>tfw latlet
How do I get huge lats and a thicc back?
>tfw latlet
How do I get huge lats and a thicc back?
He means tons of weighted chins.
weighted pullups
Pull-ups every day.
Deadlift heavy.
Seated cable rows
Dumbell rows.
Lat pull-downs
Straight arm pull-downs.
Those are the things I do.
If you think my back sucks then ignore my advice.
Try stop being a low test pussy, fag.
Variety of vertical and horizontal pulls, accompanied by few isolations.
Upright t-bar rows with some leg drive for upper back gains. Cheat yates rows where you row the barbell to your hip crease for lower lat gains. Weighted chin-ups for upper lats. Power trap-bar shrugs for traps. Face-pulls/rear delt swings for rear delts.
WHY IS MY LAT AND TRAP BIGGER ON THE LEFT SIDE? I have a winging scapula on the left side, could this be the cause?
3xF weighted pull-ups EVERY DAY
I know because same; it's hard to activate both sides at the same time
I recently tried the weird shit Eric Bugenhagen does like the Jeferson Deadlift and my lats have never been this sore. It looks a bit weird but I was surprised how well it targets your lats.
otherwise if you want a more generic answer pullups and rows.
Does everyone here shit on the dumbbell row using a bench? :( it’s one of my favorites
this is the dumbest and most wrong answer imaginable, i deadlifted 500 while neglecting upper back work and my upper back looked like complete fucking dogshit
deadlift won't do shit for your upper back, even if the lats are involved in stabilization etc
you'll get some trap development out of it maybe
weighted pullups, chinups, vertical pulls of various kinds (v-bar pulldowns mite b cool), also do horizontal pulling (personally like DB rows and chest supported rows)
>what is a double overhand reverse deadlift overhead pull down
nah they are amazing, also one of my favorite rowing variation. I just dont really like the fact taht I have to alternate and it takes longer because of it. otherwise amazing lift.
Heavy barbell row, rack pull, (weighted) pull up, cable row
So I have a herniated disc in my lower back and my Dr said no deadlifts or squats. Is there any kind of alternative or am I doomed to no gains?
Reverse hypers. If you haven't got one then find a way to do them with a ankle weights in a power rack. You can do them every day, but try and get the weight up on them if possible with a strap or something. It might take 6 months, but reverse hypers and lower back stretches ( like deep squat positions holding on to something) will improve you dramatically
You make it sound bigger than it is. Not really impressive, but okay.
Go to /plg/, ask garagebro. Basically, do 50 reps of a vertical and a horizontal pull each every day,
everyday or every training day?
I do them. I can focus more on my left that way since it's a little weaker than my right
Every training day, but if you train every day, do it still. It's really hard to overtrain upper back. Aim for 400 reps per week if that's easier for you. If you do 600 that's fine.
Thank you very much friendo