>Boogie will never lose the wei-

...wow. Holy fuck I never thought I'd see the day, but Boogie is actually looking good.

He's going to make it, Veeky Forums. I'm proud of our based booger.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's still really really fat

boogie pls just leave Veeky Forums

ofc he lost weight. He is getting a divorce.

He's not looking good. He's still a disgusting fat fuck in the progress of losing weight.

He'll soon be the new king, show some respect.
>punished Boogie

Well he might make it if he went Rocky the next 3-4 years

wait this is him looking good? How the fuck did he looked before?

>wealthy youtuber
>doesnt have an electric toothbrush

>Boogie gets bullied into losing weight by Veeky Forums
>Boogie actually starts making an effort to lose weight
>"You still look like shit boogie kill yourself"

You fucking faggots are pathetic. At least boogie is trying to change his life for the better, and all you worthless fucks just keep bullying him.

I want him to make a vid of drinking raw eggs, then I'll know he's serious.

>Boogie gets bullied into losing weight by Veeky Forums
>Boogie actually starts making an effort to lose weight
>Boogie doesn't say thank you

You don't see /fat/ cunts posting progress pics in CBT. If you really want to impress people you gotta go deep into that coccoon and emerge as a beautiful butterfly. Nobody wants to see what goes on inside the coccoon.

If he died, i wouldn't give a shit


fuck off boogie.

>Boogie actually starts making an effort to lose weight
Getting the stomach stapled is not an effort at all, that's the easy way out. it's not even close to roids because you still need to lift to get a proper muscle growth.

Everybody would be far more impressed if he just ate LESS by his own volition, but he didn't. So until he weights 180 lbs no one will be impressed


Why does he have a Batman toothbrush holder?

Unironically good for him. I hope he keeps it up.

Hes still a faggot though.

boogie posting

kys, why do you fags keep making threads and glorifying that neckbeard fatass?

Jesus... what a fucking cuck, he`s even on the fence about his own Marriage, why cant he just take a stand? any stand

Looks like he's gonna be a major chinlet if he actually manages to lose enough weight to be skinny.

hes a soi boi

dammit I thought there was a new video of him to make fun of

But he’s OUR faggot

Hello, how can I block this blatant shilling?

Are we gonna start talking about how electric tooth brushes increase test?

Friendly reminder that 3/10 people who get gastic sleeve surgery end up gaining the weight back

there's a 30% chance this weightless is temporary

It's unironically, literally boogie himself making these threads

Veeky Forums is capable of driving traffic to the point where e-celebs actually bother shilling here

Why are you up so early Boogie, McDonald’s breakfast is now all day.

Those are some pretty good odds, now what are the odds that he starts getting swole? 1/10?

All he lost was his wife

This. I didn't post a progress pic for almost 3 years before I was actually Veeky Forums. No one gives a fuck about your 4 month progress pic when you are still obese

I only check boogie's channel every now and then to see if he died yet.

If you shove it up your ass and turn it on, it might actually.

This, Boogie admits to browsing threads looking for people saying bad things about him, and since it's not like he's out running, he probably starts the Veeky Forums and /v/ threads himself to bitch later.

Protip Boogie: Take this to /trash/ where you belong.

Let's spread it boys. An electronic toothbrush in the ass a day keeps the test high

>worthy of Veeky Forums through discipline and hard work
>artificial weight loss
pick one

Gotta shove the onion in there first. Onion enema gainz are da YUGE... the toof brush ensures it stays agitated for maximum absorption of the onion juiciness.


>it don't look half bad
true, it do look full bad.

>n-no bully

he lacked the willpower to lose weight on his own without surgery, what is this thread about again?

Go boogie!!!


>looking good

it's funny to see how retarded people on this board can be. I don't give a fuck about boogey but seeing that some people actually care enough to whine about him for actually losing weight shows how pathetic and miserable your own lives must be

shut the fuck up fatty

Hi boogie. Kys you fat fuck

>>Boogie gets bullied into losing weight by Veeky Forums
>>Boogie actually starts making an effort to lose weight
bullying works

>being this new

>made an effort
>got his stomach ripped apart and still sits on his ass and complains
yeah a real effort lad, are you retarded?


He should hop on the gear and become the new Rich Piano

Didn't his wife leave him after he started talking about her really personal stuff live on stream the other day?

p much

zyggy8892 confirmed will be the next sick cunt to motivate millions to become fit

>boogie self inflicts harm on himself by getting fat
>so fucking fat and lazy he pays for surgery
>complains about the cost of healthcare, despite self inducing poor health
>S-Stop bullying boogie!111

>being this edgy

Gotta love the ignorance of Veeky Forums kiddies

but wouldn't being on Veeky Forums also make you an ignorant Veeky Forums kiddie?

She left him before that.

Then he started some drama with some other dude and went into a "deep dark place"

The nigger will be back eating again by the new year.

Don't think you know what that means.

Though you quite obviously have not been here long enough to realise how much of a pathetic information denying help dodging passive aggressive piece of shit Boogie is.

Boogie deserves everything he gets for being so weak.

She was probably fed up of looking after him after the surgery. If you watch that stream where he started stirring up shit you can see his mask slip and that he is actually a total cunt. 100% will be gorging himself again within the month

nobody gives a shit anyway, he's ruined his body beyond the point of repair and he is gonna be forgotten like all those youtube dipshits

>e-celebs' success makes me angry!

fph thread?

what is that stupid ring he wears? is it because he literally get it off?


what went wrong?

the good writers became editors, or did their own thing and left
the other good writers left
they hired shitty writers who are in the same pool as buzzfeed

Its been mentioned loads of times, and I would really not be surprised if boogie starts loosing it on social media and snapping at people on stream.

I honestly think the passive aggressiveness is not where it ends with him and he is a fucking mean cunt in his head which has been shown to his soon to be ex wife. I kind of also think that he wishes his wife was cheating on him.

Yeah I think we are in for a shitstorm pretty soon, should be a fun watch. Didn't his wife get fat as fuck too?

Something tells me it had more to do with him getting gastric bypass surgery.

She is over 300lbs last time I saw a picture, there is a picture of her in the background during one of his photos/streams and she looks fucking huge. Its fucking obvious she is gaining.

Boogie get off Veeky Forums and focus on your divorce

I mean she is really fat and he is loosing her Instead of two fats there will be one.

He's close to snapping people on stream now. People would donate and he would not acknowledge and continue to talk about some stupid toy he bought as the donation message was being read.

This meme again. She's always been fat. That picture with the black dude is a MySpace angle. Check the wedding photos from 7 years ago. Fat.

he's skinnier than you.

I need to get a metal cup

He's like a skeleton, he sacrificed his bloatmax for powers over women

Boogie isn't getting divorced dipshit. He and his wife are just taking a break. The weight loss has been tough on both of them.

She was always fat but did you see that video where she was accidentally caught in frame? She is plant mode now

Boogie, you're on an anonymous image board, you don't need to pretend anymore

boogie pls

>She's always been fat
She evolved

I believe in you Boogs, keep it up. You gained a sub from me when you started the weight loss journey.

Shit news about the divorce though.


Wake up early today, Steven?


that gum to teeth ratio

Her use of myspace angle is pretty impressive

dam nice hair can make even ugly horse look better

This isn't Pinterest faggot.


If he died, I would give a shit on his grave.

That's an unhealthy expectation, 250lbs is plenty fit enough.

>tfw starting to actually feel bad about all the boogie bullying
Like, he is just some fat guy that makes videos for manchildren. I literally don't care.

Wasn't this when she was anorexic?
