Who /nofriends/ here?
Isolation increases testosterone, r-right g-g-guys?
Who /nofriends/ here?
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Being alone for a long time actually has psychological damaging effects
I hope to fix my brain but the damage may already be done. I've been alone a long time and released most of it is by choice
The way I grew up was believing I was tough and cool for always being alone, I believed I didn't need friends
>very normal person has someone to talk to meanwhile you're sitting at home and acting like these posts you read are you talking to some user across the state line...
I don't think I've had a friend since I was like 12.
Haven't had a friend in years
have 2 contacts on phone (family members)
work alone (night shift security)
never had a gf
last time I was out socially was 2013
How long for you? I'm at 4 years now and am starting to feel the effects.
What effects?
>Who /nofriends/ here?
my friends always reach out to me to hang out. but they just wanna do drugs and drink. i almost overdosed on coke last time and i vowed to never touch drugs again. so im forced into isolation
The crippling depression of being alone, talking to myself because I go weeks at a time without hearing my own voice. Insecurities, anxiety. First 2 years were amazing not having to do anything and telling myself I'll spend all this time reading and lifting but the last 2 years all that optimism is gone.
Well you should stop being a loser and get some friends dumbass
Sorry user, isolation reduces life expectancy.
>tfw wanna get into tennis
>nobody to play with
Inspirational quads. Thanks user.
Being social and talking with diferent girls during the day actually booosts teststeron a LOT.
SInce i started working in an hotel last June, my workouts and nutrition were poorer compared to when i was a NEET but my lifts went up somehow instead of stalling, also my dick is hard all day.
In about a year from now I will be done with university and all of my social life will be dead.
I will probably travel to some gook country with the money I've saved and kill myself. Well, at least that's the current plan.
if you lived in florida i'd teach u br0
Lost all contact with mine after high school
Haven't had any friends in 10+ years, and the
"friends" I had before that were fucked up at best and used to mostly just fuck with me.
Pretty sure I reached the point of no return and am full on lone wolf mode now.
People try to be friends with me now but I just don't have anything to give them. There's no need to be friends.
When you go to Japan and taiwan, just sleep on hostels and make friends with everyone, it's super easy. I went there with no friends and came back with 30 bease everyone who sleeps in hostels are just looking for fellow foreigners stuck in a gook country to travel with.
Less people, less problems. One who prefers alone time is a beast or a God.
>studying at university just to kys when you graduate
because it's something to do and it's free
Been a lone for most of my life and I tend to push people away, even relatives, as I prefer loneliness to the company of even the closest human being to me.
But, if I say, commute to work rather than taking public transport, I'm in a much shittier mood and state, physically and mentally, not seeing how much better everyone else is doing compared to you, and how much of a failure you are, leaves you in a race where the only participant is you, you get stuck in your tiny little hole while the world moves on around you.
If you do not observe your betters you have nothing to aspire for, and seeing a Chad acting in real life is much more effective in whipping your ass on the right track than seeing him on an Indonesian ramen making imageboard.
Thanks user I appreciate it
If you are a member of the germanic race, please reconsider. We need every individual to retake Germania in the coming war.
sorry hitler if you want me to stick around then get me a germanic waifu ASAP or i'm checking out
holy fuck, user please get some friends
Listen, Berlin was full of transvestites, degenerate skimpily clad women and child prostitutes in the 1920s. Then Germania took its pride back and the women became waifus like this.
This is within reach. The war is soon upon us.
where in florida?
Same anons I went all through high school with no friends and was never invited to hangout with anyone once. Now I'm a freshman in college and it's the same thing over again. I just go to the gym in the morning go to classes and then do nothing all day I've pretty much gave up.
>dat stache tho
Surrender to the righteous path, honor your race.
>But, if I say, commute to work rather than taking public transport, I'm in a much shittier mood and state, physically and mentally, not seeing how much better everyone else is doing compared to you, and how much of a failure you are, leaves you in a race where the only participant is you, you get stuck in your tiny little hole while the world moves on around you.
Always gets me how calm and relaxed everyone looks in public going about their daily activities and the ease in which they converse with others.
Good on you my dude
I'm 25 that shipped has sailed
Same boat at 23. I still believe though. Going to throw myself out there and move when I get the chance.
what's your plan?
Doing master's in technical physics engineering. Been taking subjects in reservoir engineering, petrophysics, hopefully getting myself the master's thesis itself in petrophysics or a related field. ¨
Use that to look for work outside of my country. Get a fresh start with my life in a new place.
Hopefully will happen within 2 years.
