Neck makes a huge difference in your Aesthetics

Neck makes a huge difference in your Aesthetics

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From a boy who's neck you can snap to a man you wouldn't wanna fuck with

So how do you actually make neck gains? I've been doing 2 sets of front neck curls ( will add weight when I get to 2x100) and then 3 sets of max wrestler's bridges.

I do 2 sets of 30 front and back extensions and that has worked for me. I'm at 17 inch neck want to get to 18 then maintain cause of the increased risk of sleep apnea after

How many days/week?

i did a normal split combined with a shit load of hiking this summer, my neck doubled in size and all my Uni friends were shocked by how thick it got.

Minimum twice a week but i do it whenever i have extra free time, just lay on the edge of my bed and load up a plate. The neck is pretty easy to grow

I just bench with my head off the bench. 16.5" so far with a 195x5 bench.

Which one is the real one?


still looking better though. lmao

can you link a video on how to do this exercise?

More info? Want to get neck aesthetics but have no clue.

It's working for me.


Something is off with this cunt. Can't really tell what tho

a bit of everything actually. Style, teeth, attitude, pose, everything is off.

>tfw sleep apnea as a child and dont want it to come back due to having a huge ass neck

4x25 reps curls 3 times a week

Repping so high wont work sorry m8

Been doing this for few months ans noticed gains


I have read that you can do neck work every day and that you pretty much have to to see the kind of growth people talk about.

Bridges just look like compression nightmares. I think they are going to go the way of the anchored-feet sit-up.

How do you not slide off your bed?

Jesus christ I had to look up more videos of him to make sure it wasnt a shoop de woop.

He looks ridiculous so out of proportion

Why is his neck like this ?

He's a metal singer. You neck grotwh depends on your technique.
Here is Georges Fischer, Cannibal Corpse's singer

Watch Omar Isuf video "How I accidentally grew my neck"

it worked wonders for me. Honestly I got mad doms on my neck the next day, which I never thought would be possible

hes on tour for the majority of the year headbanging for 90 mins a day

Watched. Video not helpful.

Its just my head and neck off the bed so my center of gravity is still on the bed
These 2 videos will be everything you need to know

You think they get concussions with all that head banging?

>27 inch neck

I do bridges like Mike Tyson, had to get big neck gains after a concussion as a teenager

>this guy sucks dicks.

It’s becaude he looks like a fucking cartoon character

>The study found that having a fatter neck increases your risk
for high systolic blood pressure (the top number in your blood
pressure reading), high triglycerides and lower levels of HDL,
the “good” cholesterol.
>In men, fatter necks were also
associated with higher diastolic blood pressure

Gets the noggin jogging

>married with kids
>associates himself with the Crips, jailed twice
>assaulted a 16 year old

>got bail payed by gofundme after media attention
>hired for modeling agency while in prison
>cheating on his wife with billionaire (with a B) girlfriend
>hired for a campaign with Bar Rafaeli
>wife is being verbally abused by billionaire girlfriend
>everyone still loves the guy

Make this stop

>the study
come back when you have a meta study. Stop trusting one (1) study. That's what anti vaxxers and area51-fags.

How did he go from pic related to that mugshot?
Is he one of those guys who gets more attractive bone structure wise as they age into their mid 20's

Lighting is everything

definitely lower bf in the OP. Can see it in his cheekbones

his facial transformation like hodgetwins from 2009/2010 to now

Bahaha there's a difference between fatter and a more muscular neck. They most likely measured obese men's necks compared to wrestlers and football players.

my neck is decent, altough not huge (45cm circumference)

i always get sore neck after high volume sumo deadlifting or heavy ass rack pulls

i dl 4pl8 for reps, altough when i di repetition work most of times its slow and controlled touch and go, which makes my lats upper back and said neck on fire. I dont have excessive head movement during dl (like fe Yuri Belkin) but still, necks gets sore and cramps

i also did fair share of intense headbanging on metal gigs, which often leaves my neck painfully sore for 3 days

you nibbas should try it.
Dont headbang like Tom Araya tho, shit can wreck your neck, go back and forth no circle or side to side. A little bit of circle spinning wont hurt but its much less safe than back and forth since the neck range of motion is less because you dont only bang your head but entire upper body and just keep waving head small angle


this lmao

take morbidly obese person and measure his neck, do you think he will have toothpick there?!

guess what will be also raised for person like that

Played American football in highschool

Neck aint bad