is it possible for everyone to get an OHP of 225lbs with enough time and dedication?
225 OHP?
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Yeah, given they can gain a big amount of weight to do it though
let's say one had to stay sub 83kg/183lbs for powerlifting
>just an example
Yes you can the average man can do it.
But it takes a lot of time to do it.
yes 2/3/4/5 is achievable with consistent training
i wasnt exactly referring to this, since i believe it is way easier to get a 4pl8 skwaat than a 2pl8 press
Yes I hit 2pl8 ohp after about 4 years lifting mostly brosplit/ppl
95kg bodyweight
3/4/5 is much easier than 2
it should be 2/3.5/5/6
Fuck no, it depends on how tall you are
Lel my bench is catching up to my squat.
No it is completely impossible. No has ever done that in the history on mankind, matter of fact how come you were able to come up with such nonsense idea.
On serious note it is harder to achieve a 100kg OHP than a 140kg Bench by a long stretch. You are relying of less muscle, people don't have the work ethic, mostly people are shoulderlets, don't give it enough priority because most fall into the big 3. One thing for sure: most programs that see parroted in this board will never lead you to 100kg OHP.
Is OHP twice a week, and Incline bench once enough? I also do some accessories for shoulder, lateral raises, rear delt flys etc. three times a week.
Im 65kg and hit 72.5kg 1rm after about 7 months. Always had good delts, have over hear people saying 'hes not natty' when I had freak delt pumps before. All genetics, it will probably take me years to have a 'decent' squat though, can barely 3pl8
Are you like 5'4"?
The question was about 2pl8 ohp not 1pl8 and a bit
I see curlbro normies ohp 70kg man
There are worlds between 70kg and 100kg ohp
5'9, peaked at 75kg, was single digits at 65kg
not "everyone", but all normal young guys can do it.
>3pl8 squat
>1.5pl8 OHP
>after 7 months
I don't buy it. Post body.
If its taken 7 months for me to ohp more than my bw, what makes you think I cant achive 2pl8? I reached my natty limit in 7 months or something?
Yeah no one ever does, I have nothing to prove and my squat is barely 3pl8, more like 120kg 1rm, its low
because the difficulty is not fucking linear
Even 3x a week, your body sure can recover from that. Incline BP isn't an optimal choice, do variations not other exercises with different movements: pin press, unilateral presses, z press, push press(which of all full body presses is my favorite pick), BTN press. On other muscles traps, serratus anterior, the other heads of the deltoid and those smaller muscles above the lats. Also mind your shoulder health, it is a very very complex part of your body that require a lot of love, improve your bracing, glute engagement, your walk outside of the rack and feet placement(wherever you feel more powerful for standing pressing).
What about dips? What do you think about Bill Starr's OHP program?
Yeah okay, what does that mean to the potential of my ohp then? So ill never be able to do it?
Pin press seems interesting, would probably get some looks doing them but I don't worry about that. How much should I be doing on it if my bench is 100kg? Is Z press just a seated version of the OHP? How much weight should I drop for that?
nSuns 5/3/1 5 day has me doing Bench + OHP on Monday and OHP + Incline bench on Wednesday.
Maybe I could add a sixth day for shoulders, thoughts?
I'm almost at 225 for 1 rep OHP
I OHP once a week for 5 sets, but train triceps 3x and bench 2x a weekk
Absolutely, anyone can press 2 and bench 3, with proper training
>What about dips?
Mang we are talking about specificity here, any kind of pressing over your head is superior to any other form of pressing in this case, the gains from those I mentioned will actually improve more your other presses than the other way around.
>What do you think about Bill Starr's OHP program?
Just read it,looks ok. You can use others non-OHP variations, but in the end of the days those variations are king to improve you OHP.
Nice digits.
>How much should I be doing on it if my bench is 100kg?
100kg for 1rm? At least 60kg(about 1pl8) for 1rm is ok, I guess, I don't like to get this strict about numbers and ratios.
>Is Z press just a seated version of the OHP?
>How much weight should I drop for that?
Man, Z press will make you its bitch since it is so much harder, just work up to it starting from 40-30% of 1RM
>Maybe I could add a sixth day for shoulders, thoughts?
