Well Veeky Forums what ones do you take?
B12, D3. All you need
Is that all I need then?
You can easily get everything else from veggies, legumes, etc. If you actually eat a sane whole foods diet
Zinc and L-Arginine in the morning, D3, magnesium, melatonin at night
D3, gonna see if it helps with my shitty skin. But other than that nothing. I have a everyday diet of avacado, banana, carrot, broccoli and onion (obviously) so I think I get everything I need.
I'm new to the fitness scene, and one of my main issues is that I almost never eat any vegetables. My meals for the day are almost always either chicken, or mince with brown rice or pastas.
What essential supplements should I be taking to help with gaining mass if I don't eat vegetables? I don't really plan to start eating them either.
How can you live like this?
D3, B12, potassium(if you don't eat potatoes/bananas) Zinc+Magnesium(ZMA)
do your research on ZMA and don't get one of those with shit magnesium.
You can overdose(3x DRI) the D3 without any significant drawbacks. Make sure you don't take too much Zinc or you may need to supplement copper aswell. Good luck breh
can i ask how this even happened?
Just to be clear I do eat fruit, I'm pretty much talking about greens. I don't know how it happened, just when I was younger I thought they were shit, and I've never bothered to start eating them since getting older.
Thanks for the help btw, I'll take a look.
im not either of them, but i imagine bad parenting
try peas or broccoli, just boil them for like 2-4 minutes and they're done
well I had pretty bad nutrition in terms of quantity when i was growing up so i can kind of understand but we still eat a lot of vegetables
Are you actually a woman or do you take a women's multi for a different reason?
I wonder if trannies still have to take men vitamins
Probably depends on HRT or not
L O N D O N ?
General multivitamins, if any at all. Women's multis have extra iron content for those who are deficient due to menstruation or giving blood and MtFs do neither of those things.
t. tran
I take a ridiculous list of pills... I think they help though.
Milk Thistle
Vit C
5000iu Vit D3
and I take 25mg of Clomid to increase my test.
I think you should take a break from fitness-memes for a while...