>doing autistic compound lifts

Nobody cares about your meme lifts. No female gives a shit how many plates you can squat. Just admit that you obsess over these 2 lifts because "normies" only care about upper body strength, and normies reject you, so you reject upper body. You only train lower body because you subconsciously do the opposite of what normal people do.

>inb4 functional strength
Nobody cares. It's 2017. You're not fighting lions in the jungle anymore. The only muscles useful are the upper body ones, as these are the ones that will attract mates in order for you to continue the human race. Your 600 pound deadlift is worthless in the modern world.

>You're not fighting lions in the jungle anymore.
Maybe you aren't, you DYEL faggot.

Evangelical faggot

tfw 2 intelligent

...you're right....

I need to re-evaluate some things

>getting a massive imbalance giving you hunch back posture

Yea, good luck getting those "mates"

>600 lb deadlift is worthless
I cant hear you over the size of my everything

Obvious bait thread.

>h-haha yea I t-train lower body 80% of the time to f-fix imbalances

Good argument, you win, from now on I'll develop asymmetric strength for the ladies

You are new to this board and you do not want to learn the compound lifts because you think they are too hard. You also do a high rep brosplit with all isolations except bench press.
>t. i unironically did what u are doing until i decided to learn the lifts and hop on a proper novice program

I train PPL, except I normally skip the second L in a week.

delete this

God I wish faggots like you would get banned.
Veeky Forums needs to be cleansed of all these shitty bait threads.
Hope you get run over by a bus.

>Captcha "Select all images with a
bus" confirmed

>these are the ones that will attract mates in order for you to continue the human race
I feel so bad for you man. You'll never know the feeling of women staring at you ass and grabbing it. You'll never know the feeling of pounding a girl so hard that she literally faints. You'll never know the feeling of cumming inside of a girl while she grabs your big fat ass and pushes it farther into her. You'll never know the feelings of girls initiating the conversation by asking "how did get such a big butt". You'll never know the feeling of teaching and spotting them during squats and then them instantly giving you their phone number. You'll never know.....

Neither will you

That doesn't make sense because I already have so Op btfo'd yet again lamo

>trains lower body exclusively
>makes up fake stories on fortune dot org

I had a giggle knowing I could probably clean and jerk you 10 feet into the air and let you drop.

>spot the mad Op
You'll never say it to my face. I'm straight up 6'4 and 238 pounds of pure strength. You probably couldn't even look me in my eyes without breaking your neck. Name a time and place and I'll show you exactly how strong my legs are. I'm the alpha and you know it. So I suggest you stop replying right now or else things will get very hairy and trust me my little friend. You do not want that.

Whoa, calm down man, my thread was just a joke

>Current year x2 in one post
>Trying this hard to trigger Veeky Forums
No (you). Also SAGE.
Anyway, compounds are great and you're gay.

Thanks for the advice

you're right, i've been a 500+ deadlifter since 2014 and never once has it been useful outside of getting some old man mires at the gym

any real world strength activity is either A. so dissimilar from lifting with a perfectly balanced bar with spinning collars that the carryover is minimal B. using objects so light that it doesn't even matter if your max is 315 or 585

>this is bait
>OP is actually to retarded to lift
>you may take only one

I hope you die in a car crash OP

What about compund lifts for the up per body tho