Are blacks more athletically gifted?

Lets cut the bullshit, no bias. Do black people have better genes when it comes to building muscle, strength and bodybuilding?

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Yes but they look like monkeys lmao

I mean whites literally selectively bred them to have the physical strength to work manual labor for hundreds of years sooo..

This is 100% what it is.

black people are 13% of the US population but make up 80% of nfl and nba athletes

pure coincidence everyone is exactly the same in all aspects

Look at the list of world's strongest men through the years.

White people said fuck this running around chasing after animal bullshit and kept them in cages.

Black people never really got past that and for their entire existence they've been running after animals to kill them.

I want to say it's more cultural than genetic.
Black people make up 13% of the population, but are over represented in sports because they have a very strong sports culture. I don't think I've ever known a black guy who didn't play basketball a lot as a kid.

>literally selectively bred
this is not true, however the population brought to america were selected for looking strong and would need to be healthy enough to survive a long journey in poor living conditions. If any selection occurred it was more likely incidental/non systematic.

How about black people in general, not just black people in the US? Blacks in Europe and Africa all seem to be more naturally athletic than whites.


brainlets detected

Whites dominate strength contests and the wide range of athletics competitions in the Olympics. Blacks have their niches, but they're narrower in scope.

West Africans tend to be very explosive, and make good sprinters, jumpers, etc in sports where that is valuable. Kenyans are great long distance runners. Europeans tend to be stronger, better at lifting heavy shit

>be a 1700s slave owner
>only buy strong tall black males and thicc busty black females
>they only have the options of procreating with other top tier specimen.

I mean it's not literal selective breeding but it's pretty damn close

No. Blacks being athletic is a meme pushed by Jews. Don’t believe anything you see on mainstream television. The reason why blacks dominate American sports is because of affirmative action. Olympic weightlifting and gymnastics require a lot of athleticism and blacks are no where to be found in these fields. Whites also dominate swimming.

Rugby players from Europe are more athletic than NFL players and soccer is more taxing to the body than basketball.

There are a few exceptions, but as a whole, no.

No. Pure strength, the Icelandics have the best.
We never bred them.
White people fought wars in full steel armor.
The black slaves were the losers in intertribal conflicts. They were the lowest of the west african blacks.

OP, if you stop using modern media, and base your views in reality, then you'll see that blacks are average in sports. There are some good, but every race has its top players.

Depends on the sport. Theyre shit at football (soccer) because niggers cant cooperate and lack tachtical awareness.

Hi Jimmy the Greek!

Blacks will typically dominate in running and sprinting sports. Whites will dominate endurance sports and strength sports.

> gymnastics require a lot of athleticism and blacks are no where to be found in these fields.

Simone Biles, a black woman, placed gold in gymnastics individual all around in the 2016 olympics
not sure if retarded or trolling

>Being this /pol/

most slaves were not on large plantations and they were usually married in the christian fashion

>being this reddit

Blacks are definitely good runners, though.

>current olympics
it is a shit, worthless
>the /pol/ bogeyman
tbqfhwu famalam, both 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ are absolute cancer

Shut the fuck up Boogie and get back to your shitpost thread.

Explain why West African athletes also dominate. The strongest punch EVER recorded came from a UFC Heavyweight who's is 100% West African

Look at the pic they posted.
They actually started this thread simply to post that.
They're working from a script that some barely sapient absolute retard wrote.

Their kind have infected Veeky Forums and have been posting pro "white" propoganda for almost a full year now.

>le selective bred meme
know the difference between selection and breeding numbnuts

Basketball players are greatest athletes in the world. 7 foot tall men who fly through the air and fight other 7 foot tall men in the paint

which blacks? there's all different populations of blacks and whites

american blacks probably tend to be above average but they aren't beating out giants like the Nordic countries

No, they just work harder.

Are Asians automatically smarter then whites? No, they just have a culture of not being pussies.

Topkek. No. You can go now.

You may mean well, but let's not pretend what Huemonkeys hosted in 2016 was actually the Olympics.

>white propaganda
>on Veeky Forums
>almost a full year

how new are you?

