Is your gf supportive of your fitness journey?

Is your gf supportive of your fitness journey?


If she was that cure I wouldn't care either way.

>implying I haave a gf

Yeah she says my dedication motivates her to keep going to the gym and eat healthy.


The closest thing i have prefers if i go bear mode


gf haha

someone post that user whose gf was concerned he'd leave her when he gets hotter and that's exactly what he did

Yeah. If she knew that she is my gf and that i go to gyn i guess she'd be happy

Very supportive. She gives me massages and makes me food after the gym. We sit and watch anime and play video games, we do pinterest arts and crafts. It’s nice to come home frome doing something you love, at work or the gym, to see someone you love.

We go out to eat sometimes, and I love sotting outside with her on bench seats when it’s cold. She gets really snuggly.

The sex is amazing. I have to say though, I am pretty autistic so if I wasn’t blessed with good body and attractive features there is no way in hell someone would go out with me.

Just lucky I guess

she looks like that guy who played young nucky thompson in season 5 of boardwalk empire


>gf concerned I was going to leave her for some gym thot
>she leaves me

hahahaha, got me good.

She loves my arms
Feels good breh

I'm single now, but I was in a serious LTR with this girl who didn't want me to lose weight. She had a thing for really fat guys. In fact she cheated on me...with other fat guys. i know, It fucked me up too. I was expecting her to be getting Tyrone's dick or something, but nope the guys she was fucking were worse looking than me.
The dude she is with now is at least 100lbs bigger than me. I'm glad I finally dumped her ass over a year ago and I'm out of that toxic bullshit relationship.

>fitness journey
What kind of stupid modern mindset is this?

Something core to being a properly functioning human isn't a fucking journey, it's just daily life.

Do you have a girlfriend?



this is shit i don't get. when i decided to lose the weight, my husband was extremely supportive of it. his back-handed hints that i got too fat really hurt at first, then it just started to piss me off and motivate me.

now that i'm 83 pounds lighter (224 to 141), he hates it and wishes that i wasn't so skinny. comments of "you lost your booty" get on my nerves. why do significant others do this shit?


that's what you get for marrying a dyel soyboy

yeah she is

She is low-key scared I will leave her, which is good because it keeps me in power. All I have to do is do what I love and she grovels at my feet.

If she leaves me, I will find someone else when I feel like it. Oh how the tables have turned since the time I was a cuck.

i don't know your whole situation. But a lot of people worry that when their partner gets fit/attractive, they will leave them.

She could go on tinder and literally have 50+ better looking guys throw themselves at her. You have no power..........until she become 26+ years old.

Go diddley and Romanian diddley till your ass is too big to complain about, if he still complains about it then good luck

You should make it so she cooks for you to bulk you up.

the competition is fierce af these days

She was.
My next one will as well.
Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't support your passions?

If your girlfriend is concerned about you leaving her constantly she's probably just insecure.
I can't assume their motivations but in my experience this is typically the case.
My ex was always worried I'd cheat on her, she cheated on me after convincing herself I was already cheating on her.
If that was just an excuse so be it, I wouldn't want to be with her either way.
If you can't trust each other to be loyal it won't work.

you fell for the marriage jew

>Is your gf supportive of your fitness journey?

Yea, I've had gfs in the past and lifting/gym was a way of life for me back when I was younger and they always supported it but actually wanted to join in, I would be deadlifting or squatting and they wanted to learn how to do it....

I'm now 30, single, alone and actually quite successful except I don't work out anymore or date/talk to people.

Just reflecting on life a little bit, used to be social and the loud guy at parties. Now just some middle aged faggot who doesn't even lift

Women want what they can't have, not guys throwing themselves at her.

She's very supportive. She doesn't like how much I meal prep and sleep, though. I'm always going straight to bed after work so she can't stay the night. And when we go to restaurants I never eat with her. But she's supportive of my fitness journey.


Ask them what they want instead of trying to guess everything.
That said, your side of the story paints them as a passive aggressive bitch.
Apparently you're capable of communicating if I was able to draw that from your story, try doing that with your husband and encourage them to do the same.
Being passive aggressive is marriage cancer. Talk it out like two adults.

Sound autistic. Are you shredded at least?

Yes, she got me a pullup bar for Christmas last year

Everyone wants what they don't have.
However, men are typically better at being realistic about what they can achieve because their effort to outcome ratio is more representative of what one would expect.
The princess mentality prevalent in our society conditions women to have unrealistic standards for others but not themselves as they see rewards like attractive mates as a given, rather than something you work towards.
You'll see an even larger influx of self-entitled women in the future who are childless in their 40s wondering why Mr. Right didn't fall into their lap.
Some self-reflection would be a godsend for most of these women.

