Theoretically, how would a braphog like myself go about sculpting my body into the rarely seen muscular amazon braphog?

Theoretically, how would a braphog like myself go about sculpting my body into the rarely seen muscular amazon braphog?

For reference, I'm 6'6 and 280lbs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post pics.

>I'm 6'6 and 280lbs.
yeah, gonna need to see this

p-post hands

Just lift and eat a little more but we need those pics for scientific approval

pls be my amazon femdom gf
im only 5'4 and thin as fuck everywhere
Ill be your obedient little slave

Do nothing but squats, lunges, glute extensions and stiff leg deadlifts for 7 years
Like her

When did Veeky Forums become /b/?

Holy fucking shit sauce please

Its pixiv

Step up your saucing game, my dude.

> 6'6 and 280lbs.

God why couldn't they have made her Wonder Woman.

we're gonna need pics

I want her to try and squeeze the jizz out of me with those legs.

>tfw no matter how fit you get, ywn have a thicc braphog to lift with you
what's the point


I can't believe how hard I am right now.


>6'6 and 280lbs


Read strong curves by Bret Contreras and thank me in 3 years.

Also read his blog.

post nudes

>thinking about you hurting

Low rep heavy compounds
