Gym clothing thread?

Gym clothing thread?

Australia just got Amazon.
Trying to find new gym pants, and I see this shit

Does everyone go to the gym naked? I need clothing recreations

just wear some fucking comfortable clothes buying "gym" shit doesn't give you superpowers

Nah, buy compression pants, user

steel cap boots to prevent injury
dont learn the hard way like me

If you use Amazon anyway, just get Amazon basics shit. You wear gym clothes for two or three hours a day. You don't need fancy clothes for that.

Tesla compression pants.

Dyel poorfags detected

they're annoying cause you gotta wear shorts over them. Also you look like a total basketball playing tool.

Pair of shorts and a t shirt is plenty. Spend like $5 on each at walmart

>you gotta wear shorts over them
Only if you're a dicklet

leglet detecto

hoodie and sweatpants during winter and autumn

shorts and t-shirt during spring and summer

when you're feeling like being cheeky, wear a tank or even a sleeveless hoodie


Americans have 10/10 reading comprehension

Wearing shorts over them defeats the entire point of wearing compression pants.

spend money and you might look cool, but what's really cool is a nice smile.

australia seems like such a fucking shithole. It's 2017 and you guys are literally just getting the ability to order shit online from the biggest online retailer?

>wearing sweatpants at the gym
you look like a stinky poor person lol. just wear joggers or sweats over your shorts till you get to the gym then take off the sweats

I dyel but not a poor fag, I'm a thrifty Jew. Big difference.

>being this extra for no reason

Unless you grapple don’t do this or you’ll end up looking like this faggot

I lift barefoot in undies.
>Home gym master race

We could always order from US / import. But we finally got our own AU site. Still shitty tho