn green when im dead ass tired. Still just brown...

100% European with dark eyes, feels bad man

Eye-eye captain haha

Make way, god tier eyes coming.

Blood elf master-race checking in

Don't understand how poo eyed people can look in the mirror without feeling a deep sense of shame

Eye'm the greatest!.

Why does this cartoon girl have my eyes?

Your daily reminder that touhou is vidya and not anime or "cartoon".
Anyhow, blue eyes and blue hair on 2D girls have been a thing for longer than you and I have been alive.