Is this man going to be the first man to snatch 500lbs (227kg)? He just snatched 220kg and shit looked easy as fuck.
Also set the total world record with 477kg.
Is this man going to be the first man to snatch 500lbs (227kg)? He just snatched 220kg and shit looked easy as fuck
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Kek, didn't notice.
Respect. But I wouldn't want that body.
he's 6'6" 350 lbs, he's a pretty big guy 4 us
an absolute genetic freak
b-but muh chinese weightlifters!!11
I'm sure he doesn't want to be as weak as you either. Any idiot can roid and look decent, only one guy can snatch 220kg.
your insecurity is showing
>heh, nice lifts. But I wouldn't want that disgusting chink body
Honestly, he just might.
He's only 24, has atleast 6 years to gain strength, which he readily can.
Also, he's snatched 220 twice, once at the Georgian Championships, the other at the IWF Championships, and the Georgian one looked even easier than the IWF one did, honestly, i can see him breaking both the records, since he clean and jerks 255 like its a empty bar.
unless he gets busted or injured we'll live to see Lasha become the absolute GOAT of weightlifting, the new taranenko
i don't know man, his right shoulder seemed that it was about to snap, good luck to him but that shit is scary
But he snatched 257 kg at the end lol
4'9 chinklet roided to the gills by the government, nobody wants that bud
I agree there, his right shoulder looked super sketchy on that lift, but when he did the lift at in Georgia, it didn't, so it may have just been a spur of the moment kinda thing.
5'7 with a hot wife and children, he's also strong as fuck
I lift for aesthetics, do other sports (soccer, sailing, biking, swimming) for fun. I look good in a slim fit suit. That's what I meant.
>tfw you will never atg high bar squat lmao6pl8
>strength = aesthetics
r-right guys?
I sure want that body m8
you forgot to add "at 70-75kg bodyweight"
that's power
Oly has to do with technique and strength. I was thinking to myself recently what would be the best , oly lifts or powerlifting lifts for carryover to pure strength. People here always say the big 3 (maybe add OHP) but i'm pretty sure a strong oly lifter most likely crush those while also having big c&j and snatch numbers but the opposite is not true. Really makes you think.
how is this chubby fat guy so fucking strong wtf
>asian children
Thanks, but no.
most strong oly lifters are also genetic freaks who have been training since they were in diapers. for an average person just starting out, the easiest way to get stronger is to do easy exercises like bench and squat rather than spend months learning how to snatch with the empty bar
so you telling me oly is strictly for genetic freaks and normies shouldn't even bother doing them unless they have the perfect build/leverages for that? Fair enough i guess.
his bf% may be high but he definitely has a good amount of muscle mass. Keep in mind he's 6'6" 350 lbs, if you look at him next to a normal person it makes sense. Also, I guess superior body proportions, superior power/strength muscle fibre genetics etc.
An absolute talentchad, coupled with hard work and deus vult
it's almost sad how hard he dominated the 105
Salimi did it in a gym, he isn't a bad contender either.
check out mart seim (he did 253 C&J at this world championship, finished 2nd in CJ after Lasha) strict pressing lmao3pl8 for 9 reps
he also does like 165 kg for a triple
lmao google zydrunas savickas
>taking literally anything from China seriously
The government literally pays for these guys to inject every fucking thing under the sun into their body. Sure guy in the OP is on roids too, but nowhere near as much as the chinks are. Reason why so much chinks get their records and medals revoked.
salami is getting old though
lasha finishes 6/6 and even his WR lifts look like he still has potential in the tank. Keep in mind he's only 24 years old
He has to spread his genes!
this guy is ohping my squat max for fucking 9 reps
He's like a year older than rezazadeh when he set the C&J WR, i think he has a couple good years left in him but yeah, lasha is probably going to be the one to do it.
and almost squats 3x as much kek
don't compare yourself to pros