Tfw only black girls and landwhales mire you

>tfw only black girls and landwhales mire you

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna be mired by black girls OP

And have a stupid child?

Ahhh, the ebin racist meme, here's to some salty (You)s my fellow, sophisticated /pol/ brother.

Worst feel.
I went to a predominently black school system growing up.
Now I'm in a 90% white college. All I want is a qt white gf yet only black girls like me. I'm not even a wigger I don't know what it is.

> chick

Nah I want the attention

Yea, here I am, just a super typical black, female Veeky Forums denizen.

Point where OP was being racist.

If you can't differentiate personal taste from racism maybe you should take /pol/ out of your mind.

Agreed. I know these feels for some reason too op

Hey bro, I'm just here to enjoy the angry unterminsch, just like you, chill out and revel in your tribalism like the rest of us cool /pol/ bros.

Who else is really excited to see all those butthurt niggers respond to this ebin thread XDDD ????

>tfw only black girls and gay guys mire you

OP wasn't even being racist and the reddit whiteknight instantly got mad to the point of samefagging. Sad

Bro, you're reading waaaaaaay to deep into this. Why don't you pull your conspiracy string map off the wall, lose the tinfoil hat and have an ebin laff with your fellow /pol/ bros on the FITNESS board XDDDD

Absolute mental degenaration

You could have just said landwhales.

You mean degeneration? XDDDDD


Oh, what? You don't LOVE that /pol/ has invited it's self onto the FITNESS board?
Get the fuck outta town.

Both belong to a low socio-economic group. OP is poor and poor women more him. Surprise. I don’t even see black women or fat people in my everyday life.

Oh woooooaaaaaahhhhh! Tell us more about Elysium, massa!


Thats kind of strange. Where do you live OP?

>the salt in this thread

I m black so I wouldn’t be your massa. Just pointing out the stats. Lower socioeconomic groups are attracted to the gym and the people who go to the gym. Started the gym when I was a poor teen and those demographics were miring me. More I climbed the socioeconomic ladder the less I saw of those groups and the notes from them dissappeared.

Sex is the cheapest entertainment for the poor. Father always used to say that.

>black girls and land whales
You didn't have to say it twice, user

>the /pol/ in this Veeky Forums
Don't worry though, Veeky Forums mods are nonexistent.
Make yourself at home.

Man. Fuck off to reddit if you can’t handle racial banter. Racial banter has and always will be apart of Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums is a sub board of Veeky Forums so inherently there will always be racial banter.

Veeky Forums literally, objectivity started as an anime board, brainlet.
But do go on about how I must be from reddit for not enjoying your speshy weshy brand of cross board contamination.

I know that feel all too well OP. Keep lifting. We're all gonna make it one day

This is all OP. He's mining (You)s

Correct XDDDDD
Please delet this travesty, mods

Nope, just one triggered snowflake

>black people chimping out in this thread
Wow, who would have guessed....

>Veeky Forums doesn't wanna be /pol/, waaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Where the dick stats tho?

>tfw no qt asian gf for child brain gains

Under reproduction

I definitely know that feel, are you Italian by chance?

Fucked up part is I'm good looking and feel insulted when ugly fat chicks think they have a shot with me

Hahaha, yea bro, got em!
Simply ebin.
Fucking hate those niggers.

>Fucking hate those niggers

Uhhhhhh racist much?

t. Eliot Rodgers

Implying Anime is NOT inherently racist.

Lol, look at this guy ape up over here. Try not to break into a gas station.

OP here, I forgot to mention I was also mired by two transsexual woman(males).

>p-please s-stop making Veeky Forums about f-fitness
Lol, QQ moar

Get used to it, queer bait

>not smashing jungle cunts

Confirmed not going to make it.

And get aids?
No, thanks

What the fuc k is that walrus raping that penguin?


My post was fitness related . However none of your replies have been.

Before I got Veeky Forums I only managed to fuck the chubby girls. Not obese, but think like 5'5" 170lbs.

Once I started liftan I promised myself I would not fuck another fatty until I fucked someone normal.

I haven't gotten laid in 4 years. Maybe it's time to go back to the fatties.

Everytime you say "ebin" you out yourself as the samefag you are, OP.

interesting last point. It would make sense that a significant portion of your advertisment and marketing would be aimed at the poor thus sexual ads. Economic expllitation

I want a cute black girl and produce beautiful mixed race kids.

You get it. I was raised by a strong man who happened to be black and knew the system.

This is exactly me bro :( feels bad man

breaking news: you have to have social status and money to get top-tier girls

>tfw not a chad

>Some 50 year old black lady at a gas station asked if I was over 21
>does she want me to buy her alcohol?
>I ask why she cares
>"If you're not over 21 I can't flirt with you, I'll go to jail"

You only need social status, really

>tfw 6/10 girl literally lusting after me
>dont find her attractive but really like her as a friend
dont want to break her heart lads what do

You can't not break her. May as well fuck her before doing so.

Facts. Just stick it in buddy

if you told her the gods honest truth nothing would change, "hey I don't really want to be committed to a girlfriend but would you like to fuck?" You can word it nicer or in whatever way suits but dont be anything but straight forward and tell no lies and literally leave nothing to the imagination.

>le evil /pol/ boogeyman xD

>tfw the good looking men just stare at me
>tfw the ugly, fat or elderly men only approach me

it hurts

i dont want to fuck her though

Honestly, you probably just feel more natural around them and they notice it. Most wypipo I know tense up around blacks and make a deal about how their friends are black or how they're "down". Maybe you also picked up some mannerisms that you don't think about.

>not wanting an oreo gf

Men walking away is gonna hurt, MGTO.
Better to position yourself in the male community as a public cum dumpster with no feelings than opt for the feminist community.