Tfw chest gap

Do you think I’m aesthetic? Or does my chest gap ruin everything

You look like you had surgery...

With flower-shaped silicone implants

Same thing here.. but women never even mentioned it...

Rich doe...


Stop worrying so much.

You're dyel, chest gap or not. Maybe aesthetic to 13 year old girls

I actually think it looks kinda cool, like a demon tried to rip himself out of your chest. So take that how you will.

your face is of greater concern, should have learned to breathe through your nose

Don't listen to any of these faggots. They jealous as fuck. You look good. Chestgap isn't optimal but nothing ever is. You look better than 99.99 of population and probably 98% of fit.

were u a deformed baby or are these just bottom barrel genetics

Why don't you ask your boyfriend(s)? You afraid they'll lie and tell you you are, just so you'll keep sucking their cocks?

The latter

Not the norm but it definitely doesn't look bad.

I have a chestgap as well. Normies never notice it, they still think I am aesthetic. As for internet and ugandan nose piercing forum, you basically have to be a greek god or on juice to get compliments

Are you high? You look really good. Gap doesn't detract at all. Mirin', lad.

Who wouldnt want to be?

>Maybe aesthetic to 13 year old girls
you mean the only thing that matters?

The more you focus on the chest gap the weirder you get, otherwise your aesthetic af

you look good man, any chick or gay would happily sit on your face

No he’s not. And how is that a bad thing?

you look really good and are not dyel or any of the other shit these jealous people call you
Looks like a good jawline too
No homo

I have a very similar chest gap. Obviously doesn't help with aesthetics, but anyone who doesn't lift wouldn't notice or care. Only had one occasion where it got a bit awkward when a girl jokingly punched me in the chest, hit the gap and realized how hard / bony it was - but then she put her hand under my shirt to feel the spot and I doubt a woman would do that if she didn't think you were attractive.

I would bend you over a table and pump you full of protein in a heartbeat. No homo.

Time lifting?

How did you make your waist? Im struggling with annoying fat there that just wont go away


your pencil neck, lack of abs and ugly face ruin everything, not your chest gap

Chest gap is genetic, right?

don't sweat it too much dude. girls don't really know anyway. good height and pretty nice bod, packing a bit more lbm wont hurt but personally your build can pull off clothes quite well, which is think is a bigger factor if you're lifting for pussies

chest gaps are the future of aesthetic

yes, but you can injure yourself and tear your chest

You look fantastic OP


might as well cover that shit with tattoos, because it looks horrible.

I am looking for a way to look like you, I can't afford a P.T. What did you do?

look up youtube videos and articles by Eric Helms and mike israetel

Thank you

Aesthetic your chest gap parts like the river moses staffed. Its appealing and you look lavish. PS nice jaw

Not as bad as mine but you still look good; anything more would look kinda bad.

Brb gonna kms

his chin is fine

there's always something to be self conscious about, OP. you look aesthetic. actually i suspect you posted this just to get compliments, but hey, i can't blame you. we all want to be complimented sometimes.

definitely not dyel

Most women are retarded and know nothing about inserts

You look good

It ruins it for us because we're autistic faggots obsessed with this shit, but 100% no woman will ever give a flying fuck and will think you're hot af

This is my only fear, that after 2 more years i'll realize i wasted my time because of terrible genetics.

Your only option is to go scott Steiner mode

98% of people will probably never care. you look great.

At least you have a long bicep insertion. I have a chest gap and sort, narrow biceps. Just kill me now.