Look, I never read much into nSuns and what has he/she done to 5/3/1, see if he has OHP specialization or at least a pressing specialization program, check forums to see if someone has done it already, because I'm not into telling people to change programs. One thing is to tweak routines or workouts, programs are whole another beast. Check if Greg Knuckols has a program for it too.
Alright, thanks for the advice man.
Bingo. If you're willing to get fat enough, yes.
If you want to do it lean? Most of us probably would have to roid.
yes, it absolutely is. I hit 185 mid-cut, i have no doubt that 225 will come quickly at this rate. it might take a bit more focus, but it is absolutely possible
this is the dumbest thing i've heard today, and i just logged on like 20 minutes ago
you are a DYEL
Getting from 185 to 225 is fucking hard. I did 185 with ease natty. My last cycle I just did 210.
Hopefully you're just better than me but don't underestimate the fuckery of heavy presses
I OHP 215 lol
also who the fuck logs on to Veeky Forums
Whats your press big boy?
My best ohp was 275
>tfw blew out my shoulders doing 110lb x 12
I'm recovered, I think, but I'm still scared to start trying to grow my OHP again.
pics of shoulders
>is it possible
>with enough time and dedication
barring injury, disease, or weight limitations, 100% yes
OHP gains above bodyweight are logarithmic. Shit is hard, yo. I hit a 185 lbs (bodyweight then) press 3 years ago, PR to this day is only 205. You gotta be really dedicated (or just really big) to get to 2 plate.
That said, microloading is devil magic for OHP. Get some fractional plates after you hit bodyweight, that's the only way I made gains.
>9 months
>max 160
My strongest lift by far. I squat every day and my best squat is a lousy 250.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuh last time i PRed like a month or so ago it was a smooth 185, switched programs in the meantime though so im not sure what it is now. I've got a couple months left on this cut though so who knows
i think it's more of a mental game. Whenever that next pl8 is added, even if its just a 5lb increase from before, it always looks heavier than it is
Why would you ever do 12 reps of a primary strength movement?
Do your fives you utter pussy
225 is my goal. Currently at 175 5x5, so I got several years to go
185 to 215 took me about 6 years. But I'm sure you're just better than me so good luck.
I was just being lazy.
my point is that you dont have to get PLfat to move this kind of weight. I went from 160-185 in no that much time just by focusing on the lift a bit more than i had been
I don’t take pictures of myself anymore. This one is from last February. 6’8
Send me a postcard when you get 225. You seem very convinced that it will be easy and I hope you're right. DESU I will be very surprised if I hit it ever.
Big lift though, mirin square cube law gains.
>tfw 1/2/4/5
we greymon mode
metal fucking when
6'8 holy shit. I was thinking "yeah right that OHP with that body" but yeah there is an assload of mass there if you're that tall.
Holy shiiiit mirin hard dude
nice. i do 140 regularly and 145 on a good day. never seen anyone at the gym do 175. good shit my dude.
>tfw 1/2/2.5/3
Send help
no, it's definitely not possible for everyone, you need some really fucking good genetics to hit 225 at anything resembling a healthy bodyfat percentage
especially without fatfucking yourself as said
Kek if you can do 175 for 5 sets of 5 your 1rm is damn close to 225 already.
I can press 210. 5RM 185, 3RM 200.
3 plate is perfectly possible if you aren't a GDE
from my experience yes
got 72.5kg/100kg in a year so nearly 3/4 there
and while strength goes up more slowly year on year its also more about CNS adaptation than sheer size
dya have a massive ribcage? I do and my ohp is probably my strongest relative lift
my squat and DL suck though - struggle with 120kg squat and 150kg DL after a year
weigh 200lbs
I had 205 lbs OHP 1rm when I weighed 210 lbs, after a little less than 3 years of lifting (started out at 155 lbs, also 6ft)
I had a wrist injury from bjj that fucked up my progress but 2pl8 is doable, though difficult
>push press
>also the DYEL shoulders
strengthfags; when will they learn
>destroying your joints for this
I don't understand the attitude this board has towards gaining temporary bodyfat.
The fat doesn't move the weight you dumb motherfucker and it shouldn't take you more than a year to diet back down to whatever bf% you think will increase your odds with whatever walking petri-dish gives a fuck about your abs.
