Getting Clean

I am on day 2 of getting clean and shit really sucks.
Has anyone got any advice to help?
Opiates mainly, with enough benzos in the mix to make things anxious.

idk getting clean stories i guess
>fitness related because i haven't been able to train for the last 10 weeks, and it was dicey before that. looking forward to getting my shit back together brehs.

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Sort yourself out. Fight the dragon.

I am breh, i am just really not enjoying it.
I am not enjoying the prospect of spending the rest of my life sober.
I can appreciate that this is for the greater good, and all that, but knowing that i'll never be "happy" again is fucked.

I've been through this before when I quit meth in my early 20s, but I still had pot and painkillers to fall back on when shit got too rough.
Now I have nothing to fall back on. Either sober or drunk for the rest of my fucking life breh, and i dont like alcohol. Dont get me wrong, I still drink it socially, but i dont like it enough to fuck my shit up with.

does anyone have any advice for this existential dread?

thank you for your reply too, friendo.

i don't really like not being sober so i don't have any advice for you user, just good luck user.

thanks for the luck friendo, but tell me what you like about being sober? Not being dumb or anything, I think it would help to hear some of the qualities of it, thank you for your time.

Get your life together. Climb the dominance hierarchy, use your potential. Be a criminal.

I have no idea what it's like to get clean off legitimate drugs but I used to be an alcoholic and cutting the drink out was hard but I changed my social group to positive sports centered people and through recreation sports I've found a sort of peace. Whenever I have the option to do something healthy/unhealthy I just remember in the back of my mind that I got off the drink so it's easy to cut out something like soda or candy in favor of water or peanuts, and etc. Best of luck. Do endorphins work anymore or would you be desensitized? If not you might be able to substitute something like HIIT and keep the endorphins up.

nah nah that is the exact direction i am going away from brosef. Severed my ties, moved city, moved back in with parent, doing this right.

Plus I am not cut out for a life of crime. No one except absolute psychos are. You might make it a certain way as a normal dude, but eventually some big fish will just fuck your day up, and you just can not get angry in the same way.

Kratom op. Got me through methadone withdrawals

Everybody needs to develop their inner psychopath in order to evolve as a immature Peter Pan kind of man.

i've never really liked feeling "good," don't like sex or like being happy idk. it's fun sometimes but it just doesn''s not satisfying. i like to be sober, think clearly, and lift.

Thanks man, as soon as these withdrawals go away I'm totes doing HIIT, thanks.

gonna suss it now, thank you.

you've either got it or you dont. trust me.

Hmm. that's.. unusual. Are you well adjusted normally?

i'd say i'm pretty well adjusted. just weird.

>knowing that i'll never be "happy" again is fucked.

This is what is so scary about drugs. Exactly this.

Sure, fucking up your physical health or dying from overdoses sucks, but imagine condemning yourself to a life of eternal dissatisfaction with reality, only finding brief, fake moments of happiness in the period you are tripping balls. That is what's so scary to me about addiction.

I hope that if ever I would be in the position to talk someone out of doing drugs, I can better phrase this argument to convince them.

looks like the russian baseball guy from east bound and down lol

Good post

This poat wouldve been perfect if you shooped Jordan P holding a gun and cocking it

it's spot on man. When my kids are old enough I know how I am gonna have the talk with them

"drugs are great. They're so great that they make everything else in your life seem shit. They'll also kill you. Dont try them even once because they're so great."

everyone told me drugs are bad, and when I tried drugs, they were in fact not bad, so I disregarded all other warnings. If drugs is bad is a lie, everything must be a lie, right?

Jokes on me, I can't eat food for the nausea. Even if I could eat it, i would just projectile shit it out soon.

and if you think this can't happen to you, oh this dude must be banging heroin or some shit, nah son. Oxys and morphine (tablets). After my last whoopsy with the meth I thought better not bang anything again, and it's STILL fucked.

be safe friendos.

Loperamide won't get you high but can take the edge off the opiate withdrawal. Just look for it over the counter.

How much were you taking? Used to be in your shoes and withdrawal every couple days. Shit really sucked so I feel your pain. Of course I never claimed I got clean but i know avoid withdrawal for the most part by going through thousands in heroin every month. Don't ever start shooting, but if you do dont start shooting coke too bc then its even more money.

If I had to give advice it would be don't take muscle relaxers for the RLS bc I learned long after the fact it intensifies it by 10 and sleepless nights are like literally being possessed by a demon while being electronically tortured.

