What kind of physique can you build with 1/2/3/4 vs. 2/3/4/5?

What kind of physique can you build with 1/2/3/4 vs. 2/3/4/5?

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2/3/4/5 can still look dyel

depends on how much you eat and your genes

im at 1/2/3/4
and i look like dyel for fit standards

note that im 6'1 so, it takes "less" muscle to for me to lift that weight compared to some 5'3 twink

strength doesn't mean you'll get a good physique...
When will they learn..

600lb deadlifter can look like this

there are also scrawny 315 benchers, 405 squatters, etc.

lift #s are no guarantee of a certain physique, do your accessories and do your quality volume in various rep ranges and then at the end you'll either find out you have good size genetics or still look like garbage

2/3/4/5 isn't a thing, going from a 135 OHP to 225 is a lot different than going from a 405 DL to 495

it's probably closer to

what are the lifts of the guy in the picture?

1/2/3/4 is just the minimum required strenght before you are allowed to worry about hypertrophy.

What kind of physique can you build with 1/2/3/4?

Those forearms tbf

You dont. You start a hypertrophy routine at that point.
Before 1/2/3/4 you are technically a woman.

that everything else

le strength base meme

it's fine to jump right into training with higher reps and more exercise variation, which is essentially for training for hypertrophy is anyway (just avoid brosplits and muscle magazine garbage, do lyle's upper lower or something)


>unironically believes le hypertrophy routines actually works on natties
How’s your 3rd month into lifting going?

yes, you're right, bench pressing or squatting for sets of 8-12 with a focus on progressive overload over a long period of time will not result in any gain in muscle size or strength

muscle size and strength can ONLY be gained with 5s

my gaze, my spirits, my boner

Not only, just more efficient for both.

is a base level of strength not needed though? Can you really build a big chest only benching 135lbs? If not, if more weight is needed, then wouldn't benching a weight you can do 12 reps of an inefficient way to build strength? Isn't building strength more efficient with sets of 3-5?

You achieve good physique with both, but people think that x/x/x/x prohibits them from lifting for size, see some dumb responses above.

naaaah, nah man. naw.

so, basically you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. got it

nah man that's not what i'm saying. naw. nah naht at ahl fahgaht

do you honestly think you get 0 strength gains doing sets of 10-12?

I think strength gains will come slower at 12 rep sets as opposed to 5 rep sets. will you be able to add weight to the bar each workout on 12 rep sets?

This is the lie that powerlifters/strong men have been shilling and something that ignorant fucktards with no experience who never actually pushed themselves while working out or never worked out before they got roped into the powerlifting training cult believe and parrot.

The fuck?

1.No it won't. You will get strength gains on both if you put weight on the bar every session
2.You honestly don't have to put weight on the bar every session and doing such when going 10-15 reps goes against what makes it work overall and the relative safety and health it can provide.

so all I need to do is bench using sets of 15 reps to build a big chest? I don't need to worry about the weight on the bar?

that's not what he's saying, at all

he's saying you can add weight to the bar with sets of 10-12, just like you can with sets of 5 - you won't have 225 on the bar as soon, but you will be doing more volume and getting more hypertrophy

no, powerlifters and strongmen do not shill this or believe this

ignorant DYELs on Veeky Forums are the only ones who avoid high reps and accessory work, actual powerlifters do dedicated hypertrophy blocks where they train with higher reps and higher exercise variation, or at the very least do high rep bber accessory work