Rank the following from worst to least bad: manlet, dicklet, beardlet, jawlet, chinlet, brainlet

Rank the following from worst to least bad: manlet, dicklet, beardlet, jawlet, chinlet, brainlet





What about wristlets, calvslets and ballslets? Those are all pretty bad.

wrist and calves can be fixed so they dont count


fuck forgot beardlet after brainlet
>tfw brainlet

Brainlet > Jawlet > Manlet > Dicklet > Chinlet >>>>>>>>>>>> Beardlet

brainlet, manlet, dicklet, jawlet, chinlet, beardlet

stupidity destroys civilizations, being physically inferior loses wars, being impotent destroys cultures, being effeminate destroys institutions in that order of importance

>tfw manlet and beardlet
At least I have a cleft chin and a strong jaw. My dick is also decently sized at 17 cm.

jawlet=chinlet, brainlet, dicklet, manlet, beardlet

>wrists can be fixed
brainlet detected

Beardlet worse than dicklet

t. Dicklet



What about carlets

Just combine jawlet and chinlet with an added eyelet into just "facelet". And you forgot hairlet

>jawlet & chinlet
There is no point in having a well sized dick if you are ugly.

Worst to least worst:


This should be sticky tqbh


Brainlet is the crippling one, and has implications outside of dating. Imagine being retarded enough to enjoy bill nye, 90s nostalgia wanking, star wars, capeshit or vote for democrats. Fucking sad state of affairs man.
Manlet is pretty bad unless you have a damn strong personality and a good charisma stat. Or if you're ballsy enough to sweep women off their feet and say "Oh does height matter now?"
Jawlet and Chinlet may as well be the same thing, if you don't have those, you're showing a redflag for nu-male. You better be working out to cover for this.
Dicklet. Dick size matters if you're below 5.5 or above 8 and you're actually smashing bitches not named Rosy Palms. But if you're small, you're most likely throwing up other redflags so it won't matter.
Beardlet. Thanks to the nu-male beard obsession, beards aren't in. Untrimmed beard? May as well be gay

How do I check if I’m brainlet or not

Do you regularly consume educational media completely voluntarily and for fun? If not, you are probably a brainlet.

Literally fucked for life. There is nothing worse. You will always be perceived as the weakest of weak. Even if your hard on roid, you will be a laughing stock.
Extremely bad, but unlike chilets it can be overcome with great effort.
You can be happy, but you are a sad fuck
Can be alright if you have good bone structure or if you get an implants. Serious problem if you dont have either.
You can mask it under a beard.
When this is discovered, its already too late to fuck you over.
Just shave your face everyday and noone will ever know

>Just shave your face everyday and noone will ever know
someones facial hair hasn't come in yet

If you have to ask it's too late

Manlet here:


It all depends on the severity.

Being a manlet is highly dependent on your location, unless you have severe manletism 5'0<

But I think we can all agree that chinlet is the worst

Weak/no chin and you look like a straight up goof/dork just google some images for examples.
Jaws are pretty much what makes faces aesthetic looking
Few people can pull off looking bald, a shitty hairline can also make you look older
Not very important as it isn't showing the whole time, if you're in you're in.
Lots of people look good with beards, lots look shitty. being able to pull it off is half the job, not very important for aesthetics but can be a game changer.
the dumber you are the happier you'll live with a mediocre life.

you will always look borderline braindead with a weak chin
you will actually be borderline braindead
if you are ridiculously short (Sub 5'6) noone can ever take you seriously
makes you aesthetic if good, but not really TOO bad if it's not that sharp
Cleanshaven is the most respectable facial hair so beardlet is a gift if anything

manlet is by far the worst and then baldlets after that

males looks are 40% height, 25% hair and 25% bones, 10% skin

youre forgetting wal-let which triumphs all those

Switched to beard trimmer when I was 17 my friend. Though hair is starting to thin.


I am all of them so its kinda hard to tell

where's personalitylet? Having a shit personality can only be saved by 9/10+ looks.

From least to worst bad:
having a beard has the ABILITY to make you look better. If jawlet, you must have a beard. If not jawlet, it doesn't matter.

you can grow a beard. If not, it's pretty bad but not unsalvageable.

as long as you are 5in it doesn't really matter if you are in a relationship. by the time you bed some broad, it wont matter either.

pretty bad, immediately recognizable as shitty genetics or being a mouthbreather

pinnacle of physical maladies. everything you do in life is worse than if you were taller

if you are a brainlet you might as well just kys (kiss yourself)

t. 6'1 7x5 superman jaw/chin with no beard in STEM

Worst: Brainlet
You can have a 200 IQ but if you have emotional disorders, you are a brainlet. You cannot repair being a brainlet. You cannot give a brainlet plastic surgery. If you are a brainlet, you are forever a brainlet. If your IQ is below 100 or you have emotional disorders you are basically fucked in every aspect of life.

Chinlet & Jawlet (facelet):
Everyone knows an ugly face when they see one, and it's way easier to be liked if you're pretty.

If it isn't paired up with emotional disorders, you can be 5'5 and find yourself a 5'2 grill who can't tell the difference between you and a 6'0 guy.

I've got a 7 inch dick. I doubt someone would turn you down if they saw you had a penis under 5.5 inches, and having a large penis is of no advantage if nobody sees it. Ugly penis is probably worse than small penis.

Least bad: Beardlet
Just shave your face faggot.

Brainlet < Dicklet < Jawlet/Chinlet < Beardlet < Chinlet

kys user.