True but theres a limit of what is safe and it can and has killed people, stay hydrated if you do this

I relapsed on meth last friday. Was high for 5 days. That's not really a big deal though desu. Managed to go to work Monday and Tuesday regardless. Actually cut 15 pounds in 5 days lmao. That's not really a big deal though, my Alcohol addiction is way worse. I've somehow become an alcoholic drinking over a pint a day. Now I have to drink before and during work to avoid severe withdrawals and after so I can sleep. I looked into quitting and the withdrawals are the worst at 3 to 10 days after cessation. Fuck. I wouldn't mind personally but I don't want to be a sweaty shaking nervous confused retard at work.

Give me some advice on quitting drinking brahs.

Kratom will get him off but all it will do is make him addicted to kratom...
Ive been there, I am there currently...

Fuck. why is life so shitty sober?

stop being a mentally weak faggot. Its gonna suck for a few days deal with it you unsalvageable fucking pussy. I can't stand mentally weak faggots that complain about quitting shit.

to add this, right now at this very moment. I've been daily kratom user for about 6 months. I want to be clean and just be able to get some kind of pleasure out of life without drugs.
I mean it makes you a slave. You can't do or plan certain things because withdrawl is always lurking.

And then you live your life in a state of gray for months after you kick the physical addiction because your brain chemistry and reward system is so fucked.
So I have a real bad cavity right now that I need to get a root canal. I was given some 5mg percs.
I took this as opportunity to get off kratom.

But it aint gonna fuckin happen because i'm a addict and I am already burning through them chasing a high..
I wish I wasent poor and could go to rehab.

This is a brutal circle of being a modern day broke American. No insurance, jobs pay shit so life sucks. Drugs numb the pain and constant sense of dread and disappointment..
Want to get clean?
Too bad, you have to lose your shit job and lay on the floor for a week..


>not being addicted to marijuana

You guys are morons

>no withdrawal symptoms
>little to no long-term side effects
>easy to get
>easy to quality check
>feels good
>no hangover
>super easy to stop using if life demands it

never been through opiate addiction.
Bruh. People go into seizures and die. It's no joke. You get primal fear, halucinations. Body hurts, mind hurts.
Insomnia which makes it all 100x worse.
Panic attacks.

Have a little sympathy. There is a reason we have an EPIDEMIC in the united states and a state of emergency in FL

pot sucks, all it does is make you paranoid and uncomfortable.
People are different user.
Only simps who are low functioning are satisfied by pot.

>not doing exclusively marijuana and psychedelics

fucking degenerate

It's terrible, my advice is to kick the junk first. Don't try to drop everything at once. Take enough benzos to basically blackout blur the entire withdrawal process. Though if you're at day 10 you should be through the worst of it. Kratom can be extremely helpful but then it's easy to just get addicted to that. It's a muuuccchhh more manageable addiction than hard opiates though.

Also I know it's bullshit, everyone there hates it, but start going to meetings everyday and stop drinking completely. It really works and helps.

It's not easy to get good psychedelics. If I could I would try micro dosing.
I am woke when it comes to psyc. They are the best and can kill the ego and rewire your fucked up mind.

Where do you get yours from?

I just order them of the internet bro, its 2017

Go to the doctor and get on Wellbutrin. It helped me out a lot.

Also try to remember that 90% of this dread you're having is due to the withdrawl symptoms you're having. Life isn't a shitty as it seems and in a month you'll look back and be so happy you stuck with it. Interests in the things you used to do while fucked up will return and you're general zest for like will start to come back to you.

I been there breh. Last year I was going through 200mg of Oxymorphone up my nose a day and these days I don't even think about it anymore.

You will be happy again

with bitcoin?
What do you recommend? LSD or shrooms or some of those research chems?

Can't go wrong with either LSD or shrooms. Either will give you a lot of fun and insight. Shrooms are easier to identify and you should check your LSD with Erlichs reagent tests.

You dont want to down 5 blotters of NBOME and die foaming at the mouth

Get yourself into rehab. It's the only way. Srs. If you don't have insurance there are still options to get in

Yeah man Ive been through it a few times and ultimately it's going to be very challenging at first. Just remember that the shitty way you feel is temporary, it will pass.

what options

i ve had addiction problems my whole life. all i do now it poke smot.

had a serious pain pill problem for a few years. I was taking about 16 pills a day. Got down to 130 a 25 year old man. I was also smoking 2 packs of cigs a day. I quit that bullshit too.

what really helped me was midol.

yep. my girlfriends midol was the best. help. I tell that to everyone

now im the most fit ive ever been. been accused of taking steroids...even though i never have

funny how that works.

They have rehab for people without insurance. Sometimes there is a waiting list but you should see if you can get in. Just google rehab locations around your area that can take you. Also A LOT of jobs have options for emolyees that need to take a leave and get cleaned up

Half the people I went to rehab with in a nice ass facility that costs 30 grand without insurance got in free from some program

>can't go wrong with LSD
Let me stop you right there buddy.

