Go to gym

>go to gym
>shoulder and back day
>go do back press
>for some reason cant lift
>go do lateral raises
>feels heavier then usual and cant finish the set
>start getting frustrated
>go do deadlifts
>cant lift right either
>end up getting out early because I couldn't do my normal routine properly
So what the Fuck wrong with me Veeky Forums, am I dying or something.

>back press

uhhh.. why aren't you starting with your big compound lift then doing accessory work after?

are you actually that stupid?

Sometimes you just have a bad day. You'll get 'em next time tiger.

Not enough Protein; too many carbs, sugar and fats.

Everyone point and laugh at this brainlet

With all the info OP has provided this is the only conclusion we can get to.
That and not enough sleep/wrong workout times for his body.


it's generally accepted in the fitness community that compound movements should precede accessory lifts.

nvm thought you were asking why he's doing compounds first, I'll let myself out

Op here.
Ive been eating mostly just oats in the morning and chicken and veggies for lunch and dinner.
This never really happened to me before which is weird.

Anything with the Oats? just afew ounces of chicken and veggies doesnt have enough supplements for your body if youre working at any serious level.

any suggestions?

>don't have enough supplements

OP please see a doctor and leave this hellhole of bro science spouted by dyel fatsos.

>when was the last time you took a deload week off

>when was the last time you weighed yourself and readjusted your diet accordingly

>are you even keeping track of your daily caloric intake and macros?

>how many hours a night are you sleeping and further more are you taking benzos to sleep?

>are you taking a multivitamin?

You had a bad day you dip. It happens.

You either have a slight injury or you're just over exhausted for whatever reason. Could be mental.

Take an extra day off, do something you enjoy, and come back fresh. Every time I take an extra day off and come back, I absolutely crush it in my next session

Guess ill try and take a day off, see if it helps.

Didnt mean store supplements, i meant the proteins he gets from food.

Overtrained. Take a few days off and eat properly.

Nutrients you fucking retard.

ive been up for too many hours.

>he's on the autism diet