That's very thoughtful of her user.

Have you tried talking to him instead of us?

My first thought as well.

I think you're underestimating how women will settle but be on the hunt for more.


>middle aged

Dude I’m 23 and I even know 30 is not middle aged. Yes maybe your physical abilities have already peaked but that’s the age where life gets better for educated men.

>I'm now 30, single, alone and actually quite successful except I don't work out anymore or date/talk to people.
>I don't work out anymore or date/talk to people.
>I’m actually quite successful

One of these things is not like the other


Very much so. I feel very blessed. He’s the one who got me into fitness in the first place and I still admire his dedication. It’s good to get to experience what makes him happy. We have protein shakes together. I’m really tiny and frail in comparison, but the idea of one day being able to lift him up like a feather for once instead motivates me.


>"user, why do you spend so much time at the gym"?
>"user, are you trying to hook up with that she hulk at your gyn"
>"user, why dont you like lifting with me?"

Do your squats wtf? In addition to calling your husband fat or too skinny and getting him to change for you

Yes my GF massages my sore muscles with coconut oil and brings me tendies

dawwwwww user you are the cutest :)

come on, don't remind me

Not really doesn't want me to squat incase I get a big ass

Pick one


pretty cute.

If only it was real :(

This. Accepting is the appropriate term and what most people mean when they say "supportive" Almost no women support.

Good shit my man glad you're happy

not at all, she fell in love with me when i was fat

proudda you user


jokes on you i don't have a gf although if i did she'd probably be a massive cunt desu

Mine hates when I show her videos of me hitting a new PR. She think I'm gonna hurt myself, tells me maybe I shouldn't lift so heavy.
But she loves my massive back and arms when I'm going down on her, and tree trunk legs when she's going down on me. Have to remind her of this when she stresses on my big lifts.
Her mom works at a health food store and gives me protein powder and supps. Pretty neato



My waifu is very supportive


living the dream

w-w-why are you doing this?


i dont have a gf OP
i do it so my dad will say he's proud of me one more time

handsome face, tiny chest, dht up the ass, your hair line is migrating. decent physique you need to eat less and work harder in the gym. my body is tighter and less gross looking but im not as handsome as you. just saying user

oh fucking hell man goal everything right here
except maybe the haircut

Yeah, she's my spotter.

>you need to eat less

>eat less
I'm cutting on 2300 calories and losing fat like a bastard. I haven't noticed my hairline receding, though my hairline does look shit in that particular photo due to how fluffy and uncooperative it gets when I wash it.

Also my chest really isn't tiny. It's definitely lacking behind the rest of me but by no means is it small. The pose doesn't help.

no bad, you can spare to eat take out food once and a while. It is pretty easy to fit burger/fries into my diet desu.

>need to eat less
you're retarded

>pinhead larry

I used to be a fat fuck so my relationship with food has been sabotaging my cut for the past few months. I'm trying to eat super clean for the next few weeks to finally finish off this cut. Then I'll bulk

She wasn't at the start. But quickly realized that this was something I really wanted to do and understands that if she gets in the way of my goals and ambitions then I'm leaving her.

She got pretty supportive after realizing that.

maybe theres more to life than fitness and friends
really makes you think



6'2'' 178lb 25yo. At my fattest I was 280.

Yes. She helped me so much. Before I was going to the gym 2 times a week, trying to build muscle but getting nowhere. Get into a relationship with her and she shows me my fitness pal and how tracking my calories would help a lot.

She is also studying to be a nutritionist and likes to make food. Also making a lot of protein rich foods which is pretty great.

She likes my body before, but now I'm getting more muscle and she tells me every time how awesome and hot she thinks I look. I have a feeling she is slightly exaggerating but I love it anyway.

Recently she also stared going to the gym so I only have more things to look forward to.

god job on losing the weight, but why are you still cutting? 178lbs at that height is already very low. are your lifts over 1/2/3/4?

I'm just trying to get rid of the fat. I hate looking down and seeing blubber

mate, you're pretty fucking lean i highly doubt you're gonna lower your bf% much more without losing muscle mass.


Shit you might be right


Sort of. I met her at the gym. She doesn't want me to get any bigger, but I don't give a fuck.


Shoo shoo

>tfw no concerned gf