I just want someone to lift with
we don't even have to hang out after
I lost all my friends after I went to a mental hospital
even though I feel 100% my "friends" just abandoned me and the last friend I had cut contact with me out of nowhere
some also moved out of state for school and just stayed there
trying to do my own thing but it's tough going to a gym and seeing a couple guys my age with their frat bros doing memelifts wishing I was their friend so I could help them with their form
so I just lift at home
I still have my cousin but he's on the other side of the country in the army
a gf doesn't seem reasonable when I don't even have friends
>Use that to look for work outside of my country. Get a fresh start with my life in a new place.
All your problems travel with you
>tfw my best friends are my exes
>tfw better at bonding with women than men
That's what I'm doing too. I don't want to die a loser.
that's literally me i just used "freinds" to entertain myself at school when i was away from home. i thought it was cool to he this emotionless robot that only studied and exercised
Yea, it hurts
I had a girl tell me recently she doesn't like people who are silent and she finds them to be boring....
Low T soyboy detected
>made lots of friends in the army
>got out 3 yrs ago
>haven't made a single friend since
i never realized how bad it was until the summer after graduating. without a few buddies to chat up throughout the day i pretty much laid in bed after work for months. simply greeting the gym staff is the realest connection i get on a day ta day basis
After graduating highschool never had a friend. Im 22 now but the da,age has taken its toll i dont even know how to joke around anymore even though i use to make my friends laugh all the time. I have no problem talking its just that i literally have nothing to talk about to ppl. My day consists of waking up, work, gym, and go home then sleep. Seriously my life is so boring im surprised i havent killed myself yet. The only time i go out is when i go to grocery store or to my cousins house. 2 days ago i was taking a shower then i straight up broke down and cried cause it dawned on me that i dont have anyone. Working out has sort of been my ease drug, just yesterday i came out the gym my body was soar and it felt really good. On top of that the car ride home felt amazing cause of the perfect weather and the music i was listenin to. To top it off i took a long ass shower i felt like i was high since i havent worked out in 3 days the entire time i was smiling from car ride through my shower, and till i fell asleep. Cant explain it.
feels bad man
THIS Is literally me. My friends dont even contact me on facebook despite them having time to write and like eachothers profile pics. SMall things like this make you realize no one cares about you. If your family wasnt forced into kinship life with you. They wouldnt bother communicating with you. It sucks
This is me. University tricked me into thinking I had friends, because I did know a few people in class and for group projects and shit. Now that I'm done school, I have literally no one in my life.
own it
i stopped missing my now ex because tbqh fuck her
own your loneliness, embrace it my good man
i Made my first Freund in first grade by mirroring a kid until he couldn't get rid of me and had to he freinds. that should've goreshadow that id have to make to effort for the rest of my life
>If your family wasnt forced into kinship life with you
When your own family starts distancing itself from you, that's when the real pain starts.
>all of my friends live states away or just hang out with far more interesting people
>feel like people just put up with me out of pity
>>all of my friends
GTFO normie
Not really, I have already improved myself by a lot. I think what I really need is a fresh start. I will do things differently this time.
if i didn't have a buddy who shares the exact same brand of autism i have on discord i probably would have offed myself by now
>tfw your only gf later said she did it out of pity
Sometimes I talk to my hand
>is there any hope?
My mom is pretty much the only reason I haven't killed myself. She would be devastated, I don't want to do that to her ;_;
Do women like men who have no friends? I’m worried that they left me because of being a loner
i cant even think about how bad my parents would take it
Depends on why you have no friends. Trust me, they can tell.
No friends=no social status = death sentence
Oh boy
All my friends left Vancouver because of the housing crisis. Everyone left in this city is miserable and angry, I used to be a social person, now I just work, lift, play vidya, and keep to myself.
Feels bad man.
normans are like animals they can sense when people aren't right
Personally, I don't think it's THAT big of a deal. As long as you have cool interests and aren't socially autistic.
It's possibly to have little to no friends and still not be a social outcast. It's rare and probably abnormal, but definitely possible. I'm a bit antisocial and definitely a "longer" but I can still socialize and have a few friends that live far away from me. It makes things harder for sure but not necessarily a death sentence.
Holy fuck, are you me?
which is why we invaded sicily and england
I was social at the start of uni. But after the "get to know your class" week, I barely went out and did stuff. Now I rarely talk to anyone. Only the few, few people I got to know somewhat at the beginning of the semester do I talk to. The awkward thing is, there were plenty of people I was off at a decent note with, but that I never really talked to after, so now it's sort of like being back to square one with them. I wonder if this will happen to the ones I got to know better too...
I just gotta sort myself out, really. Get a routine on things, be a little social, go and join social events when they happen (they're common), and get a bit out of my comfort zone. But before any of that... nofap and proper workout routine. I think my porn addiction is making it hard for me to connect with others.
There's a BIG difference between "I have just a few friends" and "I have literally no friends". One is fine, the other no woman will accept.