I've been on Veeky Forums almost since it's inception and I've been on Veeky Forums almost as long as it's been around.
We know what you people are doing.

How is the fact that niggers have a huge obesity problem "propaganda" in a thread about race and fitness?

Who the fuck are you calling “you people?”

Dont lie to me you reddit tier faggot.
You should kill yourself.
I'd suggest helium, but you're too retatded to do that probably.
>you people
Oh? what are 'we' doing then?

>we know what you're doing

oh shit he's on to us

building muscle and bodybuilding yes, don't know about strength
the top bodybuilders in recent years have mostly been black and mostly any famous black guy has more muscle definition that a famous white guy.
also we keep having this thread that just hits the hornets nest of /pol/tards
>hiro your new capthca is shit

"I'm OBSESSED with black people's bodies, culture and mannerisms. I hate them but I love everything about them."

>t. white people

Nah. Geographically it's East Asia, Central Asia, East Europe and North Europe that's the strongest.

>Simone Biles, a black woman
Really nigger? You know nobody here is talking about women """sports""". We're talking peak human performance, not the genderlet league.

Kill yourself.

Very few white people ever owned armour, most couldn't afford it. Only the extremely rich had a full suit. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about

came here to post this
this (mostly american) obsession for black people is a pointless exercise in cuckery

Damn cuckposting has spilled over into Veeky Forums too?


They also have higher thieving levels. Pretty low intelligence, though.

To undestand this you have to take into account a couple of facts about US niggers
>70% of niglets born out of wedlock
>50% of murders committed by niggers
>highest obesity rates of any race
>rock bottom in terms of intellectual accomplishments
>and so on, and so on
Naturally "egalitarians" in the (((media))) are desperate to run damage control and create positive perceptions around black people that counterbalance the reality of their terrible dysfunction.

>Pure strength, the Icelandics have the best
Yet they make shit weightlifters and don't really dominate powerlifting in any way. They used to be on top of strongman but it's more popular now. The only strongman to win 5 WSM was polish and the overall best strongman in terms of achievements was lithuanian.

small joints = great for bodybuilding. Also dark ass skin helps with appearing muscular.

Shit leverages for weightlifting, they pop up here and there in powerlifting. I would say they're average when it comes to building muscle/strength but it goes a lot further for bodybuilding.

>be me
>23yo liberal
>even worked for Dem campaigns
>move to big city
>do menial work
>take public transit
>now 28
>Read WN sites daily, post on /pol/, really only care about seeing the ethnostate in my lifetime

LOL how about a few facts about the europeans
>at least 400 years of enslaving and genociding
people of color
>WWI AND WWII resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths
>literally hog all of the resources that wouldn't of even been possible to gather without tens of millions of slaves

hurr durr muh racial superiority

>White Man excels in everything including warfare
>"hurr durr muh racial superiority"
Sorry, did you have a point?

>Thinking a couple hundred years of small scale selective breeding could change anything


this. rap and sports are alot of peoples ticket out of the hood.

Absolutely. Get fucked whyte boi

>Rugby players from Europe are more athletic than NFL players

ok you definitely just pulled that out of your ass lmao

t. d1 college football player

POC tried to enslave and genocide Europeans, it's just that Europeans won. The rest of your points are criticizing the development of advanced tech. So yeah, Europeans and their descendants developed essentially everything that makes the modern world what it is today, would you rather be living 400 years ago?
>hog all the resources
lmfao how childish is your thought process? Do you really think that's how things work? That the reason Africa isn't rich is that the resources have been "hogged"?
Also it's ridiculous to claim the resources couldn't have been gathered without slaves, sure it would've been more expensive but it would've happened.

Wow way to rebuttal my facts with shit you clearly just made up on the spot

Every dog breed has something to say to you.


I think it's mainly a cultural thing, black people dominate professional basketball but there are little to none in shit like Olympic swimming (or at least few very notable ones).

As for weight lifting and body building, there are enough notable people for it to really just be up to random good genes.

I don't know why people keep making these threads, is it just an excuse for you to say stupid shit like "im not ripped because im not black." You should really only care about yourself