
Isolation or compounds?

>Do you work abs directly?

>Post abs

Both. Isolation to help your compound.




Mostly compound, some leg raises on leg days.

>expect boobs and a gorgeous female face as the camera rises
>is obviously a man
D-did I become gay?

Post your abs routine, please.

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both.. you should be working your abs directly for sure. you aren't going to get the results you want from only isometric contraction.

Just do planks daily
Proper planks with glutes squeezed
Superset with pullups at the end of every workout
Do as many sets as you want

Calaesthetics brah

>aren't going to get the results you want from only isometric contraction
truth hurts

I highly recommend doing ab rolling too, started seeing awesome gains within weeks. In addition, lower abs should be isolated.

>tfw DYEL status at 170 lbs at 5'9'' and little fat
>all fat goes directly to the gut and abs dont show despite working them out 4x a week
>choice between cutting and becoming more DYEL to see abs or bulking for size and bigger gut

How do you deal with shitty ab genetics?

Still looks like a thing of natto.

Dude, just start working out and lift heavy
Once youre in the intermediate range for lifts then decide if you should cut or or not
Probably looks like shit cause youre skinny fat with no muscle

Shit leg raise + Shit front lever row ?

Mostly Isolations, very few compounds activate properly if any decent amount at all abs.

>it's a gay muscle nudes site

>couldn't immediately tell it was male

you're gay, user.

Abs are kitchen

I was really hoping it was a muscly girl tho. I like muscles on girls.