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this doesnt sound like fitness


> Denzel.png
My man


I don't get it...

FUCKING KEK I just realised I posted the wrong version

Honestly, I felt bad for the girl, as well. She had to reject him and whatever company this is recorded and published it, trying to make it look like something sweet. Pretty humiliating for both of them. Shame on the adults who took part in the production of that video.
You have to watch this video.

Close enough.

>Honestly, I felt bad for the girl, as well. She had to reject him and whatever company this is recorded and published it, trying to make it look like something sweet. Pretty humiliating for both of them. Shame on the adults who took part in the production of that video.
They're both actors you retard

>You have to watch this video.

>They're both actors you retard


I refuse to believe that the video was staged. I know it was an advertisement, but from what I can tell it was still candid from a real dance studio. There's a behind the scenes for it.

I can't fault the guy for taking his shot. Yeah it was going to fail, we all know that but at least he took it.

True. Kid took his first steps to becoming a chad.
In time, he will learn.

Hopefully it didn't just discourage him as he got older. Lots of attractive men are hideously undesirable at that age.

>Suddenly cuts to everyone sitting down in a marked out square, cameraman right in the middle of the room, guy waiting at the side to come on
Yeah, totally not staged at all


look at this dood

.. that's called editing bro ..

I'm not saying that none of the kids were in on it. I'm saying that the one in the pink shirt isn't. Just because the camera's rolling doesn't mean she got a heads up of what's happening.


Are you fucking retarded? Serious question.

Yeah, he's fucking retarded.

So it's just coincidental that that girl is also an actress?
How would this possibly not be staged anyway? How the hell is some berry company going to reach out to some random socially awkward fedora wearing kid at a dance class, unless they're all just actors?

>So it's just coincidental that that girl is also an actress?
Holy fuck, yes. Do you know how common it is for dancers to take small acting roles? Multiple dancers at my high school took small roles on TV.
Just reach out to the fucking people who run the studio and go from there.
Holy fuck you are dumb.

>in dance class people sit on the side when someone is dancing
>its usual to be filmed so you can look at yourself after and see it from a different perspective

>yfw you realize that the beta was paid 50k for this role
>yfw you realize that he probably fucked a hundred escorts afterwards

He's a chad now. I don't have the pictures but he has a gf and even looks semi-chad.

Not a photo, but at least funny.

i'd kill myself if i were white.
holy fucking shit.

Garrett needs to get some bbc into his system, stat.

Probably dumb middle aged women stage or a faggot planned this shit, no sane man would even think it's a good idea

>sane man
>white perma virgin
choose one

kek'd heres your (you)

can't into reading?

>like clockwork
Garrett did an entire choreographed dance for a hug and 2 thumbs up.
This guy probably did jack shit and she worships him lmao

It looks like he ruined a football for her, so that's something.

Take a selfie to prove you’re not white. Too many white people make posts like these. If you’re actually white think about how disgusting your family and friends would be if they saw your cuck posts.

The people who let him do this should be charged with child abuse

kek, fucking stupid nigger doesn't know how to read

reminder that this girl has cancer now

that video literally makes me want to kill myself
why do we have to live in this world brehs
where are we?
is this hell?


no he isn't a Chad

he's in the friend zone with girls still

the girl is dating a Chad though

not posting concentrated cringe

Of course the guy would be the ugliest one out of the whole dance group. That's really unfortunate because the girl will never be attracted to him, ever. This young man essentially wasted a huge amount of time and effort only because nobody ever told him that you can never make another person attracted to you--the attraction has to be independent and predetermined--for either counterpart to be attracted to the other, that is. You can not force biology to behave a certain way. Biology doesn't recognize acts of good will or words of kindness, even if the intention behind them was an expectation of a sexual reward or intimacy - all it recognizes is a guy who isn't ejaculating inside a woman. Despite how common sense this sounds, most MALES do not seem to grasp this reality, thus ending up in the friendzone, in other words, social contacts of a female who will never be sexually or romantically receptive to them due to sheer unattractiveness, but the males will not believe this and cling on to a belief that some day it'll happen..