Not even bro. Maybe another two months. Sooner if you really turn on the jets.
>tfw I overstretched my back and now it hurts
I knew 60 kg were too many and still I went and rushed it, I deserve this
Is OHP hard to do?
I picked up the exercise about a year into lifting and I started with 135. I've literally never had good initial numbers in anything but now i'm horny guys
How is that OHP? With the way he bends his back its basically incline bench at that point
Most high bench presses are really decline bench presses with how crazily they arch their backs. Welcome to ego lifting.
If Jordan Feigenbaum aka /ourjew/ can do it, you can too.
Fuck off jordan, nobody cares about you.
>thread about 225lb OHP
>kid bragging about his 160lb OHP
temporary bodyfat gain on a bulk is not what i'm talking about
i'm sure you notice that most lower weight PLers are relatively lean, and most of the higher weightclass guys are relatively fat? this is because at a certain point, a higher bodyfat percentage (despite some of the negative hormonal effects) actually supports more LBM
also fat does improve your leverages for pressing somewhat
2 plate ohp in 3 months of SS
Possible. The more you weigh the better, Assuming you stay within a reasonable BF% that can be cut later (up to 20%), the closer you weight to 225 the easier it'll be.
My baseline requirements:
Strong DL - you need a really strong back to push significant weight without leg drive or turning it into a standing incline press.
Efficient bench technique - if you don't know how to bench more like a powerlifter, where it's not a "just tris & pecs, bro" bodybuilder lift, then you'll be ill prepared. Everything you use on one is present in a similar way on the other; lats, delts, tris, and even pecs. It's essential to create tension at the bottom of a lift that creates stability in turn.
Forearms - it doesn't matter what lift it is. everything is improved by a strong grip
Add in a good amount of rowing (I tend to high reps or long low rest sets alternating arms for one armed DB rows), pullups (add pulldowns if you need more volume there), and plenty of fine tuning on the shoulders. I prefer bands over machines; pulling apart a band from different angles and the inverse. I don't do much BB type shoulder work. I prefer compounds or variations. Don't forget the core work
As for rep schemes, change it up. Don;t be afraid to try lots of heavy-ish doubles & triples ala Hepburn. Do low rest stuff, try high rep sets (15-30+ reps), Bradford pressing (alternating front & back, but keep the weight light-moderate. If you can't do this you're shoulders are already fucked or will be soon). Heavy singles are godlike
I'm almost at 225 with only 6 months training under my belt. Fucking pussies. Last shoulder workout was 175x6.
I thinks abs play a MUCH larger role than you accounting for
This, once I started bracing correctly and added more ab work my OHP shot past 1pl8.
>i went from 50lbs bench to 125lbs bench, so it's only logically that my strength will keep progressing like this linearly! XDDD zyzz said so! in 10 years i will be benching 1300lbs, and by age 80 i will be benching 13,000lbs :D :D
What if I am 6'4?
there is 50lbs from 175 to 225
i illustrated my point in MS paint so it becomes more clear to your tiny brain you fat fuck
yo are those alan thrall's stats
thats called a layback or an olympic press you fkin dyel push press is where you use your legs
Short people can squat huge weight tho
What does GDE mean again?
Genetic dead end
Thank you
im pressing 5x5 75kg atm, and im only at it for a year now, so i'd say it is definitely possible
It is. I had a 200 lbs 1rm, and will try de 225 in early january. I do weight around 200 because i'm 20% bf though (yeah, I'm a fat fuck).
Just keep lifting u will see
You are like those people that think they will look like jeff seid in 4 years because they made decent gains in their first year
But you will see early enough
I got to just above 2/3/4/5 for my maxes when I weighed 225 at 5'9"
I cut 50 pounds and now I'm nowhere near those lifts anymore. In terms of Wilks score though, I'm higher than I've ever been.
Of course there are some people who can never press 2pl8. How people respond to weight training differs very much and some people just gain strength incredibly slow. Normal men can press 2pl8 if they're given enough time and train consistently.
Do you understand how advanced a 2pl8 OHP is for a man at 180lbs?
The average person doesn't and can't achieve that
>probably will never be able to do X, why bother trying
That isn't even implied in what I said