Is this achievable natty?

Is this achievable natty?

ew he's got a little boy legs.

Yeah. Just bench once a week, do nothing else and don't eat.

yes; you can get that in like 4-6 months

Not if you're 6'0

how much do you think he benches?

Yeah for sure, just diet and some upper body weights since he seems to skip leg day.

NO he’s on tren and dbol

at least 3 ton

>Tfw you have same twinky body and wonder if you can ever get huge with twink frame

>fashion Chad has had more sex than probably 80% of Veeky Forums put together and even has a wholesome family now
>By all outside interpretations he has made it
>If he posted in a CBT he would get called a dyel

There was a progress thread last night where OP had the perfect trap body and became pretty swole, probably 1/2/3/4 but who knows

Why? You looking for butt sex?

He's 6'4

Probably like 90kg.

Lmao are you kidding? This bloatmaxx has probably been on cycles and an endless bulk for at least 4 years.

Thankyou for the hope, based user




You can achieve bloatmaxx status in 4 years wow neat

just be yourself?


*bees himself*

whats this faggots story?



CaRdIo CAn REpLaCe LEg DaY

My body naturally looks like this

Poor guy.

Yes, finish puberty, don't eat and do some push ups.

Doubt it, I look like more or less like him and I only do lmao1pl8
Probably 80kg at most

wtf happened to Day9 ?


I just hit 2pl8 and my pecs look smaller than his, granted my arms are a fair bit bigger. I probably just have crappy insertions.

He's super low body fat.

lol roids

Never knew he had scoliosis causing uneven shoulders
Makes me feel better about mine

Didn't even notice until you pointed it out.
Once again shows how you pay more attention to yourself than others do.

Doesn't have to be scoliosis. There are a huge range of reasons, and the root cause can only be determined by a professional.

Look how fucking tiny his body is compared to his head. That furniture (?) visible on the left side is probably the seat of a chair.

He's 6'4 and very low bodyfat.

user how long did it take you from 1 till 2 plates

I was barely getting 1pl8 for a single rep back in September, so about 3 months. I set a goal of 2pl8 for end of this year, hit it early.

how to archieve this


lmao early-puberty 15yr old mode

Still looks totally weird and out of proportion.


I think you can get this without roids. Start when you are 15 and you'd have this by 25.

and now tell the truth

Is it that unusual?

unusually long
surely it didn't take more than like 1.5 months

whats 1/2/3/4?


135lb (~60kg) OHP
225lb (~100kg) Bench
315lb (~140kg) Squat
405lb (~180kg) Diddly

Each number represents the amount of plates (45lb) on either side of the bar.