Be aware of the fact that your idea of "never being happy again" is actually part of the withdrawal and potentially a depressive episode that is most probably associated with that. Although it feels like an absolute truth right now, it is not. I've only had slight kratom withdrawals, quit smoking and kicked a pretty severe weed habit (which is not to compare with your situation of course, but it sucked), but I've had serious depression and thought I had understood that everything is fucked up and nothing makes sense. I was convinced that nothing could change this perspective on life. It took long but now I am stable. I don't need euphoria anymore. Accept, that suffering is a fundamental part of life and it will always be a companion. Once you got that down you learn to appreciate little things and can become contempt (which is way better then happy). No alarms and no suprises.

I'm not a therapist, but I have a master's degree in clinical psychology and I'll listen to what you tell me and give my opinion on it if you want.

The hardest part is actually kicking the habit, which you did. Most people relapse and you probably know that. But not everyone does and if you are one of them is only depending on you. Noone else.

I'm proud of you,bro, This shit is hard, but you're one step further than before.

I tried weed twice. All it did was make me tired. Maybe I’m immune. Caffeine has zero affect on me either.

I never understood the stupidity it requires to literally poison yourself to death.

good luck consciousnesslet


the gray feeling is the worst.
It's so dark before it gets better

go to NA dumbass

i smoke sometimes, you're not missing very much. most of the people i know who smoke a lot are bored as shit when they're not high. they can't make conversation that well, can't entertain themselves very well.

had a really fucked xan addiction (9 bars daily, and that was when i wouldn't binge), couldn't sleep for shit while quitting and couldn't get out of the house without being paranoid
got better after a few weeks and i'm feeling bretty good rn
my tip would be to read a bunch of self improvement books (good for passing the time, feeling a bit better and reducing chance of relapse), go to a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist, depending on how fucked are you, they can help facilitate the process, and drink a bunch of teas (there are anxiety and insomnia teas that got me through the hard part, at least for a while)
2 years clean now
it's worth it brah
you'll feel happy again

Don't make any life changing decisions while withdrawing. You're not in a good enough state of mind to decide if you want to do something like have a baby or drop out of school.

I'm with you there buddy. I used to shoot, years ago but not with this fuck up.

In an average day i'd probably down equiv to 300-800mg of oxycodone, so not heaps. I was getting the green cunts, 80mg, so a couple of them. If i was having the morph for some reason I needed less.
Plus, on top of that around 10-20mg of clonazepam a day, and 2-5g of weed.

are your withdrawals bad enough you might die? if so, rehab or wean off.
if they're just unpleasant stop being a pussy, take holidays from work, and lock yourself in your house until you are fit for society.

You got this breh

righto bro, I can tell from that you lead a lonely life if you've never known anyone whos' struggled with addiction. Go be righteous, I'll conquer more than you'll even face.

you're wrong about the pot, it really is a young mans drug. Enjoy your anxiety in your 30's bro.

PS pot is one of the hardest habits to break, so they claim. IDK. to my mind meth was worse than pot, and this is worth than meth because i'm actually fucking sick.

I swear this bupe is only making it worse.

I live in a rural setting and not only is help limited, but if I went to one of those meetings then cunts would know I'm an addict, whereas at the moment i've done a decent job of hiding it from the world.

Thank you very much my good man, I needed to read that.

No problem, I'm glad if I could help. Just keep in mint that quitting drugs altogether is another thing than kicking one habit and changing to other drugs. Because now you will be confronted with the underlying stuff. Addiction is usually a symptom of something else. And this is the really hard part because now you have to handle it while you're at your weakest. The good part is, once that's being dealt with you'll find a life that you can perceive as worth living and that you don't want to blurr and perceive through the distorted view of an altered neurochemistry.

I need to go to bed now, it's late here in Germany. But I'll usually read through /plg/, so you can probably find me there until I manage to quit Veeky Forums :D.

>Just keep in mint that quitting drugs altogether is another thing than kicking one habit and changing to other drugs.

That statement, so perfectly articulated, is the crux of my issue. I'm not quitting a drug, i am quitting drugs. fuck.

thanks for your help friendo. hopefully this thread stays up for a while.

High risk, high gain. The cost is of course higher, but you've got so much more to win.

I'll keep telling myself that, cheers.

this is the story.
One drug to the next, to gray area shit like phenibut and kratom.
It's a vicious cycle.
I have been on this ride for like 10 years.

I can't even remember the last day I was 100% sober.
But one thing I did do right is always hit the gym.
So I have a fucking BODY but ya know outside looks good inside is damaged

make today your first 100% sober day bro. This is my day three, and it's MUCH better than day 2. I feel 2% human, which is nice.

