Mens Gym Shirts

Where can I buy some comfy gym shirts for a good price that dont have gay ass sayings on them. Pic related.

Just don't wear a shirt

Just buy plain tshirts. other than that the only difference is the material.

i live near an outlet mall with nike, adidas, puma, underarmour, and reebok stores

adidas, underarmour, and reebok make the best ones imo


but donald trump is a fat sack of shit with the ass of a 50 year old woman?

>71 year old man is not in peak physical condition

Find me one other 70+ year old who's healthier than him.


Chuck Norris

The fact that most liberals seem to think he's about 20 years younger than he really is ought to be considered complimentary if nothing else.

Paul McCartney

Tommy Lee Jones

Clint Eastwood

Harrison Ford

Roger Waters

Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument

Simply saying "not an argument" is not itself an argument.

This. I didn't realize how many people thought he was in his 50's.

Nice goalpost fallacy

This. My dad's 75 before he was 70 he started pretty much withering away. He can't walk that far anymore either.


>Ask for examples of people over 70 fitter than The Donald
>Gets examples of people over 70 fitter than the donald

Also, William Shatner, Donald Sutherland, Jacinto Bonilla

what the fuck are you on about cunt, if I walk down the street easily half of the 70 year olds I see are in better shape than the donald

Bernie Sanders

Roger Waters

Are you that guy who was posting naked pictures of himself at his computer in that thread yesterday?

Pls get help



Tbh Waters looks like he's in fantastic shape. I'm 90% he lifts in spare time, he actually has grandad biceps

Bernie is one of (((them))) and looks like he is about to die any second.