I got too much testosterone Veeky Forums I wanna stick my horn in everything I see!

I got too much testosterone Veeky Forums I wanna stick my horn in everything I see!

What do I do?

Work out, run, push ups. Focus on things other than that.

What are u a beta? I do workout that's why my test is so high

Ist ok man, i wanna fuck too everything i see above HB6 (no fatties, ok only some really cute ones..)
You must Approach the qts, try to lay them.
I Approach everywhere i go and it doesn't end there. At home i write like 15 mails to qts every day. I answer couple of them, i Forget some. I fuck mostly Weekends bc of no time in the week (work/Training).
Just learn to live with that, i like it. Be Alpha/Social.

Gib some 2 me pls


How to you write fatties?

Be NT, slay and get LTR.

it's literally that simple.

is that a type of pencil?

I ask them if they like Magic and about their favorite dish.
Not kidding, this is my opener to all grills.
All grills love Magic and eating. Fatties even more. Good luck

HB (Hot Babe) 6 (on the Scala from 1-10)

reduce your tren dose

>favorite dish
are you picking up girls in mental wards

Me too brah
never felt better

eat soy

>only 15 emails
>not 600 to each girl
Not gonna make it desu

Just find a local boy and have sex with him do not worry the authorities will understands you are not gay you are just having a sexual emergency

I lold

>Would you like to see my magic wand while we eat hamburgers babe?


No, dont ever think of qts more of little kids or mental patients.
Trust me one this one and slay pussy!

>Ist Ok Mann
Read this in a german accent