98% totally fucking overwhelmed by sobriety tho.

na ive learned my lesson from cold turkey in the past. I am in the process of a taper. But I am going too. I'm tired of it.

You know what it is, drugs mask the pain. It makes even the most shitty life seem good. There is a problem with out society right now, this is why such hard drugs are an epidemic. Opiates are killing everybody. The quality of life for young people and lack of real opportunity has sucked the life out of 'life'
It's hard to be optimistic when you can't even make enough money working 40+ hours to live on your own.

But got to get through the dark to get through the light .

you sound like a shitcunt

Dependency sucks, and its probably on par with addiction for problems. Pot builds dependency the same as any other drug.

I used to be a junky and now I'm /fit. I did with subutex. Stayed on that for about two years and tapered the dose down very slowly so when I finally stopped for good it didn't feel that bad. If ur in a country that prescribes subutex u could try that.

If you stay cold turkey then cardio is great for cold turkey so go for lots of runs etc. You sweat it out faster.

Don't worry about feeling sober. It's all a question of perspective. As a junky you can't imagine being happy sober. As someone who's now sober I can't imagine being happy as a junkie. Once your brain chemistry sorts itself out (can take a long time) you will be happy sober.

Reach higher consciousness through practicing meditation everyday.

HOw long does it usually take to find baseline?


hard to say user, I was killing myself with alcohol till I just up and quit 5 months ago and I've been slowly coming to terms with reality and facing that existential dread for the the first time again in years. Running was actually probably the biggest thing for me just running until I was too tired to think about the things that normally keep me up at night.
the addiction is often a symptom of the problem that that dissatisfaction is already there. Basically the point is that fixing someones drinking problem isn't the solution because you are only treating the fever when they have a horrible infection tearing them up. gotta take small steps at a time to make the sober life good enough to keep living and not turning back to the drug.

I went off the deep end for a hot minute

>started with just chain smoking blunts and chugging rum like it was my job
>then I got into an accident and the doctor pushed opiates on me
>started hanging out with a girl who taught me how to bang
>eventually got into coke, ket, mdma, and meth
>I got into another accident where I nearly died
>started going to physio, then the gym
>at this point I was hooking up with strangers off craigslist to jerk off and smoke ice together
>I had 2 aunts, an uncle, and 2 of my queer little party friends die of heart attacks within a 3 week span
>my aunts smoked
>uncle smoked and drank
>my 2 friends were in their early 30's
>my BEST friend was diagnosed with heart shit and is constantly going to the cardiologist at 26
>Final straw was when one of my shitbag friends stole my phone
>I bought a new phone, got a new number, and never looked back
>I stopped banging cold turkey and switched to smoking, then tapered off of that and replaced it with weed cigs and booze
>3 weeks later I ran out of booze and was fine

I assume subutrex is a brandname for buprenorphine, which I had 2mg of yesterday or something.

I liked this part Don't worry about feeling sober. It's all a question of perspective. As a junky you can't imagine being happy sober. As someone who's now sober I can't imagine being happy as a junkie. Once your brain chemistry sorts itself out (can take a long time) you will be happy sober.

so thanks

real af

>gotta take small steps at a time to make the sober life good enough to keep living and not turning back to the drug.

do you mean stay on low doses until I sort my shit out? seems kinda counterintuitive, i suspect i've misunderstood.

well done brosef, how long were you on for?

Recently quit meth but still doing other drugs, it's rough at first but its more about the mentality you have to believe that you're in control I'm not a daily user only through self control and discipline.

You're not a failure are you, OP?

it's cliche, but: only thing that is gonna stop you from using is yourself. fuck aa/na, fuck counseling, fuck rehab.

eventually something might motivate you strong enough to quit forever, but realize motivation and the act of stopping itself are two separate things. your will is truly all there is between you and voluntarily drug intake.

i had my own reasons, and i've enjoyed life 100x more as a 98% sober/2% sometimes eat some weed chocolate or drink a couple beers guy than as a junkie. if you're opiate heavy, maybe get on subx for a while so you can sort yourself out before you jump off. in any case, see above

Really? That shit is weak AF. They couldnt even make it sound undesirable. Getting treated for marijuana addiction is ridiculous and you are fucking retarded if you go to a clinic.

Do they have hamburger addict clinics? gum chewing addict clinics? No, because they are psychological addictions, and while they may be detrimental for retards with no self-control thats the price we pay for living in a free society

What about gambling then you dense motherfucker?


>but knowing that i'll never be "happy" again is fucked.

Happy is a state of mind you fucking retarded junkie.

Get a real hobby and stop hanging out with losers.