Has anyone ever told you you're too big?

Has anyone ever told you you're too big?

Yeah, your mom

Yeah, YR MUM!



Only when I'm balls deep.

Ya. Some bitch at cedar point. All I wanted to do was ride Snoopy's Space Race.

Ah a fellow Ohio bro?

A friend has said my muscles were too big and looked too "puffy." Fuck you asshole, my muscles are great

this guy has cute eyelashes

Maybe you should stop permabulking

My mum, she's' trying to steal my gains although she subconciously likes them.


This, time to cut fat boy

My mom. Some jealous obese guy "friends"

How could I possibly be too big ? I can't even squat 4 plates for reps ! GOD !

ur mum wants ur cock brah
cuck ur dad

this scene was fucking great

unironically my mom and i'm still dyel. she also keeps telling me to stop taking that 'creatine' because it'll ruin my kidneys and shrink my balls.

So when I was a junior in high school, I started working out with a guy who was labeled a meathead but was just a big quiet lifter. He had terrible face acne due to steroid usage. Dude was huge and pretty open (to me) about his roid usage. Without steroids, I put on something like 20lbs of muscle in a short time. My problem was I also had terrible body acne. My quads looked like I had chicken pox and I never took off my shirt due to my back and shoulders had that deep, red and purple, acne that hurts bad.

My dad asked me if I was using steroids at one point because of the increase in muscle and all the acne.

Always been a long distance runner, 140-145 lbs at 6'0, wife is also a marathoner, 5'5 and 100-105 lbs. I started lifting and gained about 15 pound in my first 6 months and she has been complaining nonstop. I went back to marathoning for a bit to try to eke out one more sub 3, which I did, went back down to 140, now I'm already back up a few pounds to 145 and she's complaining that she doesn't want me to lose any definition and she doesn't want me all big and gross looking. I only want to get to 160-165 so I can do a 1-2-3-4, is that so much to ask?

Michigan Master Race reporting in. I only come to Ohio when I wanna be a Ride Warrior™ and avoid Ohio at all costs otherwise.

No, and im pretty big at 240lbs and long term steron use. Although it could just be no one finds me attractive anyway.

Oh god the feels....

who's the actress?

I’ve been told I was a big guy

Do you wear a mask by any chance?


stranger things 2

>be me at 29, 6'3" 180 ottermode
>learn to lift, explode up to 200 @10%BF
>girl I'd always been flirty with notices
>grabs my bicep
>you've gotten so big user
>but maybe stop here, don't get too big
>smashed that night
>smashed more weights that is, not her

So... were you juicing?

For you

Firmly, unequivocally, no.

I love cedar point.

No but I have been catcalled by multiple black women who called me "thick as hell"

No, but they tell me I look good and don't need to gain anymore.
>barely ottermode

Yeah, nah theres a long ways to go

She sounds really annoying. Did you think to assert yourself and tell her to back off? Tell her “at least Im not getting fat now get off my case.”

Women just really like ottermode. I don't know what the evolutionairy reason is, but they do.



It's birth control fucking their minds up, making them want sissy boys

Otter mode is sexy. It’s healthy and it’s conditioned. It’s also natural looking too. Being massive takes a lot of work or you could hop on gear. Most men don’t like fake tits, a man being on steroids is the equivalent of a woman having fake tits.

Ottermode has been considered the sexiest for millenia. Look at all the Classical Greek pretty boys.

Fuck off buddy, your women are even uglier than ours

It's why no woman will ever allow me into their back door, cuntlets run in fear, and gay guys throw themselves at me.

>eek out a sub 3
Too slow to be that skelly

But why tho

yes my mom

a friends gf once was feeling me up and told me i should stop lifting becuase i was "perfect" and i would get "too big" if i kept going. I told her I wasnt going to stop and jokingly said "it's not like im lifting for you!" She left crying lol.

>Has anyone ever told you you're too big?

I am very large, very tall, and have a large stomach also, extreme bearmode, but a heterosexual.

It grosses out many women in Asia. I can go into a nightclub in cambodia or thailand and my size makes local woman visibly uncomfortable in a bad way if I go up to them alone. Same thing with online dating, if I don't have body shots in my profile picture. They meet me and get flustered, and not in a good way. When I lived there I had to be very humble and timid if I wanted to be with quality women.

Regular asian ladies simply don't have the ultramcmusclebeef meme seared into their brains how westernized women do. A man my size looks grotesque to them, and they can't handle it on some level. I don't blame them, I look like out of place in a normal crowd in USA or Europe, in Asia I look like a monster out of a fantasy movie.

It's okay though, finding the right girl that 'learns to like it' is fantastic. Especially when she develops a fetish for being completely manhandled in bed by a man so much larger than her that she couldn't possibly get away, even if she wanted to. It's great knowing that I am giving her a memory that she will have for the rest of her life, because I know for a fact she won't meet anybody as fucking huge as me ever again.