After enough validation and gifts she will suddenly realize how amazing and generous I am and fall for me. It's a good deal for a female who will be dating attractive males and on the other end receive attention and free benefits from unattractive orbiters. This video in particular reminded me of this recurring scenario because the boy's mentality is similar to those unattractive males (that is, a skewed understanding of biology and human attraction).
Now, obviously, the boy thought that "maybe the girl just never noticed me by accident or thinks I'm just another guy even though I have this awesome personality and willingness to treat her like a princess". Sadly, this is not how the real life works.

A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular. This isn't to say that personality and emotional and social traits do not matter, they play a big role in maintaining your woman.. But the woman will not be drawn to be around you in the first place if she doesn't consider you physically attractive at least to some degree (in the best case scenario, this girl will become closer with the boy and keep him as a good friend, maybe out of pity, maybe out of good will) and facial beauty is the biggest determinator of attractiveness in human beings, mainly due to its convenience; it's impossible to hide from a female that uses it to weed out potential partners and pick the most attractive males. Judging by Alexa's forced smile and glib enthusiasm, it's painfully obvious that she weeded Garrett out of the equation the first time her eyes ever latched on him. Girls of Alexa's tier will NEVER be receptive to boys of Garrett's tier.

Needless to say, someone will have to break the news to Garrett that the blonde is not for him. He will need to settle for less, much less. I will not comment on his musculature or fashion sense as those are changeable later in life, but will only focus on his face. I understand he's very young and still growing, but unfortunately the only things that could improve in his face as he grows up are his disproportionate nose and puffy cheeks, and even then, only to a small degree (the hopefully decreasing facial adiposity is really the only thing I could see making a tiny difference to his appearance). As for the nose, it will not change in shape but rather in size (but again, on a millimeter scale which is barely noticeable), and when it comes to the shape itself, anyone will agree it is anything but aesthetic. He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure. Narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure) thats presence, or lack thereof, are both manifested in the human face and females are biologically designed to immediately pick up these traits in male faces, thereby determining whether the male they're looking at is attractive or not in less than a second. There is no make up to deceive this biological evaluation. Although it's unfair to rate a 13 year old undeveloped face, this 3/10 is unlikely to ever reach 5 when estimating where he is on his growth phase (unless he will grow to be a 7 foot giant). Either way, this is the judgment that Garrett will have to deal with from 80% of females, Alexa included. I remain hopeful that he will meet the right one, seeing as the majority of females aren't exactly attractive either.


What an expert dodge at such a young age! She's a well trained little Stacy


it is in the most literal sense an instinct. She goes into flight mode


checked. post moar

This is the darkest timeline. Get used to it breh


Anyone have that webm of the guy bringing the girl home but not going in for the kiss ?


kill yourself

Please no; I can only handle so much cringe in a thread

This is technically a victory.
Look how at first she was going to complete the hug without ever making contact on his bare skin with her hands.
Then when he went in, she was forced to touch him skin to skin with her hands.
At that point she already lost she accepted the contact and look at how more easily she touches him after that.
Dude is an alpha he forced her to play his game and he won her biological engine started revving up.

I've known about this video for a while but the girl got btfo? how?

i would kiss him

i don't think hes gay or is the type of jewish guy to want a nazi bf

Alexa must be tight af
I bet her pussy feels literally perfect

Fuck me am I going to get vanned now?

Is this the David Brent origins story.

Damn she wants his cock so bad

Real talk I wouldn’t even fuck Alexa. She is a 6/10 at best.


Honestly, this. I know /pol/ fags who grouped up on discord and do gay coordinated shitposts thinking they're fighting the system.
Images and discussion related to dieting, exercise, healthy living, and workout plans is welcome here.
Relationship, dating advice, and "mental health" threads belong on /adv/.

No she doesn't, she dates a Chad quarter back she has an Instagram

>i dont think hes gay
Oh the feels