I'm finally fit yet i crave physical intimacy and emotional intimacy. How do i lift it away? Can i make it go away?
I'm finally fit yet i crave physical intimacy and emotional intimacy. How do i lift it away? Can i make it go away?
I just want to bahn huy
>How do i lift it away?
you use the energy for the gym to find a gf. go on my boy
I want my life to be like that pic so badly.
I did not need this feel
It's not as great as you all think. One day you'll get a gf and you'll realize that this site over-hyped it. You will never be satisfied.
bruh once you get it you realise what you've been missing its 10x worse
Here is what I did:
>got married to qt
> things go good for about 1 week
>qt turns into world's biggest bitch, physical and emotional intimacy gone
> back in the gym I go
don't fall for the lie.
You remember your first lift, the feeling of bringing it down and feeling the fear of failure and shame surrounding you. But when you lifted the weight you felt the euphoric feeling of pride emitting from your body and soul, if only for a moment. No woman will give you this feeling, only training will
I don't know how much longer I can keep going lads
You don't need the emotional intimacy. It's more trouble than it's worth. Physical contact, however, is a more pressing need and you should see to that whether it's relationship based or not.
women do not provide emotional intimacy.
>fake it and then be real
is the route of all relationships and by then they like some of the fake.
make friends.
> he doesn’t know he’s here forever
Poor guy
>Haven't been hugged by another person in over 10 years
>not even a parent
20 years old btw, I no longer can even look at pictures like OP and not feel extreme anxiety
I had a girl
I loved her
She loved me
She stopped loving me
I never stopped loving her.
But, I have friends I do hard drugs with, and we are completely honest and cuddly. I don't really need female intimacy.
And if I ever feel like I really do, I'll make tinder.
I used it as a social experiment to see how many matches I could get, and being Veeky Forums got me 200.
Of course, I'm not a degenerate, so no casual sex for now. It's just nice to know that if I'm ever really feeling empty I can start fucking random girls and not caring about them.
Women are incapable of love.
Traps are incapable of sanity
Men can be cool but fags are fags, keep it mental gays.
The feeling doesnt go away you can ignore it all you want but sooner or later in a couple of years, its going to be staring right at you. You should deal with it soon go and find someone to care for or you will end up like a sad depressed bodybuilder dude obssesed with gains.
WEW not even once
Was she a whore?
It'll get worse each year. Keep lifting or you wont have the strength to bear this burden.
Find a guy to lift and cuddle with.
Lift more. That's how I do it. And when I'm in bed alone I hug myself and touch my arm gently.
Serious non-shitposting question for a change.
Is there something wrong with me if I find 90% of women not attractive? I definitly don't find men sexually attractive.
Also, having sex with someone I don't care about doesn't really appeal to me.....
That's all I want
Stop watching porn, user
Don't look at porn for all of 2018 and I can assure you by the end of it you will go mad just seeing the outline of a girls ass in a dress
There is only One Way
If none of that 10% are attracted to you, then yes, you have a problem.
>Also, having sex with someone I don't care about doesn't really appeal to me
Lots of people are like that. You'll get criticism for it. Ignore them.
d-delet. I hate how much I suffered over my first.
are you gay?
because you sound gay
it's fun for a few years
then you just want her to die
trust me
get a cat
if you dont have meaningless sex with women you will end up being in a realtionship with a girl that fucked 25 chads between 15-25 and you will fall asleep next to her thinking about all the cocks that entered her butt
90% of women ARE ugly. Even hambeasts get 1000 matches on tinder, so theres no reason to even try.
Google John Wayne Gacy
Nope, not a whore, just crazy.
Warning to all: all women are different, but all wives are the same.
if you fall asleep thinking about the COCKS, especially in her butt, then you might be a gay.
How do I into successful relationship? Is it even possible with the modern day woman.
Sit down, and stare at a wall for 20 minutes and think about how meaningless relationships really are. Be logical. No one really NEEDS to be in a relationship. You suffer because you want one. That want is not logical.
I used to fuel my workouts with my loneliness after my breakup with my girlfirend. I would do cardio and tell myself "Run until someone loves you". I would lift and think "I'll show her. I'll become strong". Unfortunately, I could only workout a max of 3 hours a day. Meditating keeps me sane.
Women suck. You can live without them for now. Focus on yourself, because that's all the reality you have. If a girl comes along that likes you and you like too, then great. If not - fuck it, go do something for you.
I found 95% of women not attractive when I was in high school. Full of thots, niggers, fats, and the ones that were almost normal looking were fucking mentally psychotic reddit memeing "nerds" who do the t-rex thing with their arms. I got a little envious over my friends for getting with the latter, but I was naive myself. I've seen them fucking break my friends down when they got involved with them. 4 years later I got with a nice submissive Filipino 5'0" 105lb fit qt who I've never been in a single argument with.
Is she pegging him?