Rate me, Veeky Forums
Rate me, Veeky Forums
Smelly body odor pajeet / 10
Come on guys wtf
sorry fren
white is right
no but in all seriousness your only good qualities are your biceps
you have no abdominal or chest muscle, oh and i bet you shit in the street
show bob
Fish-lipped streetshitting curry nigger
show peenes bby ;)
How can I improve my abdominal?
Sareh kotteh gooray hay bhai. Teek lagray ho.
Do ab workouts
I don't speak hindi you fuck
post a better pic because this pic makes it look like you're showing off your only good asset
>Only good asset
His expensive phone?
Don't have anything else desu
kys and get off the fucking street
Ethniks get an automatic -5
Poor op lmfao
Did you expect serious responses when your picture is hiding the majority of your physique? Take a real photo, chicken legs.
>black and white image
>is neither black nor white
is sorta inbetween... sorta puddle brown... nah darker... shit brown... yup