She’s great in every other way actually. She had also only ever dated runners prior to being with me. I just wish she was attracted to what I’m trying to be instead of what I am.

Pic related: dinner for the next month.

how big were u

>a man being on steroids is the equivalent of a woman having fake tits.

he's right you know

If you aren't roiding for a competition, then it is entirely vain. You are artificially modifying your body with injections entirely because you don't want to put in the work or you simply don't have the genetics to look a certain way. Its exactly the same.

every girl i've ever been with after I get done splitting them with my 6.25" girth, yea.

cope harder roidlet

>tfw only 6" inch girth
Will I ever learn?

lol, only you can roid to pleasing look and really nobody will know if you don't go overboard, they may suspect.

meanwhile bolt-on's look fucking retarded. If women could take a pill to make their bodies grow perfect breasts I'd be all for it.


>If women could take a pill to make their bodies grow perfect breasts I'd be all for it.

Obviously a homosex

ottermode suggest being fast, lean, high endurance, healthy, good hunters, etc.

you don't see a lot of bearmode warriors in history as they're slow and cumbersome in combat despite their enormous focused strength and the fact that it would be prohibitively expensive and time consuming to train an entire army to that size while ottermode is a natural occurrence of normal training. paired with the fact that the mode of transportation back then was marching for fucking hundreds of miles, you get the picture.

also keep in mind that women are small, so when a woman looks at an ottermode scrawnboy vs an even larger bodybuilder she actually sees a large, muscular man and an even larger, more comically muscular caricature.

Typically teenage girls like this. I've found as I've aged women start preferring larger more imposing looking men.

>aiding the body's natural formation of aesthetic musculature is the same as attaching unnatural prosthetics

just cause you used bigger words to describe one doesn't mean they aren't both done to soothe your vanity

>aged women start preferring larger more imposing looking men.

except for the fact that to women all tall athletic men are large and imposing.

A 35 year old ottermode except now with a nice beard, chest hair and deeper voice (and a good job) is still going to be the ideal.

the point is that it's a false equivalence you fucking mouth breather.

the reason you do either is equivalent
cause you're an insecure fag lmao

>mfw 6.25" girth x 7.25"
>oval shaped so width is nearly 2.5''
>think im average or below going into first time
>3hours of fingerblasting and lube and couldn't get more than the tip in

Fuckin jawlet couldn't blow me either, wat a waste.

A climber girl told me I was getting too big at 5’9” 155lbs. Her BF was pretty fat, so I’m not sure what to make of that.

I’m about 167 now. Can’t climb as well, so she probably had a point.

Mother and cousins tell me im getting too big lol im 6’1 and 80kg

Dick wise lol no im 6.5 in long

My grandma, which is utterly hilarious as I had zero definition at the time. She begged me to stop lifting and do other exercises.

Cara Buono

Holy shit, how will OP EVER RECOVER

who is this woman?

Proof that white/sand crossbreeding is the future.

>then it is entirely vain.

Wanting to be stronger for functional purposes is vain?

I don't think you know what vain means

yep. mum, gf. but I legit think im too small. dunno.

Damn user, you alpha beast

>friend who lifted weights like 3 years ago but stopped and is now obese tells me i'd look great if i "put on some muscle"
fuck you fat ass.

>Wanting to be stronger for functional purposes
you need gear for that?

You don't, I doubt people use roids for being functionally strong. It's either for their career, whether it be bodybuilding, baseball, football or a cross of vanity and work -> stripper.

yeah you think the million gymrats out there pin their butts for the competitive sports they don't play?

I bet you're about 15 and weigh 150 lbs.

>Extreme bearmode

Translation: Fatass

No. If a girl rejects you for being too big it's just her denying you for some other reason and palming it off to the most obvious reason.

Is dat Bella

be glad someone told you. lose weight you idiot, whats wrong with you?

ripper story bud

How does one become this chad?

>Le dyel cope
"Y-y-you can't possibly look big when not bulking right?"
Lift more faggots

Be in a movie.

post more bella

Dude, you are just fat.

No one becomes a Chad. One simply i a Chad.

Yes they have but they weren't talking about my body.I'm DYEL as shit.
Who knew that a 6 inches girth would be too much for a virgin.

I'm a Gigi fan

>tfw German dad decided to smash a sand chick and the blonde hair and blue eyes are gone forever
Don't fall for that meme

Billy is a little faggot. His dad is the true chad.


I'm sorry Hans of Arabia, perhaps in the next life.

Well, you just have to talk to her and tell her.
Look here you dry cunt, getting big is what I want, i dont care about twink runner gear, twink bandanas, bleeding nipples, black toes and shit.
Before i get old and all my joints are fucked up from all the running i want to leave humanity behind.
And then you slap her with pic related